forked from zaclys/searxng

This patch fixes some quirks and issues related to the engines and the network. Each engine has its own network and this network was broken for the following engines[1]: - archlinux - bing - dailymotion - duckduckgo - google - peertube - startpage - wikipedia Since the files have been touched anyway, the type annotaions of the engine modules has also been completed so that error messages from the type checker are no longer reported. Related and (partial) fixed issue: - [1] - [2] - [3] Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
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252 lines
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# lint: pylint
Dailymotion (Videos)
.. _Global API Parameters:
.. _Video filters API:
.. _Fields selection:
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import time
import babel
from import get, raise_for_httperror # see
from searx.utils import html_to_text
from searx.exceptions import SearxEngineAPIException
from searx.locales import region_tag, language_tag
from searx.enginelib.traits import EngineTraits
import logging
logger: logging.Logger
traits: EngineTraits
# about
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": 'Q769222',
"official_api_documentation": '',
"use_official_api": True,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'JSON',
# engine dependent config
categories = ['videos']
paging = True
number_of_results = 10
time_range_support = True
time_delta_dict = {
"day": timedelta(days=1),
"week": timedelta(days=7),
"month": timedelta(days=31),
"year": timedelta(days=365),
safesearch = True
safesearch_params = {
2: {'is_created_for_kids': 'true'},
1: {'is_created_for_kids': 'true'},
0: {},
"""True if this video is "Created for Kids" / intends to target an audience
under the age of 16 (``is_created_for_kids`` in `Video filters API`_ )
family_filter_map = {
2: 'true',
1: 'true',
0: 'false',
"""By default, the family filter is turned on. Setting this parameter to
``false`` will stop filtering-out explicit content from searches and global
contexts (``family_filter`` in `Global API Parameters`_ ).
result_fields = [
"""`Fields selection`_, by default, a few fields are returned. To request more
specific fields, the ``fields`` parameter is used with the list of fields
SearXNG needs in the response to build a video result list.
search_url = ''
"""URL to retrieve a list of videos.
- `Global API Parameters`_
- `Video filters API`_
iframe_src = "{video_id}"
"""URL template to embed video in SearXNG's result list."""
def request(query, params):
if not query:
return False
eng_region: str = traits.get_region(params['searxng_locale'], 'en_US') # type: ignore
eng_lang = traits.get_language(params['searxng_locale'], 'en')
args = {
'search': query,
'family_filter': family_filter_map.get(params['safesearch'], 'false'),
'thumbnail_ratio': 'original', # original|widescreen|square
'languages': eng_lang,
'page': params['pageno'],
'password_protected': 'false',
'private': 'false',
'sort': 'relevance',
'limit': number_of_results,
'fields': ','.join(result_fields),
args.update(safesearch_params.get(params['safesearch'], {}))
# Don't add localization and country arguments if the user does select a
# language (:de, :en, ..)
if len(params['searxng_locale'].split('-')) > 1:
args['localization'] = eng_region
args['country'] = eng_region.split('_')[1]
# Insufficient rights for the `ams_country' parameter of route `GET /videos'
# 'ams_country': eng_region.split('_')[1],
time_delta = time_delta_dict.get(params["time_range"])
if time_delta:
created_after = - time_delta
args['created_after'] = datetime.timestamp(created_after)
query_str = urlencode(args)
params['url'] = search_url + query_str
return params
# get response from search-request
def response(resp):
results = []
search_res = resp.json()
# check for an API error
if 'error' in search_res:
raise SearxEngineAPIException(search_res['error'].get('message'))
# parse results
for res in search_res.get('list', []):
title = res['title']
url = res['url']
content = html_to_text(res['description'])
if len(content) > 300:
content = content[:300] + '...'
publishedDate = datetime.fromtimestamp(res['created_time'], None)
length = time.gmtime(res.get('duration'))
if length.tm_hour:
length = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", length)
length = time.strftime("%M:%S", length)
thumbnail = res['thumbnail_360_url']
thumbnail = thumbnail.replace("http://", "https://")
item = {
'template': 'videos.html',
'url': url,
'title': title,
'content': content,
'publishedDate': publishedDate,
'length': length,
'thumbnail': thumbnail,
# HINT: no mater what the value is, without API token videos can't shown
# embedded
if res['allow_embed']:
item['iframe_src'] = iframe_src.format(video_id=res['id'])
# return results
return results
def fetch_traits(engine_traits: EngineTraits):
"""Fetch locales & languages from dailymotion.
Locales fetched from `api/locales <>`_.
There are duplications in the locale codes returned from Dailymotion which
can be ignored::
en_EN --> en_GB, en_US
ar_AA --> ar_EG, ar_AE, ar_SA
The language list `api/languages <>`_
contains over 7000 *languages* codes (see PR1071_). We use only those
language codes that are used in the locales.
.. _PR1071:
resp = get('')
if not resp.ok: # type: ignore
print("ERROR: response from dailymotion/locales is not OK.")
for item in resp.json()['list']: # type: ignore
eng_tag = item['locale']
if eng_tag in ('en_EN', 'ar_AA'):
sxng_tag = region_tag(babel.Locale.parse(eng_tag))
except babel.UnknownLocaleError:
print("ERROR: item unknown --> %s" % item)
conflict = engine_traits.regions.get(sxng_tag)
if conflict:
if conflict != eng_tag:
print("CONFLICT: babel %s --> %s, %s" % (sxng_tag, conflict, eng_tag))
engine_traits.regions[sxng_tag] = eng_tag
locale_lang_list = [x.split('_')[0] for x in engine_traits.regions.values()]
resp = get('')
if not resp.ok: # type: ignore
print("ERROR: response from dailymotion/languages is not OK.")
for item in resp.json()['list']: # type: ignore
eng_tag = item['code']
if eng_tag in locale_lang_list:
sxng_tag = language_tag(babel.Locale.parse(eng_tag))
engine_traits.languages[sxng_tag] = eng_tag