#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later STATIC_BUILD_COMMIT="[build] /static" STATIC_BUILT_PATHS=( 'searx/static/themes/oscar/css' 'searx/static/themes/oscar/js' 'searx/static/themes/oscar/src/generated/pygments-logicodev.less' 'searx/static/themes/oscar/src/generated/pygments-pointhi.less' 'searx/static/themes/simple/css' 'searx/static/themes/simple/js' 'searx/static/themes/simple/src/generated/pygments.less' 'searx/static/themes/simple/img' 'searx/templates/__common__/searxng-wordmark.min.svg' 'searx/templates/simple/icons.html' ) static_help(){ cat <<EOF static.build.: ${STATIC_BUILD_COMMIT} commit : build & commit /static folder drop : drop last commit if it was previously done by static.build.commit restore : git restore of the /static folder (after themes.all) EOF } is.static.build.commit() { local commit_sha="$1" local commit_message local commit_files # check commit message commit_message=$(git show -s --format=%s "${commit_sha}") if [ "${commit_message}" != "${STATIC_BUILD_COMMIT}" ]; then err_msg "expecting commit message: '${STATIC_BUILD_COMMIT}'" err_msg "commit message of ${commit_sha} is: '${commit_message}'" return 1 fi # check all files of the commit belongs to $STATIC_BUILT_PATHS commit_files=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r "${commit_sha}") for i in ${STATIC_BUILT_PATHS[*]}; do # remove files of ${STATIC_BUILT_PATHS} commit_files=$(echo "${commit_files}" | grep -v "^${i}") done if [ -n "${commit_files}" ]; then err_msg "commit ${commit_sha} contains files not a part of ${STATIC_BUILD_COMMIT}" echo "${commit_files}" | prefix_stdout " " return 2 fi return 0 } static.build.drop() { # drop last commit if it was made by the static.build.commit command local last_commit_id local branch build_msg STATIC "drop last commit if it was previously done by static.build.commit" # get only last (option -n1) local commit not in remotes branch="$(git branch --show-current)" last_commit_id="$(git log -n1 "${branch}" --pretty=format:'%h'\ --not --exclude="${branch}" --branches --remotes)" if [ -z "${last_commit_id}" ]; then err_msg "there are no local commits" return 1 fi if ! is.static.build.commit "${last_commit_id}"; then return $? fi build_msg STATIC "drop last commit ${last_commit_id}" git reset --hard HEAD~1 } static.build.commit() { # call the "static.build.drop" command, then "themes.all" then commit the # built files ($BUILT_PATHS). build_msg STATIC "build & commit /static files" # check for not commited files if [ -n "$(git diff --name-only)" ]; then err_msg "some files are not commited:" git diff --name-only | prefix_stdout " " return 1 fi # check for staged files if [ -n "$(git diff --name-only --cached)" ]; then err_msg "some files are staged:" git diff --name-only --cached | prefix_stdout " " return 1 fi # drop existing commit from previos build static.build.drop &>/dev/null ( set -e # build the themes themes.all # add build files for built_path in "${STATIC_BUILT_PATHS[@]}"; do git add -v "${built_path}" done # check if any file has been added (in case of no changes) if [ -z "$(git diff --name-only --cached)" ]; then build_msg STATIC "no changes applied / nothing to commit" return 0 fi # check for modified files that are not staged if [ -n "$(git diff --name-only)" ]; then die 42 "themes.all has created files that are not in STATIC_BUILT_PATHS" fi git commit -m "${STATIC_BUILD_COMMIT}" ) } static.build.restore() { build_msg STATIC "git-restore of the built files (/static)" git restore --staged "${STATIC_BUILT_PATHS[@]}" git restore --worktree "${STATIC_BUILT_PATHS[@]}" }