forked from zaclys/searxng
24 changed files with 277 additions and 187 deletions
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
## Bing (Web)
# @website
# @provide-api yes (, max. 5000 query/month
# @provide-api yes (,
# max. 5000 query/month
# @using-api no (because of query limit)
# @results HTML (using search portal)
@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
## Bing (Images)
# @website
# @provide-api yes (, max. 5000 query/month
# @provide-api yes (,
# max. 5000 query/month
# @using-api no (because of query limit)
# @results HTML (using search portal)
# @stable no (HTML can change)
# @parse url, title, img_src
# @todo currently there are up to 35 images receive per page, because bing does not parse count=10. limited response to 10 images
# @todo currently there are up to 35 images receive per page,
# because bing does not parse count=10.
# limited response to 10 images
from urllib import urlencode
from cgi import escape
from lxml import html
from yaml import load
import re
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
## Bing (News)
# @website
# @provide-api yes (, max. 5000 query/month
# @provide-api yes (,
# max. 5000 query/month
# @using-api no (because of query limit)
# @results HTML (using search portal)
@ -57,12 +58,12 @@ def response(resp):
url = link.attrib.get('href')
title = ' '.join(link.xpath('.//text()'))
contentXPath = result.xpath('.//div[@class="sn_txt"]/div//span[@class="sn_snip"]//text()')
if contentXPath != None:
if contentXPath is not None:
content = escape(' '.join(contentXPath))
# parse publishedDate
publishedDateXPath = result.xpath('.//div[@class="sn_txt"]/div//span[contains(@class,"sn_ST")]//span[contains(@class,"sn_tm")]//text()')
if publishedDateXPath != None:
if publishedDateXPath is not None:
publishedDate = escape(' '.join(publishedDateXPath))
if re.match("^[0-9]+ minute(s|) ago$", publishedDate):
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
from urllib import urlencode
from json import loads
from lxml import html
# engine dependent config
categories = ['videos']
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
## DuckDuckGo (Web)
# @website
# @provide-api yes (, but not all results from search-site
# @provide-api yes (,
# but not all results from search-site
# @using-api no
# @results HTML (using search portal)
@ -9,7 +10,8 @@
# @parse url, title, content
# @todo rewrite to api
# @todo language support (the current used site does not support language-change)
# @todo language support
# (the current used site does not support language-change)
from urllib import urlencode
from lxml.html import fromstring
@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ from urllib import urlencode
from lxml import html
from searx.engines.xpath import extract_text
url = '{query}&format=json&pretty=0&no_redirect=1&d=1'
url = ''\
+ '?{query}&format=json&pretty=0&no_redirect=1&d=1'
def result_to_text(url, text, htmlResult):
# TODO : remove result ending with "Meaning" or "Category"
@ -14,10 +16,12 @@ def result_to_text(url, text, htmlResult):
return text
def html_to_text(htmlFragment):
dom = html.fromstring(htmlFragment)
return extract_text(dom)
def request(query, params):
# TODO add kl={locale}
params['url'] = url.format(query=urlencode({'q': query}))
@ -47,7 +51,6 @@ def response(resp):
if 'Abstract' in search_res:
content = content + search_res.get('Abstract', '')
# image
image = search_res.get('Image', '')
image = None if image == '' else image
@ -57,7 +60,8 @@ def response(resp):
infobox = search_res.get('Infobox', None)
if 'content' in infobox:
for info in infobox.get('content'):
attributes.append({'label': info.get('label'), 'value': info.get('value')})
attributes.append({'label': info.get('label'),
'value': info.get('value')})
# urls
for ddg_result in search_res.get('Results', []):
@ -70,14 +74,19 @@ def response(resp):
# related topics
for ddg_result in search_res.get('RelatedTopics', None):
if 'FirstURL' in ddg_result:
suggestion = result_to_text(ddg_result.get('FirstURL', None), ddg_result.get('Text', None), ddg_result.get('Result', None))
suggestion = result_to_text(ddg_result.get('FirstURL', None),
ddg_result.get('Text', None),
ddg_result.get('Result', None))
if suggestion != heading:
results.append({'suggestion': suggestion})
elif 'Topics' in ddg_result:
suggestions = []
relatedTopics.append({ 'name' : ddg_result.get('Name', ''), 'suggestions': suggestions })
relatedTopics.append({'name': ddg_result.get('Name', ''),
'suggestions': suggestions})
for topic_result in ddg_result.get('Topics', []):
suggestion = result_to_text(topic_result.get('FirstURL', None), topic_result.get('Text', None), topic_result.get('Result', None))
suggestion = result_to_text(topic_result.get('FirstURL', None),
topic_result.get('Text', None),
topic_result.get('Result', None))
if suggestion != heading:
@ -86,21 +95,26 @@ def response(resp):
if abstractURL != '':
# add as result ? problem always in english
infobox_id = abstractURL
urls.append({'title': search_res.get('AbstractSource'), 'url': abstractURL})
urls.append({'title': search_res.get('AbstractSource'),
'url': abstractURL})
# definition
definitionURL = search_res.get('DefinitionURL', '')
if definitionURL != '':
# add as result ? as answer ? problem always in english
infobox_id = definitionURL
urls.append({'title': search_res.get('DefinitionSource'), 'url': definitionURL})
urls.append({'title': search_res.get('DefinitionSource'),
'url': definitionURL})
# entity
entity = search_res.get('Entity', None)
# TODO continent / country / department / location / waterfall / mountain range : link to map search, get weather, near by locations
# TODO continent / country / department / location / waterfall /
# mountain range :
# link to map search, get weather, near by locations
# TODO musician : link to music search
# TODO concert tour : ??
# TODO film / actor / television / media franchise : links to IMDB / rottentomatoes (or scrap result)
# TODO film / actor / television / media franchise :
# links to IMDB / rottentomatoes (or scrap result)
# TODO music : link tu musicbrainz /
# TODO book : ??
# TODO artist / playwright : ??
@ -116,7 +130,8 @@ def response(resp):
if len(heading) > 0:
# TODO get infobox.meta.value where .label='article_title'
if image==None and len(attributes)==0 and len(urls)==1 and len(relatedTopics)==0 and len(content)==0:
if image is None and len(attributes) == 0 and len(urls) == 1 and\
len(relatedTopics) == 0 and len(content) == 0:
'url': urls[0]['url'],
'title': heading,
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ search_url = url + 'api?{query}&start={offset}&length={number_of_results}&l={lan
search_category = {'general': 'web',
'news': 'news'}
# do search-request
def request(query, params):
offset = (params['pageno']-1) * number_of_results + 1
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
## Google (Images)
# @website
# @provide-api yes (, deprecated!
# @provide-api yes (,
# deprecated!
# @using-api yes
# @results JSON
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
## Google (News)
# @website
# @provide-api yes (, deprecated!
# @provide-api yes (,
# deprecated!
# @using-api yes
# @results JSON
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
## Vimeo (Videos)
# @website
# @provide-api yes (, they have a maximum count of queries/hour
# @provide-api yes (,
# they have a maximum count of queries/hour
# @using-api no (TODO, rewrite to api)
# @results HTML (using search portal)
@ -39,7 +40,8 @@ def request(query, params):
query=urlencode({'q': query}))
# TODO required?
params['cookies']['__utma'] = '00000000.000#0000000.0000000000.0000000000.0000000000.0'
params['cookies']['__utma'] =\
return params
@ -2,13 +2,25 @@ import json
from requests import get
from urllib import urlencode
urlSearch = '{query}'
urlDetail = '{query}'
urlMap = '{latitude}&lon={longitude}&zoom={zoom}&layers=M'
result_count = 1
wikidata_host = ''
wikidata_api = wikidata_host + '/w/api.php'
url_search = wikidata_api \
+ '?action=query&list=search&format=json'\
+ '&srnamespace=0&srprop=sectiontitle&{query}'
url_detail = wikidata_api\
+ '?action=wbgetentities&format=json'\
+ '&props=labels%7Cinfo%7Csitelinks'\
+ '%7Csitelinks%2Furls%7Cdescriptions%7Cclaims'\
+ '&{query}'
url_map = ''\
+ '?lat={latitude}&lon={longitude}&zoom={zoom}&layers=M'
def request(query, params):
params['url'] = urlSearch.format(query=urlencode({'srsearch': query, 'srlimit': resultCount}))
params['url'] = url_search.format(
query=urlencode({'srsearch': query,
'srlimit': result_count}))
return params
@ -23,7 +35,8 @@ def response(resp):
language = resp.search_params['language'].split('_')[0]
if language == 'all':
language = 'en'
url = urlDetail.format(query=urlencode({'ids': '|'.join(wikidata_ids), 'languages': language + '|en'}))
url = url_detail.format(query=urlencode({'ids': '|'.join(wikidata_ids),
'languages': language + '|en'}))
htmlresponse = get(url)
jsonresponse = json.loads(htmlresponse.content)
@ -32,6 +45,7 @@ def response(resp):
return results
def getDetail(jsonresponse, wikidata_id, language):
results = []
urls = []
@ -40,60 +54,103 @@ def getDetail(jsonresponse, wikidata_id, language):
result = jsonresponse.get('entities', {}).get(wikidata_id, {})
title = result.get('labels', {}).get(language, {}).get('value', None)
if title == None:
if title is None:
title = result.get('labels', {}).get('en', {}).get('value', None)
if title == None:
if title is None:
return results
description = result.get('descriptions', {}).get(language, {}).get('value', None)
if description == None:
description = result.get('descriptions', {}).get('en', {}).get('value', '')
description = result\
.get('descriptions', {})\
.get(language, {})\
.get('value', None)
if description is None:
description = result\
.get('descriptions', {})\
.get('en', {})\
.get('value', '')
claims = result.get('claims', {})
official_website = get_string(claims, 'P856', None)
if official_website != None:
if official_website is not None:
urls.append({'title': 'Official site', 'url': official_website})
results.append({'title': title, 'url': official_website})
wikipedia_link_count = 0
if language != 'en':
wikipedia_link_count += add_url(urls, 'Wikipedia (' + language + ')', get_wikilink(result, language + 'wiki'))
wikipedia_link_count += add_url(urls,
'Wikipedia (' + language + ')',
get_wikilink(result, language +
wikipedia_en_link = get_wikilink(result, 'enwiki')
wikipedia_link_count += add_url(urls, 'Wikipedia (en)', wikipedia_en_link)
wikipedia_link_count += add_url(urls,
'Wikipedia (en)',
if wikipedia_link_count == 0:
misc_language = get_wiki_firstlanguage(result, 'wiki')
if misc_language != None:
add_url(urls, 'Wikipedia (' + misc_language + ')', get_wikilink(result, misc_language + 'wiki'))
if misc_language is not None:
'Wikipedia (' + misc_language + ')',
get_wikilink(result, misc_language + 'wiki'))
if language != 'en':
add_url(urls, 'Wiki voyage (' + language + ')', get_wikilink(result, language + 'wikivoyage'))
add_url(urls, 'Wiki voyage (en)', get_wikilink(result, 'enwikivoyage'))
'Wiki voyage (' + language + ')',
get_wikilink(result, language + 'wikivoyage'))
'Wiki voyage (en)',
get_wikilink(result, 'enwikivoyage'))
if language != 'en':
add_url(urls, 'Wikiquote (' + language + ')', get_wikilink(result, language + 'wikiquote'))
add_url(urls, 'Wikiquote (en)', get_wikilink(result, 'enwikiquote'))
'Wikiquote (' + language + ')',
get_wikilink(result, language + 'wikiquote'))
add_url(urls, 'Commons wiki', get_wikilink(result, 'commonswiki'))
'Wikiquote (en)',
get_wikilink(result, 'enwikiquote'))
add_url(urls, 'Location', get_geolink(claims, 'P625', None))
'Commons wiki',
get_wikilink(result, 'commonswiki'))
add_url(urls, 'Wikidata', '' + wikidata_id + '?uselang='+ language)
get_geolink(claims, 'P625', None))
+ wikidata_id + '?uselang=' + language)
musicbrainz_work_id = get_string(claims, 'P435')
if musicbrainz_work_id != None:
add_url(urls, 'MusicBrainz', '' + musicbrainz_work_id)
if musicbrainz_work_id is not None:
+ musicbrainz_work_id)
musicbrainz_artist_id = get_string(claims, 'P434')
if musicbrainz_artist_id != None:
add_url(urls, 'MusicBrainz', '' + musicbrainz_artist_id)
if musicbrainz_artist_id is not None:
+ musicbrainz_artist_id)
musicbrainz_release_group_id = get_string(claims, 'P436')
if musicbrainz_release_group_id != None:
add_url(urls, 'MusicBrainz', '' + musicbrainz_release_group_id)
if musicbrainz_release_group_id is not None:
+ musicbrainz_release_group_id)
musicbrainz_label_id = get_string(claims, 'P966')
if musicbrainz_label_id != None:
add_url(urls, 'MusicBrainz', '' + musicbrainz_label_id)
if musicbrainz_label_id is not None:
+ musicbrainz_label_id)
# musicbrainz_area_id = get_string(claims, 'P982')
# P1407 MusicBrainz series ID
@ -102,15 +159,15 @@ def getDetail(jsonresponse, wikidata_id, language):
# P1407 MusicBrainz series ID
postal_code = get_string(claims, 'P281', None)
if postal_code != None:
if postal_code is not None:
attributes.append({'label': 'Postal code(s)', 'value': postal_code})
date_of_birth = get_time(claims, 'P569', None)
if date_of_birth != None:
if date_of_birth is not None:
attributes.append({'label': 'Date of birth', 'value': date_of_birth})
date_of_death = get_time(claims, 'P570', None)
if date_of_death != None:
if date_of_death is not None:
attributes.append({'label': 'Date of death', 'value': date_of_death})
if len(attributes) == 0 and len(urls) == 2 and len(description) == 0:
@ -132,12 +189,13 @@ def getDetail(jsonresponse, wikidata_id, language):
def add_url(urls, title, url):
if url != None:
if url is not None:
urls.append({'title': title, 'url': url})
return 1
return 0
def get_mainsnak(claims, propertyName):
propValue = claims.get(propertyName, {})
if len(propValue) == 0:
@ -157,7 +215,7 @@ def get_string(claims, propertyName, defaultValue=None):
mainsnak = e.get('mainsnak', {})
datavalue = mainsnak.get('datavalue', {})
if datavalue != None:
if datavalue is not None:
result.append(datavalue.get('value', ''))
if len(result) == 0:
@ -177,7 +235,7 @@ def get_time(claims, propertyName, defaultValue=None):
mainsnak = e.get('mainsnak', {})
datavalue = mainsnak.get('datavalue', {})
if datavalue != None:
if datavalue is not None:
value = datavalue.get('value', '')
result.append(value.get('time', ''))
@ -190,7 +248,7 @@ def get_time(claims, propertyName, defaultValue=None):
def get_geolink(claims, propertyName, defaultValue=''):
mainsnak = get_mainsnak(claims, propertyName)
if mainsnak == None:
if mainsnak is None:
return defaultValue
datatype = mainsnak.get('datatype', '')
@ -209,21 +267,25 @@ def get_geolink(claims, propertyName, defaultValue=''):
# 1 --> 6
# 0.016666666666667 --> 9
# 0.00027777777777778 --> 19
# wolframalpha : quadratic fit { {13, 5}, {1, 6}, {0.0166666, 9}, {0.0002777777,19}}
# wolframalpha :
# quadratic fit { {13, 5}, {1, 6}, {0.0166666, 9}, {0.0002777777,19}}
# 14.1186-8.8322 x+0.625447 x^2
if precision < 0.0003:
zoom = 19
zoom = int(15 - precision*8.8322 + precision*precision*0.625447)
url = urlMap.replace('{latitude}', str(value.get('latitude',0))).replace('{longitude}', str(value.get('longitude',0))).replace('{zoom}', str(zoom))
url = url_map\
.replace('{latitude}', str(value.get('latitude', 0)))\
.replace('{longitude}', str(value.get('longitude', 0)))\
.replace('{zoom}', str(zoom))
return url
def get_wikilink(result, wikiid):
url = result.get('sitelinks', {}).get(wikiid, {}).get('url', None)
if url == None:
if url is None:
return url
elif url.startswith('http://'):
url = url.replace('http://', 'https://')
@ -231,6 +293,7 @@ def get_wikilink(result, wikiid):
url = 'https:' + url
return url
def get_wiki_firstlanguage(result, wikipatternid):
for k in result.get('sitelinks', {}).keys():
if k.endswith(wikipatternid) and len(k) == (2+len(wikipatternid)):
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
## Yacy (Web, Images, Videos, Music, Files)
# @website
# @provide-api yes (
# @provide-api yes
# (
# @using-api yes
# @results JSON
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
## Yahoo (Web)
# @website
# @provide-api yes (, $0.80/1000 queries
# @provide-api yes (,
# $0.80/1000 queries
# @using-api no (because pricing)
# @results HTML (using search portal)
Add table
Reference in a new issue