SearXNG Exceptions

Exception types raised by SearXNG modules.

exception searx.exceptions.SearxEngineAPIException[source]

The website has returned an application error

exception searx.exceptions.SearxEngineAccessDeniedException(suspended_time: int | None = None, message: str = 'Access denied')[source]

The website is blocking the access

SUSPEND_TIME_SETTING = 'search.suspended_times.SearxEngineAccessDenied'

This settings contains the default suspended time (default 86400 sec / 1 day).

exception searx.exceptions.SearxEngineCaptchaException(suspended_time=None, message='CAPTCHA')[source]

The website has returned a CAPTCHA.

SUSPEND_TIME_SETTING = 'search.suspended_times.SearxEngineCaptcha'

This settings contains the default suspended time (default 86400 sec / 1 day).

exception searx.exceptions.SearxEngineException[source]

Error inside an engine

exception searx.exceptions.SearxEngineResponseException[source]

Impossible to parse the result of an engine

exception searx.exceptions.SearxEngineTooManyRequestsException(suspended_time=None, message='Too many request')[source]

The website has returned a Too Many Request status code

By default, searx stops sending requests to this engine for 1 hour.

SUSPEND_TIME_SETTING = 'search.suspended_times.SearxEngineTooManyRequests'

This settings contains the default suspended time (default 3660 sec / 1 hour).

exception searx.exceptions.SearxEngineXPathException(xpath_spec, message)[source]

Error while getting the result of an XPath expression

exception searx.exceptions.SearxException[source]

Base SearXNG exception.

exception searx.exceptions.SearxParameterException(name, value)[source]

Raised when query miss a required paramater

exception searx.exceptions.SearxSettingsException(message: str | Exception, filename: str | None)[source]

Error while loading the settings

exception searx.exceptions.SearxXPathSyntaxException(xpath_spec, message)[source]

Syntax error in a XPATH