    cat <<EOF
  yamllint  : lint YAML files (YAMLLINT_FILES)
  pylint    : lint PYLINT_FILES, searx/engines, searx & tests
  pyright   : static type check of python sources
  black     : check black code format
  unit      : run unit tests
  coverage  : run unit tests with coverage
  robot     : run robot test
  rst       : test .rst files incl. README.rst
  clean     : clean intermediate test stuff

test.yamllint() {
    build_msg TEST "[yamllint] \$YAMLLINT_FILES"
    pyenv.cmd yamllint --strict --format parsable "${YAMLLINT_FILES[@]}"
    dump_return $?

test.pylint() {
    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
    (   set -e
        build_msg TEST "[pylint] \$PYLINT_FILES"
        python ${PYLINT_OPTIONS} ${PYLINT_VERBOSE} \
            --additional-builtins="${PYLINT_ADDITIONAL_BUILTINS_FOR_ENGINES}" \

        build_msg TEST "[pylint] searx/engines"
        python ${PYLINT_OPTIONS} ${PYLINT_VERBOSE} \
            --disable="${PYLINT_SEARXNG_DISABLE_OPTION}" \
            --additional-builtins="${PYLINT_ADDITIONAL_BUILTINS_FOR_ENGINES}" \

        build_msg TEST "[pylint] searx tests"
        python ${PYLINT_OPTIONS} ${PYLINT_VERBOSE} \
            --disable="${PYLINT_SEARXNG_DISABLE_OPTION}" \
	    --ignore=searx/engines \
	    searx tests
    dump_return $?

test.pyright() {
    build_msg TEST "[pyright] static type check of python sources"
    # We run Pyright in the virtual environment because Pyright
    # executes "python" to determine the Python version.
    build_msg TEST "[pyright] suppress warnings related to intentional monkey patching"
    pyenv.cmd npx --no-install pyright -p pyrightconfig-ci.json \
        | grep -v ".py$" \
        | grep -v '/engines/.*.py.* - warning: "logger" is not defined'\
        | grep -v '/plugins/.*.py.* - error: "logger" is not defined'\
        | grep -v '/engines/.*.py.* - warning: "supported_languages" is not defined' \
        | grep -v '/engines/.*.py.* - warning: "language_aliases" is not defined' \
        | grep -v '/engines/.*.py.* - warning: "categories" is not defined'
    dump_return $?

test.black() {
    build_msg TEST "[black] \$BLACK_TARGETS"
    pyenv.cmd black --check --diff "${BLACK_OPTIONS[@]}" "${BLACK_TARGETS[@]}"
    dump_return $?

test.unit() {
    build_msg TEST 'tests/unit'
    pyenv.cmd python -m nose2 -s tests/unit
    dump_return $?

test.coverage() {
    build_msg TEST 'unit test coverage'
    (   set -e
        python -m nose2 -C --log-capture --with-coverage --coverage searx -s tests/unit
        coverage report
        coverage html
    dump_return $?

test.robot() {
    build_msg TEST 'robot'
    PYTHONPATH=. pyenv.cmd python -m tests.robot
    dump_return $?

test.rst() {
    build_msg TEST "[reST markup] ${RST_FILES[*]}"
    for rst in "${RST_FILES[@]}"; do
        pyenv.cmd rst2html.py --halt error "$rst" > /dev/null || die 42 "fix issue in $rst"

test.pybabel() {
    build_msg TEST "[extract messages] pybabel"
    mkdir -p "${TEST_BABEL_FOLDER}"
    pyenv.cmd pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o "${TEST_BABEL_FOLDER}/messages.pot" searx

test.clean() {
    build_msg CLEAN  "test stuff"
    rm -rf geckodriver.log .coverage coverage/
    dump_return $?