Purposes :
- isolate the plugins calls
- distinction between parsing the web request and running the search (Search class). To be able to test code easily, to run searx code outside a web server, to filter the search query parameters with plugins more easily, etc...
Details :
- request.request_data contains request.form or request.args (initialize inside pre_request() function)
- Query class is renamed RawTextQuery
- SearchQuery class defines all search parameters
- get_search_query_from_webapp create a SearchQuery instance (basically the previous Search.__init__ code)
- Search class and SearchWithPlugins class takes a SearchQuery instance as class constructor parameter
- SearchWithPlugins class inherites from Search class, and run plugins
- A dedicated function search_with_plugins executes plugins to have a well define locals() (which is used by the plugins code).
- All plugins code is executed inside the try...except block (webapp.py, index function)
- advanced_search HTTP parameter value stays in webapp.py (it is only part of UI)
- multiple calls to result_container.get_ordered_results() doesn't compute the order multiple time (note : this method was call only once before)
- paging value is stored in the result_container class (compute in the extend method)
- test about engine.suspend_end_time is done during search method call (instead of __init__)
- check that the format parameter value is one of these : html, rss, json, rss (before the html value was assumed but some text formatting wasn't not done)
Making WA search hits contain
- the (parsed) input inside the "title" instead of just "Wolfram|Alpha", to better match other hit titles and to confirm correct parsing of input to the user
- the first output field that contains any text (skipping ones that are only pictures; this is usually the most meaningful "result" field) instead of the raw input as the "content", making it additionally possible to obtain WA computations from JSON API calls