Frank de Lange 11fc9913e9 [enh] bing_images: use data from embedded JSON to improve results (e.g. real page title) ()
use data from embedded JSON to improve results (e.g. real page title), add image format and source info (see PR ), improve paging logic (it now works)
2019-07-27 08:22:02 +02:00

124 lines
3.7 KiB

Bing (Images)
@provide-api yes (,
max. 5000 query/month
@using-api no (because of query limit)
@results HTML (using search portal)
@stable no (HTML can change)
@parse url, title, img_src
from lxml import html
from json import loads
import re
from searx.url_utils import urlencode
from searx.utils import match_language
# engine dependent config
categories = ['images']
paging = True
safesearch = True
time_range_support = True
language_support = True
supported_languages_url = ''
number_of_results = 28
# search-url
base_url = ''
search_string = 'images/search'\
time_range_string = '&qft=+filterui:age-lt{interval}'
time_range_dict = {'day': '1440',
'week': '10080',
'month': '43200',
'year': '525600'}
# safesearch definitions
safesearch_types = {2: 'STRICT',
1: 'DEMOTE',
0: 'OFF'}
# do search-request
def request(query, params):
offset = ((params['pageno'] - 1) * number_of_results) + 1
search_path = search_string.format(
query=urlencode({'q': query}),
language = match_language(params['language'], supported_languages, language_aliases).lower()
params['cookies']['SRCHHPGUSR'] = \
'ADLT=' + safesearch_types.get(params['safesearch'], 'DEMOTE')
params['cookies']['_EDGE_S'] = 'mkt=' + language +\
'&ui=' + language + '&F=1'
params['url'] = base_url + search_path
if params['time_range'] in time_range_dict:
params['url'] += time_range_string.format(interval=time_range_dict[params['time_range']])
return params
# get response from search-request
def response(resp):
results = []
dom = html.fromstring(resp.text)
# parse results
for result in dom.xpath('//div[@class="imgpt"]'):
img_format = result.xpath('./div[contains(@class, "img_info")]/span/text()')[0]
# Microsoft seems to experiment with this code so don't make the path too specific,
# just catch the text section for the first anchor in img_info assuming this to be
# the originating site.
source = result.xpath('./div[contains(@class, "img_info")]//a/text()')[0]
m = loads(result.xpath('./a/@m')[0])
# strip 'Unicode private use area' highlighting, they render to Tux
# the Linux penguin and a standing diamond on my machine...
title = m.get('t', '').replace(u'\ue000', '').replace(u'\ue001', '')
results.append({'template': 'images.html',
'url': m['purl'],
'thumbnail_src': m['turl'],
'img_src': m['murl'],
'content': '',
'title': title,
'source': source,
'img_format': img_format})
return results
# get supported languages from their site
def _fetch_supported_languages(resp):
supported_languages = []
dom = html.fromstring(resp.text)
regions_xpath = '//div[@id="region-section-content"]' \
+ '//ul[@class="b_vList"]/li/a/@href'
regions = dom.xpath(regions_xpath)
for region in regions:
code ='setmkt=[^\&]+', region).group()[7:]
if code == 'nb-NO':
code = 'no-NO'
return supported_languages