{% from 'simple/macros.html' import tabs_open, tabs_close, tab_header, tab_footer, checkbox_onoff, checkbox %} {% from 'simple/icons.html' import icon_big %} {% extends "simple/page_with_header.html" %} {%- macro plugin_preferences(section) -%} {%- for plugin in plugins -%} {%- if plugin.preference_section == section -%} <fieldset>{{- '' -}} <legend>{{ _(plugin.name) }}</legend>{{- '' -}} <div class="value"> {{- checkbox_onoff('plugin_' + plugin.id, plugin.id not in allowed_plugins) -}} </div>{{- '' -}} <div class="description"> {{- _(plugin.description) -}} </div>{{- '' -}} </fieldset> {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} {%- endmacro -%} {% macro engine_about(search_engine) -%} {% if search_engine.about is defined %} {% set about = search_engine.about %} <div class="engine-tooltip" role="tooltip">{{- "" -}} <p class="engine-description"></p>{{- "" -}} <p><a href="{{about.website}}" rel="noreferrer">{{about.website}}</a></p> {%- if about.wikidata_id -%}<p><a href="https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/{{about.wikidata_id}}" rel="noreferrer">wikidata.org/wiki/{{about.wikidata_id}}</a></p>{%- endif -%} {%- if search_engine.enable_http %}<p>{{ icon_big('exclamation-sign', 'No HTTPS') }}{{ _('No HTTPS')}}</p>{% endif -%} {%- if reliabilities.get(search_engine.name, {}).errors or reliabilities.get(search_engine.name, {}).checker -%} <a href="{{ url_for('stats', engine=search_engine.name|e) }}" title="{{ _('View error logs and submit a bug report') }}"> {{ _('View error logs and submit a bug report') -}} </a> {%- endif -%} </div> {%- endif -%} {%- endmacro %} {%- macro engine_time(engine_name) -%} <td class="{{ label }}">{{- "" -}} {%- if stats[engine_name].time != None -%} <span class="stacked-bar-chart-value">{{- stats[engine_name].time -}}</span>{{- "" -}} <span class="stacked-bar-chart" aria-labelledby="{{engine_name}}_chart" aria-hidden="true"> {%- if max_rate95 is not none and max_rate95 > 0 -%} <div class="stacked-bar-chart-median bar{{ (100 * (stats[engine_name].time / max_rate95))|round }}"></div>{{- "" -}} <div class="stacked-bar-chart-rate80 bar{{ (100 * ((stats[engine_name].rate80 - stats[engine_name].time) / max_rate95))|round }}"></div>{{- "" -}} <div class="stacked-bar-chart-rate95 bar{{ (100 * ((stats[engine_name].rate95 - stats[engine_name].rate80) / max_rate95))|round }}"></div>{{- "" -}} <span class="stacked-bar-chart-rate100"></span> {%- endif -%} </span>{{- "" -}} <div class="engine-tooltip text-left" role="tooltip" id="{{engine_name}}_graph">{{- "" -}} <p>{{ _('Median') }}: {{ stats[engine_name].time }}</p>{{- "" -}} <p>{{ _('P80') }}: {{ stats[engine_name].rate80 }}</p>{{- "" -}} <p>{{ _('P95') }}: {{ stats[engine_name].rate95 }}</p>{{- "" -}} </div> {%- endif -%} </td> {%- endmacro -%} {%- macro engine_reliability(engine_name) -%} {% set r = reliabilities.get(engine_name, {}).get('reliablity', None) %} {% set checker_result = reliabilities.get(engine_name, {}).get('checker', []) %} {% set errors = reliabilities.get(engine_name, {}).get('errors', []) %} {% if r != None %} {% if r <= 50 %}{% set label = 'danger' %} {% elif r < 80 %}{% set label = 'warning' %} {% elif r < 90 %}{% set label = '' %} {% else %}{% set label = 'success' %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% set r = '' %} {% endif %} {% if checker_result or errors %} <td class="{{ label }} column-reliability">{{- "" -}} <a href="{{ url_for('stats', engine=engine_name|e) }}">{{- "" -}} <span aria-labelledby="{{engine_name}}_reliability"> {{ icon_big('warning', 'The engine is not reliabled') }} {{ r -}} </span>{{- "" -}} </a>{{- "" -}} <div class="engine-tooltip" role="tooltip" id="{{engine_name}}_reliability"> {%- if checker_result -%} <p>{{ _("Failed checker test(s): ") }} {{ ', '.join(checker_result) }}</p> {%- endif -%} {%- if errors %}<p>{{ _('Errors:') }}</p>{% endif -%} {%- for error in errors -%} <p>{{ error }} </p>{{- "" -}} {%- endfor -%} </div>{{- "" -}} </td> {%- else -%} <td class="{{ label }}">{% if r %}<span>{{ r }}</span>{% endif %}</td> {%- endif -%} {%- endmacro -%} {% block head %} {% endblock %} {% block linkto_preferences %}{% endblock %} {% block content %} <h1>{{ _('Preferences') }}</h1> <form id="search_form" method="post" action="{{ url_for('preferences') }}" autocomplete="off" class="reversed-checkbox"> {{ tabs_open() }} {{ tab_header('maintab', 'general', _('General'), True) }} {% if 'categories' not in locked_preferences %} <fieldset> <legend>{{ _('Default categories') }}</legend> {% set display_tooltip = false %} {% include 'simple/categories.html' %} </fieldset> {% endif %} {% if 'language' not in locked_preferences %} <fieldset> <legend id="pref_language">{{ _('Search language') }}</legend> <p class="value">{{- '' -}} <select name='language' aria-labelledby="pref_language" aria-describedby="desc_language">{{- '' -}} <option value="all" {% if current_language == 'all' %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Default language') }}</option> {%- for lang_id,lang_name,country_name,english_name,flag in language_codes | sort(attribute=1) -%} <option value="{{ lang_id }}" {% if lang_id == current_language %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{% if flag %}{{ flag }} {% endif%} {{- lang_name }} {% if country_name %}({{ country_name }}) {% endif %}</option> {%- endfor -%} </select>{{- '' -}} </p> <div class="description" id="desc_language">{{ _('What language do you prefer for search?') }}</div> </fieldset> {% endif %} {% if 'autocomplete' not in locked_preferences %} <fieldset> <legend id="pref_autocomplete">{{ _('Autocomplete') }}</legend> <p class="value"> <select name="autocomplete" aria-labelledby="pref_autocomplete"> <option value=""> - </option> {%- for backend in autocomplete_backends -%} <option value="{{ backend }}" {% if backend == autocomplete %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ backend }}</option> {%- endfor -%} </select> </p> <div class="description">{{ _('Find stuff as you type') }}</div> </fieldset> {% endif %} {% if 'safesearch' not in locked_preferences %} <fieldset> <legend id="pref_safesearch">{{ _('SafeSearch') }}</legend> <p class="value"> <select name='safesearch' aria-labelledby="pref_safesearch"> <option value="2" {% if safesearch == '2' %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Strict') }}</option> <option value="1" {% if safesearch == '1' %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Moderate') }}</option> <option value="0" {% if safesearch == '0' %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('None') }}</option> </select> </p> <p class="description">{{ _('Filter content') }}</p> </fieldset> {% endif %} {{ plugin_preferences('general') }} {% if 'doi_resolver' not in locked_preferences %} <fieldset> <legend id="pref_doi_resolver">{{ _('Open Access DOI resolver') }}</legend> <p class="value"> <select id='doi_resolver' name='doi_resolver' aria-labelledby="pref_doi_resolver"> {%- for doi_resolver_name,doi_resolver_url in doi_resolvers.items() -%} <option value="{{ doi_resolver_name }}" {% if doi_resolver_url == current_doi_resolver %}selected="selected"{% endif %}> {{- doi_resolver_name }} - {{ doi_resolver_url -}} </option> {%- endfor -%} </select> </p> <div class="description"><!-- {{ _('Redirect to open-access versions of publications when available (plugin required)') }} --></div> </fieldset> {% endif %} <fieldset> <legend id="pref_tokens">{{ _('Engine tokens') }}</legend> <p class="value"> <input name="tokens" aria-labelledby="pref_tokens" type="text" autocomplete="off" spellcheck="false" autocorrect="off" value='{{ preferences.tokens.get_value() }}'/> </p> <p class="description">{{ _('Access tokens for private engines') }}</p> </fieldset> {{ tab_footer() }} {{ tab_header('maintab', 'ui', _('User interface')) }} {% if 'locale' not in locked_preferences %} <fieldset> <legend id="pref_locale">{{ _('Interface language') }}</legend> <p class="value"> <select name='locale' aria-labelledby="pref_locale"> {%- for locale_id,locale_name in locales.items() | sort -%} <option value="{{ locale_id }}" {% if locale_id == current_locale %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ locale_name }}</option> {%- endfor -%} </select> </p> <div class="description">{{ _('Change the language of the layout') }}</div> </fieldset> {% endif %} {% if 'theme' not in locked_preferences %} <fieldset> <legend id="pref_theme">{{ _('Theme') }}</legend> <p class="value"> <select name="theme" aria-labelledby="pref_theme"> {%- for name in themes -%} <option value="{{ name }}" {% if name == theme %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ name }}</option> {%- endfor -%} </select> </p> <div class="description">{{ _('Change SearXNG layout') }}</div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend id="pref_simple_style">{{ _('Theme style') }}</legend> <p class="value"> <select name="simple_style" aria-labelledby="pref_simple_style"> {%- for name in ['auto', 'light', 'dark'] -%} <option value="{{ name }}" {% if name == preferences.get_value('simple_style') %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _(name) }}</option> {%- endfor -%} </select> </p> <div class="description">{{ _('Choose auto to follow your browser settings') }}</div> </fieldset> {% endif %} {% if 'results_on_new_tab' not in locked_preferences %} <fieldset> <legend id="pref_results_on_new_tab">{{ _('Results on new tabs') }}</legend> <p class="value"> <select name='results_on_new_tab' aria-labelledby="pref_results_on_new_tab"> <option value="1" {% if results_on_new_tab %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('On') }}</option> <option value="0" {% if not results_on_new_tab %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Off')}}</option> </select> </p> <div class="description">{{_('Open result links on new browser tabs') }}</div> </fieldset> {% endif %} {% if 'infinite_scroll' not in locked_preferences %} <fieldset> <legend>{{ _('Infinite scroll') }}</legend> <p class="value"> <select name='infinite_scroll'> <option value="1" {% if infinite_scroll %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('On') }}</option> <option value="0" {% if not infinite_scroll %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Off')}}</option> </select> </p> <div class="description">{{ _('Automatically load next page when scrolling to bottom of current page') }}</div> </fieldset> {% endif %} {{ plugin_preferences('ui') }} {{ tab_footer() }} {{ tab_header('maintab', 'privacy', _('Privacy')) }} {% if 'method' not in locked_preferences %} <fieldset> <legend id="pref_method">{{ _('HTTP Method') }}</legend> <p class="value"> <select name='method' aria-labelledby="pref_method"> <option value="POST" {% if method == 'POST' %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>POST</option> <option value="GET" {% if method == 'GET' %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>GET</option> </select> </p> <div class="description">{{ _('Change how forms are submited, <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol#Request_methods" rel="external">learn more about request methods</a>') }}</div> </fieldset> {% endif %} {% if 'image_proxy' not in locked_preferences %} <fieldset> <legend id="pref_image_proxy">{{ _('Image proxy') }}</legend> <p class="value"> <select name='image_proxy' aria-labelledby="pref_image_proxy"> <option value="1" {% if image_proxy %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Enabled') }}</option> <option value="" {% if not image_proxy %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Disabled') }}</option> </select> </p> <div class="description">{{ _('Proxying image results through SearXNG') }}</div> </fieldset> {% endif %} {% if 'query_in_title' not in locked_preferences %} <fieldset> <legend id="pref_query_in_title">{{ _("Query in the page's title") }}</legend> <p class="value"> <select name='query_in_title' aria-labelledby="pref_query_in_title"> <option value="1" {% if query_in_title %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Enabled') }}</option> <option value="" {% if not query_in_title %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Disabled') }}</option> </select> </p> <div class="description">{{ _("When enabled, the result page's title contains your query. Your browser can record this title") }}</div> </fieldset> {% endif %} {{ plugin_preferences('privacy') }} {{ tab_footer() }} {{ tab_header('maintab', 'engines', _('Engines')) }} <p>{{ _('Currently used search engines') }}</p> {{ tabs_open() }} {% set ns = namespace(checked=true) %} {% for categ in categories_as_tabs + [OTHER_CATEGORY] %} {{ tab_header('enginetab', 'category' + categ, _(categ), ns.checked )}} {% set ns.checked = false %} {% if categ == OTHER_CATEGORY %} <p>{{_('This tab does not show up for search results, but you can search the engines listed here via bangs.')}}</p> {% endif %} <div class="scrollx"> <table class="striped table_engines"> <tr>{{- "" -}} <th class="engine_checkbox">{{ _("Allow") }}</th>{{- "" -}} <th class="name">{{ _("Engine name") }}</th>{{- "" -}} <th class="shortcut">{{ _("Shortcut") }}</th>{{- "" -}} <th>{{ _("Supports selected language") }}</th>{{- "" -}} <th>{{ _("SafeSearch") }}</th>{{- "" -}} <th>{{ _("Time range") }}</th>{{- "" -}} <th>{{ _("Response time") }}</th>{{- "" -}} <th>{{ _("Max time") }}</th>{{- "" -}} <th>{{ _("Reliability") }}</th>{{- "" -}} </tr> {% for group, engines in engines_by_category[categ] | group_engines_in_tab %} {% if loop.length > 1 %} <tr><th colspan="9" class="engine-group">{{_(group)}}</th></tr> {% endif %} {% for search_engine in engines %} {% if not search_engine.private %} {% set engine_id = 'engine_' + search_engine.name|replace(' ', '_') + '__' + categ|replace(' ', '_') %} <tr>{{- "" -}} <td>{{ checkbox_onoff(engine_id, (search_engine.name, categ) in disabled_engines) }}</td>{{- "" -}} <th class="name" data-engine-name="{{ search_engine.name }}">{% if search_engine.enable_http %}{{ icon_big('warning', 'No HTTPS') }}{% endif -%} <label for="{{ engine_id }}"> {{- search_engine.name -}} {%- if search_engine.about and search_engine.about.language -%} ({{search_engine.about.language | upper}}) {%- endif -%} </label> {{- engine_about(search_engine) -}} </th>{{- "" -}} <td class="shortcut">{{ shortcuts[search_engine.name] }}</td>{{- "" -}} <td>{{ checkbox(None, supports[search_engine.name]['supports_selected_language'], true) }}</td>{{- "" -}} <td>{{ checkbox(None, supports[search_engine.name]['safesearch'], true) }}</td>{{- "" -}} <td>{{ checkbox(None, supports[search_engine.name]['time_range_support'], true) }}</td>{{- "" -}} {{- engine_time(search_engine.name) -}} <td class="{{ 'danger' if stats[search_engine.name]['warn_timeout'] else '' }}">{{ search_engine.timeout }}</td>{{- "" -}} {{ engine_reliability(search_engine.name) -}} </tr> {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} </table> </div> {{ tab_footer() }} {% endfor %} {{ tabs_close() }} {{ tab_footer() }} {{ tab_header('maintab', 'query', _('Special Queries')) }} {% if answerers %} <div class="scrollx"> <table class="striped"> <tr> <th>{{ _('Allow') }}</th> <th>{{ _('Keywords') }}</th> <th>{{ _('Name') }}</th> <th>{{ _('Description') }}</th> <th>{{ _('Examples') }}</th> </tr> <td></td> <th scope="colgroup" colspan="4">{{ _("This is the list of SearXNG's instant answering modules.") }}</th> {% for answerer in answerers %} <tr> <td></td> <td>{{ answerer.keywords|join(', ') }}</td> <td>{{ answerer.info.name }}</td> <td>{{ answerer.info.description }}</td> <td>{{ answerer.info.examples|join(', ') }}</td> </tr> {% endfor %} <td></td> <th scope="colgroup" colspan="4">{{ _('This is the list of plugins.') }}</th> {%- for plugin in plugins -%} {%- if plugin.preference_section == 'query' -%} <tr> <td>{{- checkbox_onoff('plugin_' + plugin.id, plugin.id not in allowed_plugins) -}}</td> <td>{{ plugin.query_keywords|join(', ') }}</td> <td>{{ _(plugin.name) }}</td> <td>{{ _(plugin.description) }}</td> <td>{{ plugin.query_examples }}</td> </tr> {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} </table> </div> {% endif %} {{ tab_footer() }} {{ tab_header('maintab', 'cookies', _('Cookies')) }} <p class="text-muted">{{- "" -}} {{- _('This is the list of cookies and their values SearXNG is storing on your computer.') }}<br />{{- "" -}} {{- _('With that list, you can assess SearXNG transparency.') }}<br />{{- "" -}} </p> {% if cookies %} <table class="cookies"> <tr>{{- "" -}} <th>{{ _('Cookie name') }}</th>{{- "" -}} <th>{{ _('Value') }}</th>{{- "" -}} </tr> {% for cookie in cookies %} <tr>{{- "" -}} <td>{{ cookie }}</td>{{- "" -}} <td>{{ cookies[cookie] }}</td>{{- "" -}} </tr> {% endfor %} </table> {% else %} {% include 'simple/messages/no_cookies.html' %} {% endif %} <h4>{{ _('Search URL of the currently saved preferences') }} :</h4> <div class="selectable_url"> <pre>{{ url_for('index', _external=True) }}?preferences={{ preferences_url_params|e }}{% raw %}&q=%s{% endraw %}</pre> </div> <p class="small_font">{{ _('Note: specifying custom settings in the search URL can reduce privacy by leaking data to the clicked result sites.') }}</p> <h4>{{ _('URL to restore your preferences in another browser') }} :</h4> <div class="selectable_url"> <pre>{{ url_for('preferences', _external=True) }}?preferences={{ preferences_url_params|e }}&save=1</pre> </div> <p class="small_font">{{ _('Specifying custom settings in the preferences URL can be used to sync preferences across devices.') }}</p> {{ tab_footer() }} {{ tabs_close() }} <p class="small_font">{{ _('These settings are stored in your cookies, this allows us not to store this data about you.') }} <br /> {{ _("These cookies serve your sole convenience, we don't use these cookies to track you.") }} </p> <input type="submit" value="{{ _('Save') }}" /> <div class="{% if rtl %}left{% else %}right{% endif %} preferences_back"><a href="{{ url_for('clear_cookies') }}">{{ _('Reset defaults') }}</a></div> <div class="{% if rtl %}left{% else %}right{% endif %} preferences_back"><a href="{{ url_for('index') }}">{{ _('Back') }}</a></div> </form> {% endblock %}