2014-10-17 12:42:16 +02:00

108 lines
3.4 KiB

## Farro (Web, News)
# @website
# @provide-api yes (, require API-key
# @using-api yes
# @results JSON
# @stable yes
# @parse url, title, content, publishedDate, img_src
from urllib import urlencode
from json import loads
import datetime
from searx.utils import searx_useragent
# engine dependent config
categories = ['general', 'news']
paging = True
language_support = True
number_of_results = 10
api_key = None
# search-url
url = ''
search_url = url + 'api?{query}&start={offset}&length={number_of_results}&l={language}&src={categorie}&i=false&f=json&key={api_key}'
search_category = {'general': 'web',
'news': 'news'}
# do search-request
def request(query, params):
offset = (params['pageno'] - 1) * number_of_results
categorie = search_category.get(params['category'], 'web')
if params['language'] == 'all':
language = 'en'
language = params['language'].split('_')[0]
# skip, if language is not supported
if language != 'en' and\
language != 'de' and\
language != 'zh':
return params
params['url'] = search_url.format(offset=offset,
query=urlencode({'q': query}),
api_key=api_key )
# using searx User-Agent
params['headers']['User-Agent'] = searx_useragent()
return params
# get response from search-request
def response(resp):
# HTTP-Code 401: api-key is not valide
if resp.status_code == 401:
raise Exception("API key is not valide")
return []
# HTTP-Code 429: rate limit exceeded
if resp.status_code == 429:
raise Exception("rate limit has been exceeded!")
return []
results = []
search_res = loads(resp.text)
# return empty array if there are no results
if not search_res.get('results', {}):
return []
# parse results
for result in search_res['results']:
if result['news'] == 'true':
# timestamp (how many milliseconds have passed between now and the beginning of 1970)
publishedDate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(result['date']/1000.0)
# append news result
results.append({'url': result['url'],
'title': result['title'],
'publishedDate': publishedDate,
'content': result['kwic']})
# append general result
# TODO, publishedDate correct?
results.append({'url': result['url'],
'title': result['title'],
'content': result['kwic']})
# append image result if image url is set
# TODO, show results with an image like in faroo
if result['iurl']:
results.append({'template': 'images.html',
'url': result['url'],
'title': result['title'],
'content': result['kwic'],
'img_src': result['iurl']})
# return results
return results