Cqoicebordel c59d0c200e Fix torrent W3C+UX
Puts links to torrents and magnets in tool bar
Fixes a lot of W3C errors
2015-01-11 19:34:11 +01:00

28 lines
2 KiB

{% from 'oscar/macros.html' import icon %}
<h4 class="result_header">{% if result.engine~".png" in favicons %}<img width="32" height="32" class="favicon" src="{{ url_for('static', filename='img/icons/'+result.engine+'.png') }}" alt="{{ result.engine }}" /> {% endif %}<a href="{{ result.url }}">{{ result.title|safe }}</a></h4>
{% if result.publishedDate %}<time class="text-muted" datetime="{{ result.pubdate }}" >{{ result.publishedDate }}</time>{% endif %}
<small><a class="text-info" href="{{ result.url }}">{{ icon('link') }} {{ _('cached') }}</a></small>
{% if result.magnetlink %}<small> &bull; <a href="{{ result.magnetlink }}" class="magnetlink">{{ icon('magnet') }} {{ _('magnet link') }}</a></small>{% endif %}
{% if result.torrentfile %}<small> &bull; <a href="{{ result.torrentfile }}" class="torrentfile">{{ icon('download-alt') }} {{ _('torrent file') }}</a></small>{% endif %}
<p class="result-content">{{ icon('transfer') }} {{ _('Seeder') }} <span class="badge">{{ result.seed }}</span> &bull; {{ _('Leecher') }} <span class="badge">{{ result.leech }}</span>
{% if result.filesize %}<br />{{ icon('floppy-disk') }} {{ _('Filesize') }}
<span class="badge">
{% if result.filesize < 1024 %}{{ result.filesize }} Byte
{% elif result.filesize < 1024*1024 %}{{ '{0:0.2f}'.format(result.filesize/1024) }} kb
{% elif result.filesize < 1024*1024*1024 %}{{ '{0:0.2f}'.format(result.filesize/1024/1024) }} MB
{% elif result.filesize < 1024*1024*1024*1024 %}{{ '{0:0.2f}'.format(result.filesize/1024/1024/1024) }} GB
{% else %}{{ '{0:0.2f}'.format(result.filesize/1024/1024/1024/1024) }} TB{% endif %}
</span>{% endif %}
{% if result.files %}<br />{{ icon('file') }} {{ _('Number of Files') }} <span class="badge">{{ result.files }}</span>{% endif %}
{% if result.content %}<br />{{ result.content|safe }}{% endif %}
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<span class="label label-default pull-right">{{ result.engine }}</span>
<p class="text-muted">{{ result.pretty_url }}</p>