forked from zaclys/searxng

Partial reverse engineering of the Google engines including a improved language and region handling based on the engine.traits_v1 data. When ever possible the implementations of the Google engines try to make use of the async REST APIs. The get_lang_info() has been generalized to a get_google_info() function / especially the region handling has been improved by adding the cr parameter. searx/data/engine_traits.json Add data type "traits_v1" generated by the fetch_traits() functions from: - Google (WEB), - Google images, - Google news, - Google scholar and - Google videos and remove data from obsolete data type "supported_languages". A traits.custom type that maps region codes to *supported_domains* is fetched from searx/ Reversed engineered autocomplete from Google WEB. Supports Google's languages and subdomains. The old API has been replaced by the async REST API: https://{subdomain}/complete/search?{args} searx/engines/ Reverse engineering and extensive testing .. - fetch_traits(): Fetch languages & regions from Google properties. - always use the async REST API (formally known as 'use_mobile_ui') - use *supported_domains* from traits - improved the result list by fetching './/div[@data-content-feature]' and parsing the type of the various *content features* --> thumbnails are added searx/engines/ Reverse engineering and extensive testing .. - fetch_traits(): Fetch languages & regions from Google properties. - use *supported_domains* from traits - if exists, freshness_date is added to the result - issue 1864: result list has been improved a lot (due to the new cr parameter) searx/engines/ Reverse engineering and extensive testing .. - fetch_traits(): Fetch languages & regions from Google properties. *supported_domains* is not needed but a ceid list has been added. - different region handling compared to Google WEB - fixed for various languages & regions (due to the new ceid parameter) / avoid CONSENT page - Google News do no longer support time range - result list has been fixed: XPath of pub_date and pub_origin searx/engines/ - fetch_traits(): Fetch languages & regions from Google properties. - use *supported_domains* from traits - add paging support - implement a async request ('asearch': 'arc' & 'async': 'use_ac:true,_fmt:html') - simplified code (thanks to '_fmt:html' request) - issue 1359: fixed xpath of video length data searx/engines/ - fetch_traits(): Fetch languages & regions from Google properties. - use *supported_domains* from traits - request(): include patents & citations - response(): fixed CAPTCHA detection (Scholar has its own CATCHA manager) - hardening XPath to iterate over results - fixed XPath of pub_type (has been change from gs_ct1 to gs_cgt2 class) - issue 1769 fixed: new request implementation is no longer incompatible Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# lint: pylint
"""This module implements functions needed for the autocompleter.
# pylint: disable=use-dict-literal
import json
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import lxml
from httpx import HTTPError
from searx import settings
from searx.engines import (
from import get as http_get
from searx.exceptions import SearxEngineResponseException
# a fetch_supported_languages() for XPath engines isn't available right now
# _brave = ENGINES_LANGUAGES['brave'].keys()
def get(*args, **kwargs):
if 'timeout' not in kwargs:
kwargs['timeout'] = settings['outgoing']['request_timeout']
kwargs['raise_for_httperror'] = True
return http_get(*args, **kwargs)
def brave(query, _lang):
# brave search autocompleter
url = ''
url += urlencode({'q': query})
country = 'all'
# if lang in _brave:
# country = lang
kwargs = {'cookies': {'country': country}}
resp = get(url, **kwargs)
results = []
if resp.ok:
data = resp.json()
for item in data[1]:
return results
def dbpedia(query, _lang):
# dbpedia autocompleter, no HTTPS
autocomplete_url = ''
response = get(autocomplete_url + urlencode(dict(QueryString=query)))
results = []
if response.ok:
dom = lxml.etree.fromstring(response.content)
results = dom.xpath('//Result/Label//text()')
return results
def duckduckgo(query, sxng_locale):
"""Autocomplete from DuckDuckGo. Supports DuckDuckGo's languages"""
traits = engines['duckduckgo'].traits
args = {
'q': query,
'kl': traits.get_region(sxng_locale, traits.all_locale),
url = '' + urlencode(args)
resp = get(url)
ret_val = []
if resp.ok:
j = resp.json()
if len(j) > 1:
ret_val = j[1]
return ret_val
def google_complete(query, sxng_locale):
"""Autocomplete from Google. Supports Google's languages and subdomains
(:py:obj:``) by using the async REST
google_info = google.get_google_info({'searxng_locale': sxng_locale}, engines['google'].traits)
url = 'https://{subdomain}/complete/search?{args}'
args = urlencode(
'q': query,
'client': 'gws-wiz',
'hl': google_info['params']['hl'],
results = []
resp = get(url.format(subdomain=google_info['subdomain'], args=args))
if resp.ok:
json_txt = resp.text[resp.text.find('[') : resp.text.find(']', -3) + 1]
data = json.loads(json_txt)
for item in data[0]:
return results
def seznam(query, _lang):
# seznam search autocompleter
url = '{query}'
resp = get(
{'phrase': query, 'cursorPosition': len(query), 'format': 'json-2', 'highlight': '1', 'count': '6'}
if not resp.ok:
return []
data = resp.json()
return [
''.join([part.get('text', '') for part in item.get('text', [])])
for item in data.get('result', [])
if item.get('itemType', None) == 'ItemType.TEXT'
def startpage(query, sxng_locale):
"""Autocomplete from Startpage. Supports Startpage's languages"""
lui = engines['startpage'].traits.get_language(sxng_locale, 'english')
url = '{query}'
resp = get(url.format(query=urlencode({'q': query, 'segment': 'startpage.udog', 'lui': lui})))
data = resp.json()
return [e['text'] for e in data.get('suggestions', []) if 'text' in e]
def swisscows(query, _lang):
# swisscows autocompleter
url = '{query}&itemsCount=5'
resp = json.loads(get(url.format(query=urlencode({'query': query}))).text)
return resp
def qwant(query, sxng_locale):
"""Autocomplete from Qwant. Supports Qwant's regions."""
results = []
locale = engines['qwant'].traits.get_region(sxng_locale, 'en_US')
url = '{query}'
resp = get(url.format(query=urlencode({'q': query, 'locale': locale, 'version': '2'})))
if resp.ok:
data = resp.json()
if data['status'] == 'success':
for item in data['data']['items']:
return results
def wikipedia(query, sxng_locale):
"""Autocomplete from Wikipedia. Supports Wikipedia's languages (aka netloc)."""
results = []
eng_traits = engines['wikipedia'].traits
wiki_lang = eng_traits.get_language(sxng_locale, 'en')
wiki_netloc = eng_traits.custom['wiki_netloc'].get(wiki_lang, '')
url = 'https://{wiki_netloc}/w/api.php?{args}'
args = urlencode(
'action': 'opensearch',
'format': 'json',
'formatversion': '2',
'search': query,
'namespace': '0',
'limit': '10',
resp = get(url.format(args=args, wiki_netloc=wiki_netloc))
if resp.ok:
data = resp.json()
if len(data) > 1:
results = data[1]
return results
def yandex(query, _lang):
# yandex autocompleter
url = "{0}"
resp = json.loads(get(url.format(urlencode(dict(part=query)))).text)
if len(resp) > 1:
return resp[1]
return []
backends = {
'dbpedia': dbpedia,
'duckduckgo': duckduckgo,
'google': google_complete,
'seznam': seznam,
'startpage': startpage,
'swisscows': swisscows,
'qwant': qwant,
'wikipedia': wikipedia,
'brave': brave,
'yandex': yandex,
def search_autocomplete(backend_name, query, sxng_locale):
backend = backends.get(backend_name)
if backend is None:
return []
if engines[backend_name].traits.data_type != "traits_v1":
# vintage / deprecated
if not sxng_locale or sxng_locale == 'all':
sxng_locale = 'en'
sxng_locale = sxng_locale.split('-')[0]
return backend(query, sxng_locale)
except (HTTPError, SearxEngineResponseException):
return []