forked from zaclys/searxng
[fix] remove obsolete youtube engine
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 0 additions and 298 deletions
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
# Youtube (Videos)
# @website
# @provide-api yes (
# @using-api yes
# @results JSON
# @stable yes
# @parse url, title, content, publishedDate, thumbnail, embedded
from json import loads
from urllib import urlencode
from dateutil import parser
# engine dependent config
categories = ['videos', 'music']
paging = True
language_support = True
# search-url
base_url = ''
search_url = base_url + '?alt=json&{query}&start-index={index}&max-results=5'
embedded_url = '<iframe width="540" height="304" ' +\
'data-src="//{videoid}" ' +\
'frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'
# do search-request
def request(query, params):
index = (params['pageno'] - 1) * 5 + 1
params['url'] = search_url.format(query=urlencode({'q': query}),
# add language tag if specified
if params['language'] != 'all':
params['url'] += '&lr=' + params['language'].split('_')[0]
return params
# get response from search-request
def response(resp):
results = []
search_results = loads(resp.text)
# return empty array if there are no results
if 'feed' not in search_results:
return []
feed = search_results['feed']
# parse results
for result in feed['entry']:
url = [x['href'] for x in result['link'] if x['type'] == 'text/html']
if not url:
# remove tracking
url = url[0].replace('feature=youtube_gdata', '')
if url.endswith('&'):
url = url[:-1]
videoid = url[32:]
title = result['title']['$t']
content = ''
thumbnail = ''
pubdate = result['published']['$t']
publishedDate = parser.parse(pubdate)
if 'media$thumbnail' in result['media$group']:
thumbnail = result['media$group']['media$thumbnail'][0]['url']
content = result['content']['$t']
embedded = embedded_url.format(videoid=videoid)
# append result
results.append({'url': url,
'title': title,
'content': content,
'template': 'videos.html',
'publishedDate': publishedDate,
'embedded': embedded,
'thumbnail': thumbnail})
# return results
return results
@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
from collections import defaultdict
import mock
from searx.engines import youtube
from searx.testing import SearxTestCase
class TestYoutubeEngine(SearxTestCase):
def test_request(self):
query = 'test_query'
dicto = defaultdict(dict)
dicto['pageno'] = 0
dicto['language'] = 'fr_FR'
params = youtube.request(query, dicto)
self.assertTrue('url' in params)
self.assertTrue(query in params['url'])
self.assertTrue('' in params['url'])
self.assertTrue('fr' in params['url'])
dicto['language'] = 'all'
params = youtube.request(query, dicto)
self.assertFalse('fr' in params['url'])
def test_response(self):
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, youtube.response, None)
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, youtube.response, [])
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, youtube.response, '')
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, youtube.response, '[]')
response = mock.Mock(text='{}')
self.assertEqual(youtube.response(response), [])
response = mock.Mock(text='{"data": []}')
self.assertEqual(youtube.response(response), [])
json = """
"uri":{"$t":""} }],
"countHint":8} },
"yt$duration":{"seconds":"354"} },
"yt$statistics":{"favoriteCount":"0","viewCount":"92464"} }
response = mock.Mock(text=json)
results = youtube.response(response)
self.assertEqual(type(results), list)
self.assertEqual(len(results), 1)
self.assertEqual(results[0]['title'], 'Title')
self.assertEqual(results[0]['url'], '')
self.assertEqual(results[0]['content'], 'Description')
self.assertEqual(results[0]['thumbnail'], '')
self.assertTrue('DIVZCPfAOeM' in results[0]['embedded'])
json = """
"uri":{"$t":""} }],
"countHint":8} },
"yt$duration":{"seconds":"354"} },
"yt$statistics":{"favoriteCount":"0","viewCount":"92464"} }
response = mock.Mock(text=json)
results = youtube.response(response)
self.assertEqual(type(results), list)
self.assertEqual(len(results), 0)
json = """
"uri":{"$t":""} }],
"countHint":8} },
"yt$duration":{"seconds":"354"} },
"yt$statistics":{"favoriteCount":"0","viewCount":"92464"} }
response = mock.Mock(text=json)
results = youtube.response(response)
self.assertEqual(type(results), list)
self.assertEqual(len(results), 1)
self.assertEqual(results[0]['title'], 'Title')
self.assertEqual(results[0]['url'], '')
self.assertEqual(results[0]['content'], 'Description')
self.assertEqual(results[0]['thumbnail'], '')
self.assertTrue('DIVZCPfAOeM' in results[0]['embedded'])
json = """
response = mock.Mock(text=json)
results = youtube.response(response)
self.assertEqual(type(results), list)
self.assertEqual(len(results), 0)
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ from searx.tests.engines.test_www1x import * # noqa
from searx.tests.engines.test_www500px import * # noqa
from searx.tests.engines.test_www500px import * # noqa
from searx.tests.engines.test_yacy import * # noqa
from searx.tests.engines.test_yacy import * # noqa
from searx.tests.engines.test_yahoo import * # noqa
from searx.tests.engines.test_yahoo import * # noqa
from searx.tests.engines.test_youtube import * # noqa
from searx.tests.engines.test_youtube_api import * # noqa
from searx.tests.engines.test_youtube_api import * # noqa
from searx.tests.engines.test_youtube_noapi import * # noqa
from searx.tests.engines.test_youtube_noapi import * # noqa
from searx.tests.engines.test_yahoo_news import * # noqa
from searx.tests.engines.test_yahoo_news import * # noqa
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