Markus Heiser 2499899554 [mod] Google: reversed engineered & upgrade to data_type: traits_v1
Partial reverse engineering of the Google engines including a improved language
and region handling based on the engine.traits_v1 data.

When ever possible the implementations of the Google engines try to make use of
the async REST APIs.  The get_lang_info() has been generalized to a
get_google_info() function / especially the region handling has been improved by
adding the cr parameter.

  Add data type "traits_v1" generated by the fetch_traits() functions from:

  - Google (WEB),
  - Google images,
  - Google news,
  - Google scholar and
  - Google videos

  and remove data from obsolete data type "supported_languages".

  A traits.custom type that maps region codes to *supported_domains* is fetched

  Reversed engineered autocomplete from Google WEB.  Supports Google's languages and
  subdomains.  The old API has been replaced
  by the async REST API: https://{subdomain}/complete/search?{args}

  Reverse engineering and extensive testing ..
  - fetch_traits():  Fetch languages & regions from Google properties.
  - always use the async REST API (formally known as 'use_mobile_ui')
  - use *supported_domains* from traits
  - improved the result list by fetching './/div[@data-content-feature]'
    and parsing the type of the various *content features* --> thumbnails are

  Reverse engineering and extensive testing ..
  - fetch_traits():  Fetch languages & regions from Google properties.
  - use *supported_domains* from traits
  - if exists, freshness_date is added to the result
  - issue 1864: result list has been improved a lot (due to the new cr parameter)

  Reverse engineering and extensive testing ..
  - fetch_traits():  Fetch languages & regions from Google properties.
    *supported_domains* is not needed but a ceid list has been added.
  - different region handling compared to Google WEB
  - fixed for various languages & regions (due to the new ceid parameter) /
    avoid CONSENT page
  - Google News do no longer support time range
  - result list has been fixed: XPath of pub_date and pub_origin

  - fetch_traits():  Fetch languages & regions from Google properties.
  - use *supported_domains* from traits
  - add paging support
  - implement a async request ('asearch': 'arc' & 'async':
  - simplified code (thanks to '_fmt:html' request)
  - issue 1359: fixed xpath of video length data

  - fetch_traits():  Fetch languages & regions from Google properties.
  - use *supported_domains* from traits
  - request(): include patents & citations
  - response(): fixed CAPTCHA detection (Scholar has its own CATCHA manager)
  - hardening XPath to iterate over results
  - fixed XPath of pub_type (has been change from gs_ct1 to gs_cgt2 class)
  - issue 1769 fixed: new request implementation is no longer incompatible

Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
2023-03-24 10:37:42 +01:00

237 lines
8.6 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# lint: pylint
"""Processores for engine-type: ``online``
# pylint: disable=use-dict-literal
from timeit import default_timer
import asyncio
import ssl
import httpx
from searx.utils import gen_useragent
from searx.exceptions import (
from searx.metrics.error_recorder import count_error
from .abstract import EngineProcessor
def default_request_params():
"""Default request parameters for ``online`` engines."""
return {
# fmt: off
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {},
'data': {},
'url': '',
'cookies': {},
'auth': None
# fmt: on
class OnlineProcessor(EngineProcessor):
"""Processor class for ``online`` engines."""
engine_type = 'online'
def initialize(self):
# set timeout for all HTTP requests, start_time=default_timer())
# reset the HTTP total time
# set the network
def get_params(self, search_query, engine_category):
"""Returns a set of :ref:`request params <engine request online>` or ``None``
if request is not supported.
params = super().get_params(search_query, engine_category)
if params is None:
return None
# add default params
# add an user agent
params['headers']['User-Agent'] = gen_useragent()
# add Accept-Language header
if self.engine.send_accept_language_header and search_query.locale:
ac_lang = search_query.locale.language
if search_query.locale.territory:
ac_lang = "%s-%s,%s;q=0.9,*;q=0.5" % (
params['headers']['Accept-Language'] = ac_lang
return params
def _send_http_request(self, params):
# create dictionary which contain all
# information about the request
request_args = dict(headers=params['headers'], cookies=params['cookies'], auth=params['auth'])
# verify
# if not None, it overrides the verify value defined in the network.
# use False to accept any server certificate
# use a path to file to specify a server certificate
verify = params.get('verify')
if verify is not None:
request_args['verify'] = params['verify']
# max_redirects
max_redirects = params.get('max_redirects')
if max_redirects:
request_args['max_redirects'] = max_redirects
# allow_redirects
if 'allow_redirects' in params:
request_args['allow_redirects'] = params['allow_redirects']
# soft_max_redirects
soft_max_redirects = params.get('soft_max_redirects', max_redirects or 0)
# raise_for_status
request_args['raise_for_httperror'] = params.get('raise_for_httperror', True)
# specific type of request (GET or POST)
if params['method'] == 'GET':
req =
req =
request_args['data'] = params['data']
# send the request
response = req(params['url'], **request_args)
# check soft limit of the redirect count
if len(response.history) > soft_max_redirects:
# unexpected redirect : record an error
# but the engine might still return valid results.
status_code = str(response.status_code or '')
reason = response.reason_phrase or ''
hostname =
'{} redirects, maximum: {}'.format(len(response.history), soft_max_redirects),
(status_code, reason, hostname),
return response
def _search_basic(self, query, params):
# update request parameters dependent on
# search-engine (contained in engines folder)
self.engine.request(query, params)
# ignoring empty urls
if params['url'] is None:
return None
if not params['url']:
return None
# send request
response = self._send_http_request(params)
# parse the response
response.search_params = params
return self.engine.response(response)
def search(self, query, params, result_container, start_time, timeout_limit):
# set timeout for all HTTP requests, start_time=start_time)
# reset the HTTP total time
# set the network
# send requests and parse the results
search_results = self._search_basic(query, params)
self.extend_container(result_container, start_time, search_results)
except ssl.SSLError as e:
# requests timeout (connect or read)
self.handle_exception(result_container, e, suspend=True)
self.logger.error("SSLError {}, verify={}".format(e,
except (httpx.TimeoutException, asyncio.TimeoutError) as e:
# requests timeout (connect or read)
self.handle_exception(result_container, e, suspend=True)
"HTTP requests timeout (search duration : {0} s, timeout: {1} s) : {2}".format(
default_timer() - start_time, timeout_limit, e.__class__.__name__
except (httpx.HTTPError, httpx.StreamError) as e:
# other requests exception
self.handle_exception(result_container, e, suspend=True)
"requests exception (search duration : {0} s, timeout: {1} s) : {2}".format(
default_timer() - start_time, timeout_limit, e
except SearxEngineCaptchaException as e:
self.handle_exception(result_container, e, suspend=True)
except SearxEngineTooManyRequestsException as e:
self.handle_exception(result_container, e, suspend=True)
self.logger.exception('Too many requests')
except SearxEngineAccessDeniedException as e:
self.handle_exception(result_container, e, suspend=True)
self.logger.exception('Searx is blocked')
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
self.handle_exception(result_container, e)
self.logger.exception('exception : {0}'.format(e))
def get_default_tests(self):
tests = {}
tests['simple'] = {
'matrix': {'query': ('life', 'computer')},
'result_container': ['not_empty'],
if getattr(self.engine, 'paging', False):
tests['paging'] = {
'matrix': {'query': 'time', 'pageno': (1, 2, 3)},
'result_container': ['not_empty'],
'test': ['unique_results'],
if 'general' in self.engine.categories:
# avoid documentation about HTML tags (<time> and <input type="time">)
tests['paging']['matrix']['query'] = 'news'
if getattr(self.engine, 'time_range', False):
tests['time_range'] = {
'matrix': {'query': 'news', 'time_range': (None, 'day')},
'result_container': ['not_empty'],
'test': ['unique_results'],
if getattr(self.engine, 'supported_languages', []):
tests['lang_fr'] = {
'matrix': {'query': 'paris', 'lang': 'fr'},
'result_container': ['not_empty', ('has_language', 'fr')],
tests['lang_en'] = {
'matrix': {'query': 'paris', 'lang': 'en'},
'result_container': ['not_empty', ('has_language', 'en')],
if getattr(self.engine, 'safesearch', False):
tests['safesearch'] = {'matrix': {'query': 'porn', 'safesearch': (0, 2)}, 'test': ['unique_results']}
return tests