.. _installation switch2ng:

Switch from searx to SearXNG

.. sidebar:: info

   - :pull:`456`
   - :pull:`A comment about rolling release <446#issuecomment-954730358>`

.. contents:: Contents
   :depth: 2
   :backlinks: entry

If you have a searx installation on your sever and want to switch to SearXNG,
you need to uninstall searx first.  If you have an old searx docker installation
replace your docker image / see :ref:`installation docker`.

If your searx instance was installed *"Step by step"* or by the *"Installation
scripts"*, you need to undo the installation procedure completely.  If you have
morty & filtron installed, it is recommended to uninstall these services also.
In case of scripts, to uninstall use the scripts from the origin you installed
searx from or try::

  $ sudo -H ./utils/filtron.sh remve all
  $ sudo -H ./utils/morty.sh remve all
  $ sudo -H ./utils/searx.sh remve all

If you have removed the old searx installation, clone from SearXNG and and start
with your installation procedure (e.g. :ref:`installation scripts`):

.. code:: bash

   $ cd ~/Downloads
   $ git clone https://github.com/searxng/searxng.git searxng
   $ cd searxng
   $ ...


Please take into account; SearXNG has normalized ``.config.sh`` with
``settings.yml`` and some of the environment settings has been removed from or
renamed in the ``.config.sh``:

- :patch:`[mod] normalize .config.sh with settings.yml <f61c918d>`
- :patch:`[fix] ./utils/filtron.sh - FILTRON_TARGET from YAML settings <7196a9b5>`
- :patch:`SearXNG: SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH <253b8503>`

Check after Installation

Once you have done your installation, you can run a SearXNG *check* procedure,
to see if there are some left overs.  In this example there exists a *old*

   $ sudo -H ./utils/searxng.sh instance check

   SearXNG (check installation)
   ERROR: settings.yml in /etc/searx/ is deprecated, move file to folder /etc/searxng/
   INFO:  SearXNG instance already installed at: /usr/local/searx/searx-src
   INFO:  Service account searx exists.
   INFO:  ~searx: python environment is available.
   INFO:  ~searx: SearXNG software is installed.
   INFO:  uWSGI app searxng.ini is enabled.
   INFO    searx                         : merge the default settings ( /usr/local/searx/searx-src/searx/settings.yml ) and the user setttings ( /etc/searxng/settings.yml )
   INFO    searx                         : max_request_timeout=None

To *check* the filtron & morty installations, use similar commands::

  $ sudo -H /utils/filtron.sh install check
  $ sudo -H /utils/morty.sh   install check