2013-10-14 23:09:13 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
2013-10-15 00:33:18 +02:00
searx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
searx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with searx. If not, see < http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ >.
(C) 2013- by Adam Tauber, <asciimoo@gmail.com>
2020-08-06 17:42:46 +02:00
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
print('\033[1;31m Python2 is no longer supported\033[0m')
2014-02-14 16:16:20 +01:00
if __name__ == '__main__':
from os.path import realpath, dirname
2020-08-06 17:42:46 +02:00
sys.path.append(realpath(dirname(realpath(__file__)) + '/../'))
2014-02-14 16:16:20 +01:00
2015-01-17 21:54:40 +01:00
import hashlib
2016-10-16 23:40:56 +02:00
import hmac
import json
import os
2016-11-30 18:43:03 +01:00
2015-04-10 01:10:49 +02:00
import requests
2014-01-21 21:28:54 +01:00
2015-03-10 19:55:22 +01:00
from searx import logger
logger = logger.getChild('webapp')
2014-03-14 09:55:04 +01:00
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
2019-07-17 10:38:45 +02:00
from time import time
2020-08-06 17:42:46 +02:00
from html import escape
from io import StringIO
2021-04-03 13:56:47 +02:00
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlparse
2020-08-06 17:42:46 +02:00
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
2020-11-03 11:35:53 +01:00
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
2020-08-06 17:42:46 +02:00
2020-02-06 22:40:58 +01:00
from werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix import ProxyFix
2014-02-05 20:24:31 +01:00
from flask import (
Flask, request, render_template, url_for, Response, make_response,
redirect, send_from_directory
2020-02-23 21:46:26 -07:00
from babel.support import Translations
import flask_babel
2016-07-04 22:46:43 +02:00
from flask_babel import Babel, gettext, format_date, format_decimal
2020-04-15 23:24:12 +02:00
from flask.ctx import has_request_context
2016-06-07 23:08:48 +02:00
from flask.json import jsonify
2020-07-14 18:56:57 +02:00
from searx import brand, static_path
2016-10-22 19:07:37 +02:00
from searx import settings, searx_dir, searx_debug
2016-11-30 18:43:03 +01:00
from searx.exceptions import SearxParameterException
2014-02-05 20:24:31 +01:00
from searx.engines import (
2020-12-16 13:41:32 +01:00
categories, engines, engine_shortcuts, get_engines_stats
2014-02-05 20:24:31 +01:00
2020-09-19 18:25:24 +02:00
from searx.webutils import (
UnicodeWriter, highlight_content, get_resources_directory,
get_static_files, get_result_templates, get_themes,
2020-10-01 14:18:00 +02:00
prettify_url, new_hmac, is_flask_run_cmdline
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
2020-09-22 18:03:42 +02:00
from searx.webadapter import get_search_query_from_webapp, get_selected_categories
2020-09-19 18:25:24 +02:00
from searx.utils import html_to_text, gen_useragent, dict_subset, match_language
2014-11-18 11:37:42 +01:00
from searx.version import VERSION_STRING
2018-02-28 22:30:48 -06:00
from searx.languages import language_codes as languages
2021-01-05 11:24:39 +01:00
from searx.search import SearchWithPlugins, initialize as search_initialize
from searx.search.checker import get_result as checker_get_result
2016-11-14 22:15:03 +01:00
from searx.query import RawTextQuery
2021-02-22 18:13:50 +01:00
from searx.autocomplete import search_autocomplete, backends as autocomplete_backends
2015-03-10 19:55:22 +01:00
from searx.plugins import plugins
2017-11-01 13:58:48 +01:00
from searx.plugins.oa_doi_rewrite import get_doi_resolver
2018-02-28 22:30:48 -06:00
from searx.preferences import Preferences, ValidationException, LANGUAGE_CODES
2016-11-19 20:53:51 +01:00
from searx.answerers import answerers
2020-11-16 12:44:07 +01:00
from searx.poolrequests import get_global_proxies
2021-02-22 18:13:50 +01:00
from searx.answerers import ask
2020-11-26 15:12:11 +01:00
from searx.metrology.error_recorder import errors_per_engines
2013-12-01 23:52:49 +01:00
2016-09-15 14:47:09 +03:00
# serve pages with HTTP/1.1
from werkzeug.serving import WSGIRequestHandler
2016-12-25 23:31:51 +01:00
WSGIRequestHandler.protocol_version = "HTTP/{}".format(settings['server'].get('http_protocol_version', '1.0'))
2013-10-14 23:09:13 +02:00
2020-12-21 10:21:10 +01:00
# check secret_key
if not searx_debug and settings['server']['secret_key'] == 'ultrasecretkey':
logger.error('server.secret_key is not changed. Please use something else instead of ultrasecretkey.')
2017-01-06 13:23:30 +01:00
# about static
static_path = get_resources_directory(searx_dir, 'static', settings['ui']['static_path'])
logger.debug('static directory is %s', static_path)
static_files = get_static_files(static_path)
2014-10-09 19:26:02 +02:00
2017-01-06 13:23:30 +01:00
# about templates
2015-08-02 19:38:27 +02:00
default_theme = settings['ui']['default_theme']
2017-01-06 13:23:30 +01:00
templates_path = get_resources_directory(searx_dir, 'templates', settings['ui']['templates_path'])
logger.debug('templates directory is %s', templates_path)
2017-01-06 13:52:59 +01:00
themes = get_themes(templates_path)
2017-01-06 13:23:30 +01:00
result_templates = get_result_templates(templates_path)
global_favicons = []
for indice, theme in enumerate(themes):
theme_img_path = os.path.join(static_path, 'themes', theme, 'img', 'icons')
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(theme_img_path):
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
2017-01-06 13:23:30 +01:00
# Flask app
2014-01-19 22:59:01 +01:00
app = Flask(
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
2014-01-19 22:59:01 +01:00
2015-02-14 01:42:06 +01:00
app.jinja_env.trim_blocks = True
app.jinja_env.lstrip_blocks = True
2020-11-03 11:35:53 +01:00
app.jinja_env.add_extension('jinja2.ext.loopcontrols') # pylint: disable=no-member
2014-01-19 22:59:01 +01:00
app.secret_key = settings['server']['secret_key']
2014-01-14 18:17:19 +01:00
2020-10-01 14:18:00 +02:00
# see https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/cli/
# True if "FLASK_APP=searx/webapp.py FLASK_ENV=development flask run"
flask_run_development = \
os.environ.get("FLASK_APP") is not None\
and os.environ.get("FLASK_ENV") == 'development'\
and is_flask_run_cmdline()
# True if reload feature is activated of werkzeug, False otherwise (including uwsgi, etc..)
# __name__ != "__main__" if searx.webapp is imported (make test, make docs, uwsgi...)
# see run() at the end of this file : searx_debug activates the reload feature.
werkzeug_reloader = flask_run_development or (searx_debug and __name__ == "__main__")
# initialize the engines except on the first run of the werkzeug server.
if not werkzeug_reloader\
or (werkzeug_reloader and os.environ.get("WERKZEUG_RUN_MAIN") == "true"):
2021-01-05 11:24:39 +01:00
2020-08-31 18:59:27 +02:00
2014-01-22 00:15:23 +01:00
babel = Babel(app)
2020-05-31 20:02:58 +02:00
rtl_locales = ['ar', 'arc', 'bcc', 'bqi', 'ckb', 'dv', 'fa', 'fa_IR', 'glk', 'he',
2018-02-28 22:30:48 -06:00
'ku', 'mzn', 'pnb', 'ps', 'sd', 'ug', 'ur', 'yi']
2021-02-03 01:02:21 -07:00
ui_locale_codes = [l.replace('_', '-') for l in settings['locales'].keys()]
2015-02-10 15:23:56 +01:00
2016-04-09 19:47:06 +02:00
# used when translating category names
2015-02-10 23:14:37 +01:00
_category_names = (gettext('files'),
gettext('social media'),
2016-01-21 10:45:34 +01:00
2016-05-19 00:38:43 -05:00
2016-01-21 15:57:02 +01:00
2015-02-10 23:14:37 +01:00
2020-02-23 21:46:26 -07:00
_flask_babel_get_translations = flask_babel.get_translations
# monkey patch for flask_babel.get_translations
def _get_translations():
2020-04-15 23:24:12 +02:00
if has_request_context() and request.form.get('use-translation') == 'oc':
2020-02-23 21:46:26 -07:00
babel_ext = flask_babel.current_app.extensions['babel']
2020-04-15 23:24:12 +02:00
return Translations.load(next(babel_ext.translation_directories), 'oc')
return _flask_babel_get_translations()
2020-02-23 21:46:26 -07:00
flask_babel.get_translations = _get_translations
2014-01-19 23:04:09 +01:00
2020-09-15 09:56:39 +02:00
def _get_browser_or_settings_language(request, lang_list):
2020-02-23 02:03:42 -07:00
for lang in request.headers.get("Accept-Language", "en").split(","):
2020-03-16 00:22:15 +01:00
if ';' in lang:
lang = lang.split(';')[0]
2021-02-03 01:02:21 -07:00
if '-' in lang:
lang_parts = lang.split('-')
lang = "{}-{}".format(lang_parts[0], lang_parts[-1].upper())
2020-02-23 02:03:42 -07:00
locale = match_language(lang, lang_list, fallback=None)
if locale is not None:
return locale
2020-03-16 00:22:15 +01:00
return settings['search']['default_lang'] or 'en'
2020-02-23 02:03:42 -07:00
2014-01-22 00:15:23 +01:00
def get_locale():
2019-11-15 09:31:37 +01:00
if 'locale' in request.form\
and request.form['locale'] in settings['locales']:
2020-09-15 09:56:39 +02:00
# use locale from the form
2014-01-22 00:59:18 +01:00
locale = request.form['locale']
2020-09-15 09:56:39 +02:00
locale_source = 'form'
elif request.preferences.get_value('locale') != '':
# use locale from the preferences
locale = request.preferences.get_value('locale')
locale_source = 'preferences'
# use local from the browser
2021-02-03 01:02:21 -07:00
locale = _get_browser_or_settings_language(request, ui_locale_codes)
locale = locale.replace('-', '_')
2020-09-15 09:56:39 +02:00
locale_source = 'browser'
2014-01-22 00:59:18 +01:00
2020-09-15 09:56:39 +02:00
# see _get_translations function
# and https://github.com/searx/searx/pull/1863
2020-02-23 21:46:26 -07:00
if locale == 'oc':
request.form['use-translation'] = 'oc'
locale = 'fr_FR'
2020-09-15 09:56:39 +02:00
logger.debug("%s uses locale `%s` from %s", request.url, locale, locale_source)
2014-01-22 00:59:18 +01:00
return locale
2014-01-22 00:15:23 +01:00
2014-12-20 23:33:03 +01:00
# code-highlighter
def code_highlighter(codelines, language=None):
if not language:
language = 'text'
2014-12-22 16:26:45 +01:00
# find lexer by programing language
lexer = get_lexer_by_name(language, stripall=True)
# if lexer is not found, using default one
2015-01-15 18:39:40 +01:00
logger.debug('highlighter cannot find lexer for {0}'.format(language))
2014-12-22 16:26:45 +01:00
lexer = get_lexer_by_name('text', stripall=True)
2014-12-20 23:33:03 +01:00
html_code = ''
tmp_code = ''
last_line = None
# parse lines
for line, code in codelines:
if not last_line:
line_code_start = line
# new codeblock is detected
2014-12-22 16:26:45 +01:00
if last_line is not None and\
last_line + 1 != line:
2014-12-20 23:33:03 +01:00
# highlight last codepart
2014-12-22 16:26:45 +01:00
formatter = HtmlFormatter(linenos='inline',
2020-09-16 08:53:05 +02:00
2014-12-20 23:33:03 +01:00
html_code = html_code + highlight(tmp_code, lexer, formatter)
2014-12-22 16:26:45 +01:00
2014-12-20 23:33:03 +01:00
# reset conditions for next codepart
tmp_code = ''
line_code_start = line
# add codepart
tmp_code += code + '\n'
2014-12-22 16:26:45 +01:00
2014-12-20 23:33:03 +01:00
# update line
last_line = line
# highlight last codepart
2020-09-16 08:53:05 +02:00
formatter = HtmlFormatter(linenos='inline', linenostart=line_code_start, cssclass="code-highlight")
2014-12-20 23:33:03 +01:00
html_code = html_code + highlight(tmp_code, lexer, formatter)
return html_code
2015-02-15 19:09:17 +01:00
# Extract domain from url
def extract_domain(url):
return urlparse(url)[1]
2014-01-14 18:17:19 +01:00
def get_base_url():
2021-04-03 13:56:47 +02:00
return url_for('index', _external=True)
2014-01-14 18:17:19 +01:00
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
def get_current_theme_name(override=None):
"""Returns theme name.
Checks in this order:
1. override
2. cookies
3. settings"""
2017-01-13 22:15:11 +01:00
if override and (override in themes or override == '__common__'):
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
return override
2016-04-08 16:38:05 +02:00
theme_name = request.args.get('theme', request.preferences.get_value('theme'))
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
if theme_name not in themes:
theme_name = default_theme
return theme_name
2015-01-01 18:59:53 +01:00
def get_result_template(theme, template_name):
themed_path = theme + '/result_templates/' + template_name
if themed_path in result_templates:
return themed_path
return 'result_templates/' + template_name
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
def url_for_theme(endpoint, override_theme=None, **values):
2015-01-01 17:48:12 +01:00
if endpoint == 'static' and values.get('filename'):
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
theme_name = get_current_theme_name(override=override_theme)
2015-01-01 17:48:12 +01:00
filename_with_theme = "themes/{}/{}".format(theme_name, values['filename'])
if filename_with_theme in static_files:
values['filename'] = filename_with_theme
2020-10-08 14:19:00 +02:00
url = url_for(endpoint, **values)
return url
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
2016-10-17 00:22:41 +02:00
def proxify(url):
if url.startswith('//'):
url = 'https:' + url
if not settings.get('result_proxy'):
return url
2020-08-06 17:42:46 +02:00
url_params = dict(mortyurl=url.encode())
2016-10-29 23:12:24 +02:00
if settings['result_proxy'].get('key'):
url_params['mortyhash'] = hmac.new(settings['result_proxy']['key'],
2020-08-06 17:42:46 +02:00
2016-10-29 23:12:24 +02:00
2016-10-17 00:22:41 +02:00
return '{0}?{1}'.format(settings['result_proxy']['url'],
2016-10-29 23:12:24 +02:00
2016-10-17 00:22:41 +02:00
2015-01-16 16:26:15 +01:00
def image_proxify(url):
if url.startswith('//'):
url = 'https:' + url
2016-04-09 18:32:07 +02:00
if not request.preferences.get_value('image_proxy'):
2015-01-16 16:26:15 +01:00
return url
2020-06-22 13:57:33 +02:00
if url.startswith('data:image/'):
# 50 is an arbitrary number to get only the beginning of the image.
partial_base64 = url[len('data:image/'):50].split(';')
if len(partial_base64) == 2 \
and partial_base64[0] in ['gif', 'png', 'jpeg', 'pjpeg', 'webp', 'tiff', 'bmp']\
and partial_base64[1].startswith('base64,'):
return url
return None
2019-01-18 09:04:40 +01:00
2016-10-30 21:15:18 +01:00
if settings.get('result_proxy'):
return proxify(url)
2020-08-06 17:42:46 +02:00
h = new_hmac(settings['server']['secret_key'], url.encode())
2015-01-18 09:54:24 +01:00
2015-01-16 16:26:15 +01:00
return '{0}?{1}'.format(url_for('image_proxy'),
2020-08-06 17:42:46 +02:00
urlencode(dict(url=url.encode(), h=h)))
2015-01-16 16:26:15 +01:00
2021-03-16 11:07:04 +01:00
def get_translations():
return {
# when overpass AJAX request fails (on a map result)
'could_not_load': gettext('could not load data'),
# when there is autocompletion
'no_item_found': gettext('No item found')
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
def render(template_name, override_theme=None, **kwargs):
2016-04-09 18:26:29 +02:00
disabled_engines = request.preferences.engines.get_disabled()
2014-03-29 16:29:19 +01:00
2016-04-09 18:26:29 +02:00
enabled_categories = set(category for engine_name in engines
for category in engines[engine_name].categories
if (engine_name, category) not in disabled_engines)
2014-03-29 16:29:19 +01:00
2014-10-19 12:41:04 +02:00
if 'categories' not in kwargs:
2020-03-30 23:24:30 +02:00
kwargs['categories'] = [x for x in
if x in enabled_categories]
2014-03-29 16:29:19 +01:00
2014-10-19 12:41:04 +02:00
if 'autocomplete' not in kwargs:
2016-04-09 18:32:07 +02:00
kwargs['autocomplete'] = request.preferences.get_value('autocomplete')
2014-03-29 16:29:19 +01:00
2019-03-28 18:07:03 +01:00
locale = request.preferences.get_value('locale')
if locale in rtl_locales and 'rtl' not in kwargs:
2015-02-10 15:23:56 +01:00
kwargs['rtl'] = True
2014-11-18 11:37:42 +01:00
kwargs['searx_version'] = VERSION_STRING
2016-04-08 16:38:05 +02:00
kwargs['method'] = request.preferences.get_value('method')
2014-03-29 16:45:22 +01:00
2016-04-08 16:38:05 +02:00
kwargs['safesearch'] = str(request.preferences.get_value('safesearch'))
2015-02-08 21:53:37 +01:00
2018-02-28 22:30:48 -06:00
kwargs['language_codes'] = languages
2016-08-05 23:34:56 -05:00
if 'current_language' not in kwargs:
2018-02-28 22:30:48 -06:00
kwargs['current_language'] = match_language(request.preferences.get_value('language'),
2020-02-23 02:03:42 -07:00
2016-08-05 23:34:56 -05:00
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
# override url_for function in templates
kwargs['url_for'] = url_for_theme
2015-01-16 16:26:15 +01:00
kwargs['image_proxify'] = image_proxify
2017-07-19 21:33:44 +02:00
kwargs['proxify'] = proxify if settings.get('result_proxy', {}).get('url') else None
2016-10-17 00:22:41 +02:00
2020-10-05 15:38:05 +02:00
kwargs['opensearch_url'] = url_for('opensearch') + '?' \
+ urlencode({'method': kwargs['method'], 'autocomplete': kwargs['autocomplete']})
2015-01-01 18:59:53 +01:00
kwargs['get_result_template'] = get_result_template
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
kwargs['theme'] = get_current_theme_name(override=override_theme)
2014-11-18 19:55:39 +01:00
2014-09-22 22:42:29 +02:00
kwargs['template_name'] = template_name
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
2015-01-20 16:29:54 +01:00
kwargs['cookies'] = request.cookies
2016-11-14 22:07:23 +01:00
kwargs['errors'] = request.errors
2016-02-27 18:16:40 +01:00
kwargs['instance_name'] = settings['general']['instance_name']
2016-09-04 15:56:46 +02:00
kwargs['results_on_new_tab'] = request.preferences.get_value('results_on_new_tab')
2017-12-05 22:30:20 +01:00
kwargs['preferences'] = request.preferences
2020-03-25 11:49:33 +01:00
kwargs['brand'] = brand
2021-03-16 11:07:04 +01:00
kwargs['translations'] = json.dumps(get_translations(), separators=(',', ':'))
2015-04-12 19:24:01 +02:00
kwargs['scripts'] = set()
2020-06-04 19:20:44 +02:00
kwargs['endpoint'] = 'results' if 'q' in kwargs else request.endpoint
2015-04-12 19:24:01 +02:00
for plugin in request.user_plugins:
for script in plugin.js_dependencies:
kwargs['styles'] = set()
for plugin in request.user_plugins:
for css in plugin.css_dependencies:
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
return render_template(
'{}/{}'.format(kwargs['theme'], template_name), **kwargs)
2013-10-15 20:50:12 +02:00
2014-01-19 22:59:01 +01:00
2020-03-30 23:24:30 +02:00
def _get_ordered_categories():
ordered_categories = []
if 'categories_order' not in settings['ui']:
ordered_categories = ['general']
ordered_categories.extend(x for x in sorted(categories.keys()) if x != 'general')
return ordered_categories
ordered_categories = settings['ui']['categories_order']
ordered_categories.extend(x for x in sorted(categories.keys()) if x not in ordered_categories)
return ordered_categories
2015-03-10 20:44:02 +01:00
def pre_request():
2019-07-17 10:38:45 +02:00
request.start_time = time()
request.timings = []
2016-11-14 22:07:23 +01:00
request.errors = []
2016-11-30 18:43:03 +01:00
preferences = Preferences(themes, list(categories.keys()), engines, plugins)
2020-08-18 19:29:58 +03:00
user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent', '').lower()
if 'webkit' in user_agent and 'android' in user_agent:
preferences.key_value_settings['method'].value = 'GET'
2016-11-15 09:56:18 +01:00
request.preferences = preferences
2016-09-04 15:56:46 +02:00
2017-07-10 12:47:25 +02:00
2016-09-04 15:56:46 +02:00
2016-11-14 22:07:23 +01:00
request.errors.append(gettext('Invalid settings, please edit your preferences'))
2016-04-08 16:38:05 +02:00
2016-11-14 22:07:23 +01:00
# merge GET, POST vars
2016-10-22 13:10:31 +02:00
# request.form
2015-03-10 22:45:59 +01:00
request.form = dict(request.form.items())
2015-03-15 12:13:24 +01:00
for k, v in request.args.items():
2015-03-10 22:45:59 +01:00
if k not in request.form:
request.form[k] = v
2017-10-25 23:56:37 +02:00
if request.form.get('preferences'):
2020-11-16 09:43:23 +01:00
except Exception:
2017-10-25 23:56:37 +02:00
logger.exception('invalid settings')
request.errors.append(gettext('Invalid settings'))
2015-03-10 20:44:02 +01:00
2019-03-28 18:07:03 +01:00
# init search language and locale
if not preferences.get_value("language"):
2020-09-15 09:56:39 +02:00
preferences.parse_dict({"language": _get_browser_or_settings_language(request, LANGUAGE_CODES)})
2019-03-28 18:07:03 +01:00
if not preferences.get_value("locale"):
2020-02-23 02:03:42 -07:00
preferences.parse_dict({"locale": get_locale()})
2019-03-28 18:07:03 +01:00
2016-10-22 13:10:31 +02:00
# request.user_plugins
2015-03-10 20:44:02 +01:00
request.user_plugins = []
2016-04-08 16:38:05 +02:00
allowed_plugins = preferences.plugins.get_enabled()
disabled_plugins = preferences.plugins.get_disabled()
2015-03-10 20:44:02 +01:00
for plugin in plugins:
2015-03-11 18:57:36 +01:00
if ((plugin.default_on and plugin.id not in disabled_plugins)
or plugin.id in allowed_plugins):
2015-03-10 20:44:02 +01:00
2020-11-04 17:32:51 +01:00
def add_default_headers(response):
# set default http headers
for header, value in settings['server'].get('default_http_headers', {}).items():
if header in response.headers:
response.headers[header] = value
return response
2019-07-17 10:38:45 +02:00
def post_request(response):
total_time = time() - request.start_time
timings_all = ['total;dur=' + str(round(total_time * 1000, 3))]
if len(request.timings) > 0:
timings = sorted(request.timings, key=lambda v: v['total'])
timings_total = ['total_' + str(i) + '_' + v['engine'] +
';dur=' + str(round(v['total'] * 1000, 3)) for i, v in enumerate(timings)]
timings_load = ['load_' + str(i) + '_' + v['engine'] +
';dur=' + str(round(v['load'] * 1000, 3)) for i, v in enumerate(timings)]
timings_all = timings_all + timings_total + timings_load
response.headers.add('Server-Timing', ', '.join(timings_all))
return response
2017-01-20 18:52:47 +01:00
def index_error(output_format, error_message):
if output_format == 'json':
return Response(json.dumps({'error': error_message}),
elif output_format == 'csv':
response = Response('', mimetype='application/csv')
cont_disp = 'attachment;Filename=searx.csv'
response.headers.add('Content-Disposition', cont_disp)
return response
elif output_format == 'rss':
response_rss = render(
q=request.form['q'] if 'q' in request.form else '',
2017-02-13 21:36:45 +01:00
2017-01-20 18:52:47 +01:00
return Response(response_rss, mimetype='text/xml')
# html
request.errors.append(gettext('search error'))
return render(
2020-09-24 16:26:00 +02:00
selected_categories=get_selected_categories(request.preferences, request.form),
2017-01-20 18:52:47 +01:00
2014-01-14 18:19:21 +01:00
@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
2013-10-14 23:09:13 +02:00
def index():
2019-07-29 21:25:05 -07:00
"""Render index page."""
2020-11-22 18:00:21 +01:00
# UI
2020-11-23 19:13:29 +01:00
advanced_search = request.preferences.get_value('advanced_search')
2020-11-22 18:00:21 +01:00
2019-07-29 21:25:05 -07:00
# redirect to search if there's a query in the request
if request.form.get('q'):
2020-11-06 12:11:52 +01:00
query = ('?' + request.query_string.decode()) if request.query_string else ''
return redirect(url_for('search') + query, 308)
2019-07-29 21:25:05 -07:00
return render(
2020-11-06 12:11:52 +01:00
selected_categories=get_selected_categories(request.preferences, request.form),
2020-11-22 18:00:21 +01:00
2019-07-29 21:25:05 -07:00
@app.route('/search', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def search():
"""Search query in q and return results.
2014-01-31 07:08:24 +01:00
Supported outputs: html, json, csv, rss.
2013-11-04 00:18:07 +01:00
2017-01-20 18:52:47 +01:00
# output_format
output_format = request.form.get('format', 'html')
if output_format not in ['html', 'csv', 'json', 'rss']:
output_format = 'html'
2020-11-06 12:11:52 +01:00
# check if there is query (not None and not an empty string)
if not request.form.get('q'):
2017-01-20 18:52:47 +01:00
if output_format == 'html':
return render(
2020-11-26 16:27:46 +01:00
2020-09-24 16:26:00 +02:00
selected_categories=get_selected_categories(request.preferences, request.form),
2017-01-20 18:52:47 +01:00
return index_error(output_format, 'No query'), 400
2014-02-07 03:15:34 +01:00
2016-10-22 13:10:31 +02:00
# search
search_query = None
2019-07-16 16:27:29 +02:00
raw_text_query = None
2016-10-22 13:10:31 +02:00
result_container = None
2014-02-07 01:19:07 +01:00
2020-09-22 16:55:59 +02:00
search_query, raw_text_query, _, _ = get_search_query_from_webapp(request.preferences, request.form)
2016-10-22 13:10:31 +02:00
# search = Search(search_query) # without plugins
2017-01-02 12:06:04 +01:00
search = SearchWithPlugins(search_query, request.user_plugins, request)
2020-07-03 15:25:04 +02:00
2016-10-22 13:10:31 +02:00
result_container = search.search()
2020-07-03 15:25:04 +02:00
2020-11-03 11:35:53 +01:00
except SearxParameterException as e:
logger.exception('search error: SearxParameterException')
return index_error(output_format, e.message), 400
2017-01-20 18:52:47 +01:00
except Exception as e:
2016-11-14 15:49:06 +01:00
logger.exception('search error')
2020-11-03 11:35:53 +01:00
return index_error(output_format, gettext('search error')), 500
2017-01-20 18:52:47 +01:00
# results
2016-10-22 13:10:31 +02:00
results = result_container.get_ordered_results()
2017-01-20 18:52:47 +01:00
number_of_results = result_container.results_number()
if number_of_results < result_container.results_length():
number_of_results = 0
2014-02-07 01:19:07 +01:00
2020-07-03 15:25:04 +02:00
# checkin for a external bang
if result_container.redirect_url:
return redirect(result_container.redirect_url)
2019-07-17 10:38:45 +02:00
# Server-Timing header
request.timings = result_container.get_timings()
2016-10-22 13:10:31 +02:00
# output
2016-07-16 21:41:02 +02:00
for result in results:
2016-10-22 13:10:31 +02:00
if output_format == 'html':
2016-09-05 22:22:25 +02:00
if 'content' in result and result['content']:
2016-11-30 18:43:03 +01:00
result['content'] = highlight_content(escape(result['content'][:1024]), search_query.query)
2019-09-23 17:14:32 +02:00
if 'title' in result and result['title']:
2020-08-06 17:42:46 +02:00
result['title'] = highlight_content(escape(result['title'] or ''), search_query.query)
2014-01-10 23:38:08 +01:00
2015-04-12 17:37:01 +02:00
if result.get('content'):
2014-01-10 23:38:08 +01:00
result['content'] = html_to_text(result['content']).strip()
2014-02-04 19:42:32 +01:00
# removing html content and whitespace duplications
2015-04-12 17:37:01 +02:00
result['title'] = ' '.join(html_to_text(result['title']).strip().split())
2014-06-24 16:30:04 +02:00
2019-09-23 17:14:32 +02:00
if 'url' in result:
result['pretty_url'] = prettify_url(result['url'])
2013-11-15 19:28:30 +01:00
2014-03-14 09:55:04 +01:00
# TODO, check if timezone is calculated right
2021-04-04 12:43:55 +02:00
if result.get('publishedDate'): # do not try to get a date from an empty string or a None type
2016-03-29 11:59:16 +02:00
try: # test if publishedDate >= 1900 (datetime module bug)
result['pubdate'] = result['publishedDate'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z')
except ValueError:
result['publishedDate'] = None
2014-03-14 09:55:04 +01:00
2016-03-29 11:59:16 +02:00
if result['publishedDate'].replace(tzinfo=None) >= datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1):
timedifference = datetime.now() - result['publishedDate'].replace(tzinfo=None)
minutes = int((timedifference.seconds / 60) % 60)
hours = int(timedifference.seconds / 60 / 60)
if hours == 0:
2020-08-06 17:42:46 +02:00
result['publishedDate'] = gettext('{minutes} minute(s) ago').format(minutes=minutes)
2016-03-29 11:59:16 +02:00
2020-08-06 17:42:46 +02:00
result['publishedDate'] = gettext('{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago').format(hours=hours, minutes=minutes) # noqa
2016-03-29 11:59:16 +02:00
result['publishedDate'] = format_date(result['publishedDate'])
2014-03-14 09:55:04 +01:00
2016-10-22 13:10:31 +02:00
if output_format == 'json':
2020-08-11 16:25:03 +02:00
return Response(json.dumps({'query': search_query.query,
2016-07-16 21:37:40 +02:00
'number_of_results': number_of_results,
2016-12-10 21:38:34 +01:00
'results': results,
'answers': list(result_container.answers),
2017-01-14 18:40:37 +10:00
'corrections': list(result_container.corrections),
2016-12-10 21:38:34 +01:00
'infoboxes': result_container.infoboxes,
2017-07-09 22:09:46 +02:00
'suggestions': list(result_container.suggestions),
2020-04-17 16:31:02 +02:00
'unresponsive_engines': __get_translated_errors(result_container.unresponsive_engines)}, # noqa
2017-11-15 21:31:27 +08:00
default=lambda item: list(item) if isinstance(item, set) else item),
2014-01-20 02:31:20 +01:00
2016-10-22 13:10:31 +02:00
elif output_format == 'csv':
2016-11-30 18:43:03 +01:00
csv = UnicodeWriter(StringIO())
2020-03-13 00:50:19 +01:00
keys = ('title', 'url', 'content', 'host', 'engine', 'score', 'type')
2015-10-03 17:26:07 +02:00
2016-07-16 21:41:02 +02:00
for row in results:
2015-10-03 17:26:07 +02:00
row['host'] = row['parsed_url'].netloc
2020-03-13 00:50:19 +01:00
row['type'] = 'result'
csv.writerow([row.get(key, '') for key in keys])
for a in result_container.answers:
row = {'title': a, 'type': 'answer'}
csv.writerow([row.get(key, '') for key in keys])
for a in result_container.suggestions:
row = {'title': a, 'type': 'suggestion'}
csv.writerow([row.get(key, '') for key in keys])
for a in result_container.corrections:
row = {'title': a, 'type': 'correction'}
2015-10-03 17:26:07 +02:00
csv.writerow([row.get(key, '') for key in keys])
2013-11-15 19:28:30 +01:00
response = Response(csv.stream.read(), mimetype='application/csv')
2020-08-11 16:25:03 +02:00
cont_disp = 'attachment;Filename=searx_-_{0}.csv'.format(search_query.query)
2014-02-07 02:45:12 +01:00
response.headers.add('Content-Disposition', cont_disp)
2013-11-15 18:55:18 +01:00
return response
2020-07-03 15:25:04 +02:00
2016-10-22 13:10:31 +02:00
elif output_format == 'rss':
2014-01-19 22:59:01 +01:00
response_rss = render(
2016-07-16 21:41:02 +02:00
2020-03-13 00:43:05 +01:00
2016-11-02 14:52:22 +01:00
2016-07-16 21:37:40 +02:00
2017-01-13 22:15:11 +01:00
2014-01-19 22:59:01 +01:00
2014-01-14 22:18:21 +01:00
return Response(response_rss, mimetype='text/xml')
2014-01-14 18:17:19 +01:00
2019-07-16 16:27:29 +02:00
# HTML output format
# suggestions: use RawTextQuery to get the suggestion URLs with the same bang
2019-08-25 23:01:30 -07:00
suggestion_urls = list(map(lambda suggestion: {
2020-09-14 10:11:49 +02:00
'url': raw_text_query.changeQuery(suggestion).getFullQuery(),
2019-08-25 23:01:30 -07:00
'title': suggestion
2019-10-22 21:38:21 -07:00
correction_urls = list(map(lambda correction: {
2020-09-14 10:11:49 +02:00
'url': raw_text_query.changeQuery(correction).getFullQuery(),
2019-10-22 21:38:21 -07:00
'title': correction
2019-07-16 16:27:29 +02:00
2014-01-19 22:59:01 +01:00
return render(
2016-07-16 21:41:02 +02:00
2016-11-02 14:52:22 +01:00
2016-10-22 13:10:31 +02:00
2016-07-16 21:37:40 +02:00
2019-07-16 16:27:29 +02:00
2016-10-22 13:10:31 +02:00
2019-10-22 21:38:21 -07:00
2016-10-22 13:10:31 +02:00
2021-03-02 14:24:55 +01:00
2016-10-22 13:10:31 +02:00
2020-04-17 16:31:02 +02:00
2018-02-28 22:30:48 -06:00
2019-03-28 18:07:03 +01:00
2014-03-04 18:53:56 +01:00
2014-12-12 19:09:02 +01:00
2019-08-02 13:50:51 +02:00
timeout_limit=request.form.get('timeout_limit', None)
2014-01-19 22:59:01 +01:00
2014-01-01 22:16:53 +01:00
2013-10-14 23:09:13 +02:00
2020-04-17 16:31:02 +02:00
def __get_translated_errors(unresponsive_engines):
2020-11-17 23:22:45 +01:00
translated_errors = set()
2020-04-17 16:31:02 +02:00
for unresponsive_engine in unresponsive_engines:
error_msg = gettext(unresponsive_engine[1])
if unresponsive_engine[2]:
error_msg = "{} {}".format(error_msg, unresponsive_engine[2])
2020-11-17 23:22:45 +01:00
translated_errors.add((unresponsive_engine[0], error_msg))
2020-04-17 16:31:02 +02:00
return translated_errors
2013-10-21 00:28:48 +02:00
@app.route('/about', methods=['GET'])
def about():
2014-01-31 07:08:24 +01:00
"""Render about page"""
2014-03-21 12:19:48 +01:00
return render(
2014-01-17 16:23:23 +01:00
2014-03-20 10:28:24 +01:00
@app.route('/autocompleter', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def autocompleter():
"""Return autocompleter results"""
2014-03-29 16:29:19 +01:00
2021-02-22 18:13:50 +01:00
# run autocompleter
results = []
2014-10-01 17:18:18 +02:00
# set blocked engines
2016-04-09 18:26:29 +02:00
disabled_engines = request.preferences.engines.get_disabled()
2014-10-01 17:18:18 +02:00
# parse query
2020-09-21 19:14:24 +02:00
raw_text_query = RawTextQuery(request.form.get('q', ''), disabled_engines)
2014-03-29 16:29:19 +01:00
2018-01-18 20:51:27 -06:00
# normal autocompletion results only appear if no inner results returned
2021-02-22 18:13:50 +01:00
# and there is a query part
if len(raw_text_query.autocomplete_list) == 0 and len(raw_text_query.getQuery()) > 0:
2016-03-29 18:53:31 -06:00
# get language from cookie
2016-04-09 18:32:07 +02:00
language = request.preferences.get_value('language')
2019-01-06 15:27:46 +01:00
if not language or language == 'all':
language = 'en'
2016-03-29 18:53:31 -06:00
2016-08-05 23:34:56 -05:00
language = language.split('-')[0]
2015-01-10 19:55:21 +01:00
# run autocompletion
2021-02-22 18:13:50 +01:00
raw_results = search_autocomplete(request.preferences.get_value('autocomplete'),
raw_text_query.getQuery(), language)
for result in raw_results:
if len(raw_text_query.autocomplete_list) > 0:
for autocomplete_text in raw_text_query.autocomplete_list:
for answers in ask(raw_text_query):
for answer in answers:
2014-03-29 16:29:19 +01:00
2014-10-01 17:18:18 +02:00
# return autocompleter results
2020-08-09 07:59:49 -04:00
if request.headers.get('X-Requested-With') == 'XMLHttpRequest':
return Response(json.dumps(results),
2014-03-29 16:29:19 +01:00
2015-01-25 22:52:48 +01:00
2020-08-09 07:59:49 -04:00
return Response(json.dumps([raw_text_query.query, results]),
2014-03-20 10:28:24 +01:00
2014-01-01 22:16:53 +01:00
@app.route('/preferences', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def preferences():
2016-04-08 16:38:05 +02:00
"""Render preferences page && save user preferences"""
2014-02-07 00:35:15 +01:00
2016-04-08 16:38:05 +02:00
# save preferences
if request.method == 'POST':
2021-04-03 13:56:47 +02:00
resp = make_response(url_for('index', _external=True))
2016-04-08 16:38:05 +02:00
except ValidationException:
2016-11-14 22:07:23 +01:00
request.errors.append(gettext('Invalid settings, please edit your preferences'))
2016-04-08 16:38:05 +02:00
return resp
return request.preferences.save(resp)
# render preferences
image_proxy = request.preferences.get_value('image_proxy')
2016-04-09 18:26:29 +02:00
disabled_engines = request.preferences.engines.get_disabled()
2016-04-08 16:38:05 +02:00
allowed_plugins = request.preferences.plugins.get_enabled()
2015-05-30 12:15:23 +02:00
# stats for preferences page
stats = {}
2020-02-01 11:01:17 +01:00
engines_by_category = {}
2015-05-30 12:15:23 +02:00
for c in categories:
2020-02-01 11:01:17 +01:00
engines_by_category[c] = []
2015-05-30 12:15:23 +02:00
for e in categories[c]:
2020-02-01 11:01:17 +01:00
if not request.preferences.validate_token(e):
2015-05-30 12:15:23 +02:00
stats[e.name] = {'time': None,
'warn_timeout': False,
'warn_time': False}
2015-08-02 19:38:27 +02:00
if e.timeout > settings['outgoing']['request_timeout']:
2015-05-30 12:15:23 +02:00
stats[e.name]['warn_timeout'] = True
2019-01-06 15:27:46 +01:00
stats[e.name]['supports_selected_language'] = _is_selected_language_supported(e, request.preferences)
2020-02-01 11:01:17 +01:00
2016-11-05 13:45:20 +01:00
# get first element [0], the engine time,
# and then the second element [1] : the time (the first one is the label)
2020-02-01 11:01:17 +01:00
for engine_stat in get_engines_stats(request.preferences)[0][1]:
2015-05-30 12:15:23 +02:00
stats[engine_stat.get('name')]['time'] = round(engine_stat.get('avg'), 3)
2015-08-02 19:38:27 +02:00
if engine_stat.get('avg') > settings['outgoing']['request_timeout']:
2015-05-30 12:15:23 +02:00
stats[engine_stat.get('name')]['warn_time'] = True
# end of stats
2020-10-23 16:22:55 +02:00
locked_preferences = list()
if 'preferences' in settings and 'lock' in settings['preferences']:
locked_preferences = settings['preferences']['lock']
2014-01-22 01:20:38 +01:00
return render('preferences.html',
2020-09-24 16:26:00 +02:00
selected_categories=get_selected_categories(request.preferences, request.form),
2020-09-22 18:03:42 +02:00
2014-01-22 01:20:38 +01:00
2019-03-28 18:07:03 +01:00
2015-01-16 17:37:34 +01:00
2020-02-01 11:01:17 +01:00
2015-05-30 12:15:23 +02:00
2016-11-19 20:53:51 +01:00
answerers=[{'info': a.self_info(), 'keywords': a.keywords} for a in answerers],
2016-04-09 18:48:23 +02:00
2014-03-29 16:29:19 +01:00
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
shortcuts={y: x for x, y in engine_shortcuts.items()},
2015-03-11 18:57:36 +01:00
2017-09-22 23:43:05 +02:00
2017-11-01 13:58:48 +01:00
current_doi_resolver=get_doi_resolver(request.args, request.preferences.get_value('doi_resolver')),
2016-04-08 16:38:05 +02:00
2016-08-05 23:34:56 -05:00
2017-07-10 12:47:25 +02:00
2020-10-23 16:22:55 +02:00
2016-08-05 23:34:56 -05:00
2014-01-01 22:16:53 +01:00
2019-01-06 15:27:46 +01:00
def _is_selected_language_supported(engine, preferences):
language = preferences.get_value('language')
return (language == 'all'
or match_language(language,
getattr(engine, 'supported_languages', []),
getattr(engine, 'language_aliases', {}), None))
2015-01-16 16:02:21 +01:00
@app.route('/image_proxy', methods=['GET'])
def image_proxy():
2020-08-06 17:42:46 +02:00
url = request.args.get('url').encode()
2015-01-16 16:02:21 +01:00
if not url:
return '', 400
2017-07-20 15:44:02 +02:00
h = new_hmac(settings['server']['secret_key'], url)
2015-01-17 21:54:40 +01:00
if h != request.args.get('h'):
return '', 400
headers = dict_subset(request.headers, {'If-Modified-Since', 'If-None-Match'})
headers['User-Agent'] = gen_useragent()
2015-04-10 01:10:49 +02:00
resp = requests.get(url,
2015-08-02 19:38:27 +02:00
2015-04-25 11:44:53 +02:00
2020-11-16 12:44:07 +01:00
2015-01-17 21:54:40 +01:00
if resp.status_code == 304:
return '', resp.status_code
2015-01-16 16:02:21 +01:00
if resp.status_code != 200:
logger.debug('image-proxy: wrong response code: {0}'.format(resp.status_code))
if resp.status_code >= 400:
return '', resp.status_code
return '', 400
if not resp.headers.get('content-type', '').startswith('image/'):
2015-06-21 16:50:42 +02:00
logger.debug('image-proxy: wrong content-type: {0}'.format(resp.headers.get('content-type')))
2015-01-16 16:02:21 +01:00
return '', 400
2017-07-20 15:44:02 +02:00
img = b''
2015-01-16 16:02:21 +01:00
chunk_counter = 0
2015-02-10 15:23:56 +01:00
for chunk in resp.iter_content(1024 * 1024):
2015-01-16 16:02:21 +01:00
chunk_counter += 1
if chunk_counter > 5:
return '', 502 # Bad gateway - file is too big (>5M)
img += chunk
2015-01-17 21:54:40 +01:00
headers = dict_subset(resp.headers, {'Content-Length', 'Length', 'Date', 'Last-Modified', 'Expires', 'Etag'})
return Response(img, mimetype=resp.headers['content-type'], headers=headers)
2015-01-16 16:02:21 +01:00
2013-10-27 01:03:05 +02:00
@app.route('/stats', methods=['GET'])
def stats():
2014-01-31 07:08:24 +01:00
"""Render engine statistics page."""
2020-02-01 11:01:17 +01:00
stats = get_engines_stats(request.preferences)
2014-03-21 12:19:48 +01:00
return render(
2013-10-27 01:03:05 +02:00
2014-01-01 22:16:53 +01:00
2020-11-26 15:12:11 +01:00
@app.route('/stats/errors', methods=['GET'])
def stats_errors():
result = {}
engine_names = list(errors_per_engines.keys())
for engine_name in engine_names:
error_stats = errors_per_engines[engine_name]
sent_search_count = max(engines[engine_name].stats['sent_search_count'], 1)
sorted_context_count_list = sorted(error_stats.items(), key=lambda context_count: context_count[1])
r = []
percentage_sum = 0
for context, count in sorted_context_count_list:
percentage = round(20 * count / sent_search_count) * 5
percentage_sum += percentage
'filename': context.filename,
'function': context.function,
'line_no': context.line_no,
'code': context.code,
'exception_classname': context.exception_classname,
'log_message': context.log_message,
'log_parameters': context.log_parameters,
'percentage': percentage,
result[engine_name] = sorted(r, reverse=True, key=lambda d: d['percentage'])
return jsonify(result)
2021-01-05 11:24:39 +01:00
@app.route('/stats/checker', methods=['GET'])
def stats_checker():
result = checker_get_result()
return jsonify(result)
2013-12-01 16:10:38 +01:00
@app.route('/robots.txt', methods=['GET'])
def robots():
return Response("""User-agent: *
Allow: /
Allow: /about
Disallow: /stats
2014-02-07 18:43:05 +01:00
Disallow: /preferences
2016-10-01 20:22:52 +02:00
Disallow: /*?*q=*
2013-12-01 16:10:38 +01:00
""", mimetype='text/plain')
2014-01-01 22:16:53 +01:00
2013-10-16 00:01:08 +02:00
@app.route('/opensearch.xml', methods=['GET'])
def opensearch():
2013-10-20 22:37:55 +02:00
method = 'post'
2015-03-15 20:07:50 +01:00
2016-04-08 16:38:05 +02:00
if request.preferences.get_value('method') == 'GET':
2015-03-15 20:07:50 +01:00
method = 'get'
2013-10-21 00:28:48 +02:00
# chrome/chromium only supports HTTP GET....
2013-10-20 22:37:55 +02:00
if request.headers.get('User-Agent', '').lower().find('webkit') >= 0:
method = 'get'
2014-03-29 16:29:19 +01:00
2021-04-03 13:56:47 +02:00
ret = render(
2014-03-29 16:29:19 +01:00
2013-10-16 00:01:08 +02:00
resp = Response(response=ret,
2014-01-20 02:31:20 +01:00
2020-06-18 19:37:14 +02:00
2013-10-16 00:01:08 +02:00
return resp
2014-01-19 22:59:01 +01:00
2013-12-01 23:52:49 +01:00
def favicon():
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
return send_from_directory(os.path.join(app.root_path,
2017-09-08 20:33:14 +02:00
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
2014-01-20 02:31:20 +01:00
2013-12-01 23:52:49 +01:00
2015-04-07 11:07:48 +02:00
def clear_cookies():
2021-04-03 13:56:47 +02:00
resp = make_response(redirect(url_for('index', _external=True)))
2015-04-07 11:07:48 +02:00
for cookie_name in request.cookies:
return resp
2016-06-07 23:08:48 +02:00
def config():
2020-03-25 17:12:02 +01:00
"""Return configuration in JSON format."""
_engines = []
for name, engine in engines.items():
if not request.preferences.validate_token(engine):
supported_languages = engine.supported_languages
if isinstance(engine.supported_languages, dict):
supported_languages = list(engine.supported_languages.keys())
'name': name,
'categories': engine.categories,
'shortcut': engine.shortcut,
'enabled': not engine.disabled,
'paging': engine.paging,
'language_support': engine.language_support,
'supported_languages': supported_languages,
'safesearch': engine.safesearch,
'time_range_support': engine.time_range_support,
'timeout': engine.timeout
_plugins = []
for _ in plugins:
_plugins.append({'name': _.name, 'enabled': _.default_on})
return jsonify({
'categories': list(categories.keys()),
'engines': _engines,
'plugins': _plugins,
'instance_name': settings['general']['instance_name'],
'locales': settings['locales'],
'default_locale': settings['ui']['default_locale'],
'autocomplete': settings['search']['autocomplete'],
'safe_search': settings['search']['safe_search'],
'default_theme': settings['ui']['default_theme'],
'version': VERSION_STRING,
2020-03-25 17:28:32 +01:00
'brand': {
2020-12-27 15:53:08 +01:00
2020-03-25 17:28:32 +01:00
'GIT_URL': brand.GIT_URL,
2020-03-25 17:12:02 +01:00
'doi_resolvers': [r for r in settings['doi_resolvers']],
'default_doi_resolver': settings['default_doi_resolver'],
2016-06-07 23:08:48 +02:00
2016-08-24 19:53:09 +02:00
def page_not_found(e):
2016-09-07 08:32:01 +02:00
return render('404.html'), 404
2016-08-24 19:53:09 +02:00
2014-01-12 12:40:27 +01:00
def run():
2019-07-26 08:49:47 +02:00
logger.debug('starting webserver on %s:%s', settings['server']['bind_address'], settings['server']['port'])
2014-01-19 22:59:01 +01:00
2016-10-22 19:07:37 +02:00
2015-08-02 19:03:55 +02:00
2016-09-05 22:44:48 +02:00
2014-01-19 22:59:01 +01:00
2014-01-12 12:40:27 +01:00
2020-08-12 09:42:27 +02:00
class ReverseProxyPathFix:
2015-06-16 19:55:31 +02:00
'''Wrap the application in this middleware and configure the
front-end server to add these headers, to let you quietly bind
this to a URL other than / and to an HTTP scheme that is
different than what is used locally.
In nginx:
location /myprefix {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Script-Name /myprefix;
:param app: the WSGI application
2016-07-10 21:44:27 +07:00
2015-06-16 19:55:31 +02:00
def __init__(self, app):
2021-04-03 13:56:47 +02:00
2015-06-16 19:55:31 +02:00
self.app = app
2021-04-03 13:56:47 +02:00
self.script_name = None
self.scheme = None
self.server = None
if settings['server']['base_url']:
# If base_url is specified, then these values from are given
# preference over any Flask's generics.
base_url = urlparse(settings['server']['base_url'])
self.script_name = base_url.path
self.scheme = base_url.scheme
self.server = base_url.netloc
2015-06-16 19:55:31 +02:00
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
2021-04-03 13:56:47 +02:00
script_name = self.script_name or environ.get('HTTP_X_SCRIPT_NAME', '')
2015-06-16 19:55:31 +02:00
if script_name:
environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = script_name
path_info = environ['PATH_INFO']
if path_info.startswith(script_name):
environ['PATH_INFO'] = path_info[len(script_name):]
2021-04-03 13:56:47 +02:00
scheme = self.scheme or environ.get('HTTP_X_SCHEME', '')
2015-06-16 19:55:31 +02:00
if scheme:
environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = scheme
2021-04-03 13:56:47 +02:00
server = self.server or environ.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST', '')
if server:
environ['HTTP_HOST'] = server
2015-06-16 19:55:31 +02:00
return self.app(environ, start_response)
2014-07-03 22:02:53 +02:00
2015-02-07 12:28:36 +01:00
2015-06-16 19:55:31 +02:00
application = app
# patch app to handle non root url-s behind proxy & wsgi
app.wsgi_app = ReverseProxyPathFix(ProxyFix(application.wsgi_app))
2014-07-03 22:02:53 +02:00
2014-01-12 12:40:27 +01:00
if __name__ == "__main__":