Nouvelle config (passage à elvish 0.16.1)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
#alias:new add_badips e:echo
fn add_badips [@_args]{
use moi/util/ip
use moi/util/list
use moi/util/map
use moi/util/number
use str
local:f = ~/bad_ips.txt
local:ips = [ (cat $f) ]
local:m = (map:to-set $ips)
local:c = 0
each [e]{
local:cond = (and (not (has-key $m $e)) (ip:is-ipv4 $e))
if $cond {
echo $e ajoutée
c = (number:++ $c)
m[$e] = $nil
ips = [ (all $ips) $e ]
} $_args
if (> $c 0) {
ips = [ (list:sort $ip:cmp4~ $ips) ]
local:result = (str:join "\n" $ips)
echo $result > $f
echo $c' IPs ajoutées ('(count $ips)' au total)'
@ -1,38 +1,39 @@
#alias:new archiver e:archiver
fn archiver [@_args]{
edit:add-var archiver~ [@argv]{
use str
help = {
echo "Usage : archiver [(-zlxgb)] <file to compress>"
if (or (== (count $_args) 0) (eq $_args[0] -h)) {
if (or (== (count $argv) 0) (eq $argv[0] -h)) {
local:format = zst
local:o = $_args[0]
if (and (has-prefix $o -) (> (count $o) 1)) {
local:o = $argv[0]
if (and (str:has-prefix $o -) (> (count $o) 1)) {
o = $o[1]
local:m = [
if (not (has-key $m $o)) {
format = $m[$o]
_args = $_args[1:]
argv = $argv[1..]
if (== (count $_args) 0) {
if (== (count $argv) 0) {
peach [f]{
local:f = $f
if (eq $f[-1] /) {
f = $f[:-1]
f = $f[..-1]
e:arc archive $f'.tar.'$format $f
echo "'"$f"'" archivé
} $_args
} $argv
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
#alias:new bat e:bat
fn bat [@_args]{
styles = [ --style -n --number -p --plain -pp ]
has_style = $false
for e $_args {
if (has-value $styles $e) {
has_style = true
@pargs = $@_args
if (not $has_style) {
@pargs = -p $@_args
e:bat $@pargs
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
#alias:new br e:broot -dp
#fn br [@_args]{ e:broot -dp $@_args }
fn br [@_args]{
f = (mktemp)
try {
e:broot --outcmd $f -dp $@_args
} except e {
rm -f $f
try {
-source $f
} except e {
} finally {
rm -f $f
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new cat bat -pp
fn cat [@_args]{ bat -pp $@_args }
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
#alias:new clean_known_hosts e:cat
fn clean_known_hosts [@_args]{
use str
use moi/util/condition
use moi/util/list
use moi/util/ip
fn less [cmp e1 e2]{ < ($cmp $e1 $e2) 0 }
fn sort-host [e1 e2]{
local:i1 = (condition:set (ip:is-ip $e1) 1 0)
local:i2 = (condition:set (ip:is-ip $e2) 1 0)
if (!= $i1 $i2) {
< $i1 $i2
} elif (== $i1 0) {
<s $e1 $e2
} else {
less $ip:cmp~ $e1 $e2
local:khosts = [&]
cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts | eawk [_ hosts @rest]{
local:key = (str:join ' ' $rest)
if (not (has-key $khosts $key)) {
khosts[$key] = [&]
str:split , $hosts | each [h]{
khosts[$key][$h] = $nil
local:lines = [(keys $khosts | each [key]{
local:hosts = (keys $khosts[$key] | order &less-than=$sort-host~ | str:join ,)
put $hosts $key | str:join ' '
echo (str:join "\n" $lines) > ~/.ssh/known_hosts
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new cp e:cp -iv
fn cp [@_args]{ e:cp -iv $@_args }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new dcd e:broot --only-folder --cmd
fn dcd [@_args]{ br --only-folders --cmd (joins ' ' $_args)' :cd' }
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#alias:new desarchiver e:desarchiver
fn desarchiver [@_args]{
edit:add-var desarchiver~ [@argv]{
peach [f]{
local:f = $f
e:arc unarchive $f
echo "'"$f"'" désarchivé
} $_args
} $argv
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new df e:df -h
fn df [@_args]{ e:df -h $@_args }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new diff e:colordiff
fn diff [@_args]{ e:colordiff $@_args }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new dig e:dig +noall +answer
fn dig [@_args]{ e:dig +noall +answer $@_args }
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#alias:new digall e:dig ANY +noall +answer
fn digall [@_args]{
edit:add-var digall~ [@argv]{
use moi/util/list
use moi/util/strutil
use moi/util/strutil
use str
local:default_records = [
@ -31,9 +30,9 @@ fn digall [@_args]{
local:use_dig = $true
fn init []{
if (and (> (count $_args) 0) (is $_args[0] -d)) {
if (and (> (count $argv) 0) (is $argv[0] -d)) {
use_dig = $false
_args = $_args[1:]
argv = $argv[1:]
each [e]{
if (is $e[0] '+') {
@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ fn digall [@_args]{
} else {
domains = [ (all $domains) $e ]
} $_args
} $argv
if (== (count $records) 0) {
records = $default_records
@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ fn digall [@_args]{
fn format [results]{
eawk [_ @args]{
put [ $args[0] (all $args[2:]) ]
put [ $args[0] (all $args[2..]) ]
} $results | list:remove-duplicate | list:sort [l1 l2]{
local:c = (str:compare $l1[0] $l2[0])
if (== $c 0) {
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new du e:du -h
fn du [@_args]{ e:du -h $@_args }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new git e:hub
fn git [@_args]{ e:hub $@_args }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new grep e:grep --color=tty -d skip
fn grep [@_args]{ e:grep --color=tty -d skip $@_args }
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
#alias:new history edit:command-history | each [h]{ put $h['cmd'] }
fn history [@_args]{
use str
use moi/util/list
@history = (edit:command-history | each [h]{ put $h['cmd'] })
@ch = (list:reverse $history | list:remove-duplicate | list:reverse)
if (list:empty $_args) {
each [h]{ echo $h } $ch
action @rest = $_args[0] (take 1 $_args)
has-rest = (list:not-empty $rest)
if (and (is $action --cmd) $has-rest) {
eawk [h cmd @_]{
if (has-value $rest $cmd) {
echo $h
} $ch
} elif (and (is $action --search) $has-rest) {
each [h]{
if (list:exists [_ m]{ str:contains $h $m } $rest) {
echo $h
} $ch
} elif (and (is $action --delete) $has-rest) {
each [h]{
if (list:exists [_ m]{ str:contains $h $m } $rest) {
put $h
} $history
} else {
echo (styled 'Usage: history [(--search|--cmd|--delete) args...' bold red)
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
#alias:new ip-of e:is-ip
fn ip-of [@_args]{
use str
use moi/util/condition
use moi/util/ip
fn less [cmp e1 e2]{ < ($cmp $e1 $e2) 0 }
fn sort-ip [e1 e2]{
local:i1 = (condition:set (ip:is-ipv4 $e1) 0 (condition:set (ip:is-ipv6 $e1) 1 2))
local:i2 = (condition:set (ip:is-ipv4 $e2) 0 (condition:set (ip:is-ipv6 $e2) 1 2))
if (!= $i1 $i2) {
< $i1 $i2
} elif (== $i1 2) {
<s $e1 $e2
} elif (== $i1 1) {
less $ip:cmp6~ $e1 $e2
} else {
less $ip:cmp4~ $e1 $e2
fn dnssolve [d]{
local:result = [
e:dnscrypt-proxy --resolve $d | peach [l]{
if (has-prefix $l 'IP addresses:') {
local:ips = (str:trim-space (str:trim-prefix $l 'IP addresses:'))
splits ', ' $ips | peach [e]{
local:e = $e
if (ip:is-ip $e) {
result[ips][$e] = $nil
} elif (has-prefix $l 'TXT records:') {
result[txt] = (str:trim-space (str:trim-prefix $l 'TXT records:'))
} elif (has-prefix $l 'Resolver IP:') {
result[resolvers] = (str:trim-space (str:trim-prefix $l 'Resolver IP:'))
put $result
local:hosts = [&]
cat /etc/hosts | peach [l]{
local:l = $l
l = (str:trim-space $l)
if (and (not-eq $l '') (not-eq $l[0] '#')) {
put $l
} | eawk [_ ip @domains]{
peach [d]{
local:d = $d
if (has-key $hosts $d) {
hosts[$d][$ip] = $nil
} else {
hosts[$d] = [&$ip=$nil]
} $domains
local:remote = [&]
peach [d]{
local:d = $d
local:solve = (dnssolve $d)
if (> (keys $solve[ips] | count) 0) {
remote[$d] = $solve
} $_args
each [d]{
local:exists = $false
echo (styled 'Resolving '$d'…' bright-green)
if (has-key $hosts $d) {
exists = $true
echo (styled ' local:' bright-yellow)
keys $hosts[$d] | order &less-than=$sort-ip~ | each [ip]{
echo ' - '$ip
if (has-key $remote $d) {
exists = $true
local:info = $remote[$d]
echo (styled ' remote:' bright-yellow)
echo ' IPs:'
keys $info[ips] | order &less-than=$sort-ip~ | each [ip]{
echo ' - '$ip
echo ' Resolvers: '$info[resolvers]
echo ' TXT records: '$info[txt]
if (not $exists) {
echo (styled 'No info found' bright-red)
} $_args
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new la e:ls -a -N --color=auto --group-directories-first --ignore=lost+found --time-style=+"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M" --indicator-style=classify
fn la [@_args]{ e:ls -a -N --color=auto --group-directories-first --ignore=lost+found --time-style=+"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M" --indicator-style=classify $@_args }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new ll e:ls -lh -N --color=auto --group-directories-first --ignore=lost+found --time-style=+"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M" --indicator-style=classify
fn ll [@_args]{ e:ls -lh -N --color=auto --group-directories-first --ignore=lost+found --time-style=+"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M" --indicator-style=classify $@_args }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new lla e:ls -la -N --color=auto --group-directories-first --ignore=lost+found --time-style=+"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M" --indicator-style=classify
fn lla [@_args]{ e:ls -la -N --color=auto --group-directories-first --ignore=lost+found --time-style=+"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M" --indicator-style=classify $@_args }
@ -1,2 +1,14 @@
#alias:new ls e:ls -N --color=auto --group-directories-first --ignore=lost+found --time-style=+"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M" --indicator-style=classify
fn ls [@_args]{ e:ls -N --color=auto --group-directories-first --ignore=lost+found --time-style=+"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M" --indicator-style=classify $@_args }
fn -ls [@argv]{
e:ls -N --color=auto --group-directories-first --ignore=lost+found '--time-style=+"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M"' --indicator-style=classify $@argv
fn -go-ls [@argv]{
e:go-ls --group-directories-first -T '+%Y.%m.%d %H:%M' --git $@argv
local:cmd = $-go-ls~
edit:add-var ls~ [@argv]{ $cmd $@argv }
edit:add-var la~ [@argv]{ $cmd -a $@argv }
edit:add-var ll~ [@argv]{ $cmd -lh $@argv }
edit:add-var lla~ [@argv]{ $cmd -lha $@argv }
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
#alias:new mdig e:dig
fn mdig [@_args]{
if (== (count $_args) 0) {
fail (styled "Veuillez saisir au moins un nom de domaine…" bold red)
ns = []
@hosts = $@_args
if (has-prefix $_args[0] '@') {
ns = $_args[0]
@hosts = (drop 1 $hosts)
if (== (count $hosts) 0) {
fail (styled "Veuillez saisir au moins un nom de domaine…" bold red)
for h $hosts {
@ipv4 = (e:dig $ns $h A +short)
@ipv6 = (e:dig $ns $h AAAA +short)
if (== (count $ipv4) 0) {
@ipv4 = "<unknown>"
if (== (count $ipv6) 0) {
@ipv6 = "<unknown>"
echo (styled $h bold yellow)
echo (styled 'A ' bright-red)$@ipv4
echo (styled 'AAAA ' bright-red)$@ipv6
echo "----------------------"
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#alias:new meteo e:curl ''
fn meteo [@_args]{
curl --connect-timeout 2 ""(joins '' $_args)"?lang=fr"
edit:add-var meteo~ [@argv]{
use str
#curl --connect-timeout 2 ""(joins '' $_args)"?lang=fr"
e:curlie -s --connect-timeout 2 ""(str:join '' $argv)"?lang=fr"
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new midi e:fluidsynth -a pulseaudio /usr/share/soundfonts/FluidR3_GM.sf2
fn midi [@_args]{ e:fluidsynth -a pulseaudio /usr/share/soundfonts/FluidR3_GM.sf2 $@_args }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new mv e:mv -iv
fn mv [@_args]{ e:mv -iv $@_args }
@ -1,4 +1 @@
#alias:new pacmanhisto cat /var/log/pacman.log
fn pacmanhisto [@_args]{
cat /var/log/pacman.log | grep "ALPM" | grep $@_args
edit:add-var pacmanhisto~ [@argv]{ e:cat /var/log/pacman.log | e:grep "ALPM" | e:grep $@argv }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new pf e:pkgfile -vri
fn pf [@_args]{ e:pkgfile -vri $@_args }
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
#alias:new publicip curl
fn publicip {
edit:add-var publicip~ [@argv]{
f = [t]{
use moi/util/condition
t = condition:set (eq $t -6) -6 -4
l = condition:set (eq $t -6) 'IPv6: ' 'IPv4: '
t = (condition:cset (eq $t -6) -6 -4)
l = (condition:cset (eq $t -6) 'IPv6: ' 'IPv4: ')
curl $t 2> /dev/null | each [ip]{ echo (styled $l bold yellow) $ip }
$f -4
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
#alias:new rename perl-rename
fn rename [@_args]{
e:perl-rename -n $@_args
if (util:y-or-n &style=bright-yellow 'Renommer? ') {
e:perl-rename -v $@args
echo (styled 'Succès' bold green)
} else {
echo (styled 'Abandon' bold red)
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new rm e:rm -Iv
fn rm [@_args]{ e:rm -Iv $@_args }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new timidity e:timidity -a -K -1
fn timidity [@_args]{ e:timidity -a -K -1 $@_args }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new tree e:tree -puhC --dirsfirst --du -D
fn tree [@_args]{ e:tree -puhC --dirsfirst --du -D $@_args }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new trsen e:rlwrap trans -b -t en
fn trsen [@_args]{ e:rlwrap trans -b -t en $@_args }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new trsfr e:rlwrap trans -b -t fr
fn trsfr [@_args]{ e:rlwrap trans -b -t fr $@_args }
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#alias:new upd and ?(mirror-check --fast) (sudo pacman -Syu)
fn upd [@_args]{
edit:add-var upd~ [@args]{
if ?(mirror-check --fast) {
sudo pacman -Syu
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new vb e:vim /home/benjamin/.bashrc
fn vb [@_args]{ e:vim /home/benjamin/.bashrc $@_args }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new vc e:vim /home/benjamin/.vimrc
fn vc [@_args]{ e:vim /home/benjamin/.vimrc $@_args }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new vf e:vim /home/benjamin/.config/
fn vf [@_args]{ e:vim /home/benjamin/.config/ $@_args }
@ -1,2 +1,10 @@
#alias:new vi e:vim
fn vi [@_args]{ e:vim $@_args }
local:cmd = $e:vim~
edit:add-var vi~ [@argv]{ $cmd $@argv }
edit:add-var vb~ [@argv]{ $cmd $@argv ~/.bashrc }
edit:add-var vc~ [@argv]{ $cmd $@argv ~/.vimrc }
edit:add-var ve~ [@argv]{ $cmd $@argv ~/.config/elvish/rc.elv }
edit:add-var vf~ [@argv]{ $cmd $@argv ~/.config/fish/ }
edit:add-var vp~ [@argv]{ $cmd $@argv PKGBUILD }
edit:add-var vv~ [@argv]{ $cmd -R $@argv }
edit:add-var vz~ [@argv]{ $cmd $@argv ~/.zshrc }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new vp e:vim PKGBUILD
fn vp [@_args]{ e:vim PKGBUILD $@_args }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new vv e:vim -R
fn vv [@_args]{ e:vim -R $@_args }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new vz e:vim /home/benjamin/.zshrc
fn vz [@_args]{ e:vim /home/benjamin/.zshrc $@_args }
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
#alias:new youtube-dl e:youtube-dl --no-check-certificate
fn youtube-dl [@_args]{ e:youtube-dl --no-check-certificate $@_args }
edit:add-var youtube-dl~ [@argv]{ e:youtube-dl --no-check-certificate $@argv }
edit:add-var youtube-audio~ [@argv]{ e:youtube-dl --no-check-certificate -x --audio-format best $@argv }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
#alias:new youtube_audio youtube-dl -x --audio-format best
fn youtube_audio [@_args]{ youtube-dl -x --audio-format best $@_args }
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 4933947f086421494cfb444b2d90ce0a51faa493
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 5a361ca5ce20a57e1f80a9ee893c2423e63e7ee1
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 97a5aa575fa60be55e61800d885e6108ccca04ff
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 21e048ee6dca73c27d61068e03a113c97cf0a278
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 3ff9fe88bb40dff3591d7e40e3c7dfa06c584e60
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 1010ade24d1dee0a9b62506cfa86298158cac70f
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
#fn pacman [@_args]{
# if (and (== (count $_args) 0) (has-value [-S -Sy -Syu -Syyu -Su -Suu] $_args[0])) {
# mirror-check --fast
# }
# e:pacman $@_args
alias:new cat bat -pp
alias:new midi e:fluidsynth -a pulseaudio /usr/share/soundfonts/FluidR3_GM.sf2
alias:new timidity e:timidity -a -K -1
alias:new git e:hub
alias:new dig e:dig +noall +answer
#alias:new pacmanhisto cat /var/log/pacman.log | grep "ALPM" | grep
alias:new pf e:pkgfile -vri
alias:new trsen e:rlwrap trans -b -t en
alias:new trsfr e:rlwrap trans -b -t fr
alias:new youtube-dl e:youtube-dl --no-check-certificate
alias:new youtube_audio youtube-dl -x --audio-format best
#alias:new history edit:command-history
alias:new cp e:cp -iv
alias:new mv e:mv -iv
alias:new rm e:rm -Iv
@argls = -N --color=auto --group-directories-first --ignore=lost+found '--time-style=+"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M"' --indicator-style=classify
#alias:new br e:broot -dp
alias:new tree e:tree -puhC --dirsfirst --du -D
alias:new ls e:ls $@argls
alias:new la e:ls -a $@argls
alias:new ll e:ls -lh $@argls
alias:new lla e:ls -la $@argls
alias:new df e:df -h
alias:new du e:du -h
alias:new diff e:colordiff
alias:new grep e:grep --color=tty -d skip
alias:new vi e:vim
alias:new vv e:vim -R
alias:new vb e:vim ~/.bashrc
alias:new vf e:vim ~/.config/
alias:new vz e:vim ~/.zshrc
alias:new vc e:vim ~/.vimrc
alias:new vp e:vim PKGBUILD
fn export []{ alias:export }
@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
git:git-command = hub
git:git-completions[checkout] = [ { git:MODIFIED; git:BRANCHES &all } ... ]
use ./completion/arc
use ./completion/archiver
use ./completion/desarchiver
@ -6,3 +16,4 @@ use ./completion/mpv
use ./completion/pacman
use ./completion/ssh
use ./completion/sudo
use ./completion/use
@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ extensions = [ tar bz2 zip gz lz4 sz xz zst rar ]
fn -comp-commands { all $commands }
fn -comp-archive-files [m]{
local:type = (condition:set (eq $m '') prefix deep-prefix)
local:type = (condition:cset (eq $m '') prefix deep-prefix)
file:match-extensions &type=$type $m $@extensions
fn -comp-inline-files [archive]{
try {
e:arc ls $archive | eawk [_ @argv]{ put $argv[-1] }
arc ls $archive | eawk [_ @argv]{ put $argv[-1] }
} except e {
@ -46,3 +46,4 @@ fn complete [@argv]{
edit:completion:arg-completer[arc] = $complete~
@ -27,3 +27,4 @@ fn complete [@argv]{
edit:completion:arg-completer[archiver] = $complete~
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ extensions = [ tar bz2 zip gz lz4 sz xz zst rar ]
fn complete [@argv]{
local:m = $argv[-1]
local:type = (condition:set (eq $m '') prefix deep-prefix)
local:type = (condition:cset (eq $m '') prefix deep-prefix)
file:match-extensions &type=$type $m $@extensions
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ extensions = [
fn -files [m]{
local:type = (condition:set (eq $m '') prefix deep-prefix)
local:type = (condition:cset (eq $m '') prefix deep-prefix)
file:match-extensions &type=$type $m $@extensions
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ fn -repo-packages {
fn -downloaded-packages [m]{
local:type = (condition:set (eq $m '') prefix deep-prefix)
local:type = (condition:cset (eq $m '') prefix deep-prefix)
file:match-extensions &type=$type $m tar.zst tar.xz tar.gz tar.bz2
@ -6,246 +6,101 @@ use moi/util/ip
use moi/util/list
use moi/util/map
use moi/util/option
options-ssh = [ 1 2 4 6 A D f g I i L l m o v a b C c e F k N n p q R s T t X x ]
options-scp = [ 3 4 6 B C p q r v c F i l o P S ]
fn -init-hosts {
local:result = [&]
cat /etc/hosts | peach $str:trim-space~ | peach [l]{
local:l = $l
if (and (not-eq $l '') (not-eq $l[0] '#')) {
put $l
} | eawk [_ ip @domains]{
if (ip:is-ip $ip) {
put [$ip $domains]
} | peach [e]{
local:ip local:domains = $@e
if (ip:is-ipv6 $ip) {
ip = (ip:short6 $ip)
each [d]{
if (eq $d[0] '#') {
put [$ip $d]
} $domains
} | each [e]{
local:ip local:d = $@e
local:ipd = (map:value-of $result $ip &default=[&])
ipd[$d] = $nil
result[$ip] = $ipd
put $result
names = [
fn -init-known-hosts {
local:khosts = [&22=[&]]
fn -kh {
cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts | peach [l]{
put [(str:split ' ' $l)]
} | peach [e]{
local:domains @local:id = $@e
id = (str:join ' ' $id)
str:split ',' $domains | peach [d]{
local:d = $d
local:port = 22
if (eq $d[0] '[') {
local:i = (str:index $d ']')
port = $d[(+ $i 2):]
d = $d[1:$i]
put [$id $d $port]
} | each [e]{
local:id local:d local:port = $@e
local:pdomains = (map:value-of $khosts $port &default=[&])
local:idomains = (map:value-of $pdomains $id &default=[&])
idomains[$d] = $nil
pdomains[$id] = $idomains
khosts[$port] = $pdomains
local:domains @_ = $@e
str:split ',' $domains
local:result = [&22=[&]]
keys $khosts | each [port]{
local:pdomains = (map:value-of $result $port &default=[&])
keys $khosts[$port] | peach [id]{
local:id = $id
local:domains = [(keys $khosts[$port][$id])]
if (list:contains-not $ip:is-ip~ $domains) {
list:filter-not $ip:is-ip~ $domains | peach [d]{ pdomains[$d] = $nil }
} else {
peach [d]{ pdomains[$d] = $nil } $domains
result[$port] = $pdomains
put $result
fn -init-history {
local:history = [&]
edit:command-history | peach [e]{
put $e[cmd]
} | peach [h]{
if (re:match '^(ssh|scp)\ .+' $h) {
history[$h] = $nil
fn -port [cmd @argv]{
local:o = (condition:cset (eq $cmd 'ssh') '-p' '-P')
local:margs = (option:map $argv)
local:p = (map:value-of $margs $o &default=[])
if (list:empty $p) {
put 22
} else {
put $p[-1]
local:result = [&22=[&]]
keys $history | peach [h]{
local:h = $h
put [(re:split '[ \t]+' $h)]
} | peach [e]{
local:cmd @local:argv = $@e
local:port local:name local:domain = 22 '' ''
local:c = (- (count $argv) 1)
list:loop [i arg]{
if (and (< $i $c) (or (and (eq $cmd ssh) (eq $arg -p)) (eq $arg -P))) {
port = $argv[(+ $i 1)]
} else {
local:nd = [(str:split '@' $arg)]
if (== (count $nd) 2) {
name = $nd[0]
domain @_ = (str:split ':' $nd[1])
} $argv
if (and (not-eq $name '') (not-eq $domain '')) {
put [$port $name $domain]
} | each [e]{
local:port local:name local:domain = $@e
local:pnames = (map:value-of $result $port &default=[&])
local:domains = (map:value-of $pnames $name &default=[&])
domains[$domain] = $nil
pnames[$name] = $domains
result[$port] = $pnames
put $result
combinaisons = [&]
fn -complete-names []{ each [n]{ put $n'@' } $names }
fn init {
local:hosts local:known-hosts local:history = [] [] []
peach [f]{ $f } [
{ hosts = (-init-hosts) }
{ known-hosts = (-init-known-hosts) }
{ history = (-init-history) }
combinaisons = $history
keys $known-hosts | peach [port]{
local:port = $port
local:pdomains = $known-hosts[$port]
keys $pdomains | peach [domain]{
local:domain = $domain
if (and (ip:is-ip $domain) (has-key $hosts $domain)) {
del pdomains[$domain]
keys $hosts[$domain] | peach [d]{
local:d = $d
pdomains[$d] = $nil
fn -complete-domains [name hosts]{
each [h]{
put $name@$h
} $hosts
fn -complete-remote-dir [port address dir]{
try {
ssh -p $port $address 'ls '$dir | each [f]{
put $address':'$dir$f
if (> (keys $pdomains | count) 0) {
if (has-key $history $port) {
local:phist = $history[$port]
local:dhist = (keys $phist | peach [name]{ keys $phist[$name] } | map:to-set)
local:dknown = [&]
keys $pdomains | peach [domain]{
local:domain = $domain
if (not (has-key $dhist $domain)) {
dknown[$domain] = $nil
} except e {
fn -complete-args [hosts cmd @argv]{
local:arg = $argv[-1]
local:i = (str:index $arg @)
if (< $i 0) {
all $hosts
if (eq $cmd scp) {
edit:complete-filename $cmd $@argv
local:n local:h = $arg[..$i] $arg[(+ $i 1)..]
if (eq $cmd scp) {
i = (str:index $h :)
if (>= $i 0) {
local:d = $h[(+ $i 1)..]
h = $h[..$i]
if (list:includes $h $hosts) {
local:p = (-port $cmd @argv)
local:e = [ (str:split / $d) ]
if (not-eq $e[-1] '') {
d = (str:join / $e[..-1])
if (eq $d '') {
d = /
if (> (keys $dknown | count) 0) {
combinaisons[$port] = (assoc $phist '' $dknown)
} else {
combinaisons[$port] = [&''=$dknown]
} else {
combinaisons[$port] = [&''=$pdomains]
-complete-remote-dir $p $n@$h $d
fn -known-ports { keys $combinaisons }
fn -known-names [&port=22]{
keys (map:value-of $combinaisons $port &default=[&]) | list:filter [n]{ not-eq $n '' }
fn -known-hosts [&port=22 &name=$false]{
local:phosts = (map:value-of $combinaisons $port &default=[&])
if $name {
keys (map:value-of $phosts $name &default=[&])
} else {
keys (keys $phosts | peach [name]{
local:name = $name
keys $phosts[$name]
} | map:to-set)
fn -port [&cmd=ssh @argv]{
o = (condition:set (eq $cmd 'ssh') '-p' '-P')
margs = (option:map $argv)
map:value-of $margs $o &default=[]
fn -complete-options [list @args]{ each [o]{ put -$o } $list }
fn -complete-args [cmd @argv]{
local:port = (-port $cmd $@argv)
if (list:empty $port) {
port = 22
} else {
port = $port[-1]
local:larg = $argv[-1]
local:name @local:host = (str:split '@' $larg)
if (list:empty $host) {
-known-names &port=$port | each [n]{ put $n'@' }
if (eq $cmd 'scp') {
file:match-files $larg
} else {
host @_ = (str:split ':' $host[0])
local:check = [h]{ has-prefix $h $host }
local:khosts = [(-known-hosts &port=$port &name=$name)]
if (not (list:contains $check $khosts)) {
khosts = [(-known-hosts &port=$port)]
if (not (list:contains $check $khosts)) {
khosts = [(-known-hosts)]
each [h]{ put $name'@'$h } $khosts
all $khosts
-complete-domains $n $hosts
fn complete [@argv]{
if (keys $combinaisons | list:empty) {
@hosts = (-kh)
local:cmd = $argv[0]
local:is-ssh = (eq $cmd ssh)
local:po = (condition:set $is-ssh -p -P)
local:po = (condition:cset $is-ssh -p -P)
if (<= (count $argv) 2) {
-complete-options (condition:set $is-ssh $options-ssh $options-scp)
-complete-args $@argv
all (condition:cset $is-ssh $options-ssh $options-scp)
-complete-args $hosts $@argv
} elif (eq $argv[-2] $po) {
put 22
} else {
-complete-args $@argv
-complete-args $hosts $@argv
edit:completion:arg-completer[scp] = $complete~
edit:completion:arg-completer[ssh] = $complete~
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
use moi/util/condition
use moi/util/file
use moi/util/ip
use moi/util/list
use moi/util/map
use moi/util/number
use moi/util/option
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
fn set [c t f]{
fn cset [c t f]{
if $c {
put $t
} else {
@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ fn set [c t f]{
fn mset [c t f]{
all (set $c $t $f)
all (cset $c $t $f)
fn call [c t f @argv]{
local:v = (set $c $t $f)
local:v = (cset $c $t $f)
if (is (kind-of $v) fn) {
$v $@argv
} else {
@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
use str
use ./list
use ./map
search-type = [
&exact= [m]{ e:ls $m 2>/dev/null }
&exact= [m]{ ls $m 2>/dev/null }
&match= [m]{ put *$m* }
&prefix= [m]{ put $m* }
&suffix= [m]{ put *$m }
@ -9,7 +13,6 @@ search-type = [
fn -less [f1 f2]{
use str
local:fl1 local:fl2 = (str:to-lower $f1) (str:to-lower $f2)
local:c = (str:compare $fl1 $fl2)
if (== $c 0) {
@ -27,11 +30,9 @@ fn -get-results [sort result]{
fn -search [&sort=$false &type=exact @motive]{
use ./list
local:f = $search-type[$type]
local:result = [&]
if (list:empty $motive) {
use ./map
result = (put * | map:to-set)
} else {
peach [m]{
@ -50,11 +51,10 @@ fn -search [&sort=$false &type=exact @motive]{
fn match-files [&sort=$false &type=prefix @motive]{ -search &sort=$sort &type=$type $@motive }
fn match-extensions [&sort=$false &type=deep-prefix motive @extensions]{
use ./list
result = [&]
-search &type=$type $motive | peach [f]{
local:f = $f
if (list:contains [e]{ has-suffix $f .$e } $extensions) {
if (list:contains [e]{ str:has-suffix $f .$e } $extensions) {
result[$f] = $nil
@ -40,14 +40,13 @@ fn -long-part6 [p]{
fn -middle-part6 [p]{
while (and (> (count $p) 1) (eq $p[0] 0)) {
p = $p[1:]
p = $p[1..]
put $p
fn -find-max0 [parts]{
use ./list
use ./condition
local:idx local:s = -1 1
local:ci local:cs local:f = -1 0 $false
list:loop [i p]{
@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ fn long6 [ip]{
if (> $c 0) {
local:i = (str:index $ip '::')
local:z = (repeat $c ':' | str:join '')
ip = (str:join '' [$ip[:$i] $z $ip[{$i}:]])
ip = (str:join '' [$ip[..$i] $z $ip[{$i}..]])
str:split ':' $ip | each $-long-part6~ | str:join ':'
@ -91,7 +90,7 @@ fn short6 [ip]{
local:parts = [(str:split ':' (middle6 $ip))]
local:i local:s = (-find-max0 $parts)
if (>= $i 0) {
local:left local:right = $parts[:$i] $parts[(+ $i $s):]
local:left local:right = $parts[..$i] $parts[(+ $i $s)..]
if (== (count $left) 0) {
left = ['']
@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ fn -cmp [e1 e2]{
local:c = 0
list:loop [i p1]{
local:p2 = $e2[$i]
c = (condition:set (< $p1 $p2) -1 (condition:set (> $p1 $p2) 1 0))
c = (condition:cset (< $p1 $p2) -1 (condition:cset (> $p1 $p2) 1 0))
if (!= $c 0) {
@ -149,6 +148,6 @@ fn cmp [ip1 ip2]{
put -1
} else {
fali 'Not an IP: '$ip1' → '$ip2
fail 'Not an IP: '$ip1' → '$ip2
@ -1,230 +1,23 @@
use ./condition
fn -i [&reverse=false i c]{
if (and (== $c 0) (or (== $i 0) ($i -1))) {
put 0
if (< $i 0) {
i = (+ $c $i)
if (or (and (>= $i 0) (< $i $c)) (and (== $i -1) $reverse) (and (== $i $c) (not $reverse))) {
put $i
} else {
fail 'Index out of range'
fn -indexes [&from=$false &step=1 l]{
if (== $step 0) {
fail 'Step must be ≠ 0'
local:c local:r = (count $l) (< $step 0)
if (not $from) {
if $r {
range &step=$step[1:] $c | each [i]{ - $c $i 1 }
} else {
range &step=$step $c
} else {
from = (-i &reverse=$r $from $c)
if $r {
c = (+ $from 1)
range &step=$step[1:] $c | each [i]{ - $c $i 1 }
} else {
range &step=$step $from $c
fn -loop [&from=$false &step=1 &end=$false cb l]{
if (not $end) {
-indexes &from=$from &step=$step $l | each [i]{
put [$i $l[$i]]
} | each [e]{
$cb $@e
} else {
-indexes &from=$from &step=$step $l | each [i]{
put [$i $l[$i]]
} | each [e]{
local:i local:v = $@e
if ($end $i $v) {
$cb $i $v
fn -ploop [&from=$false &step=1 cb l]{
-indexes &from=$from &step=$step $l | peach [i]{
put [$i $l[$i]]
} | peach [e]{
$cb $@e
fn -reverse [l]{
-indexes &step=-1 $l | each [i]{ put $l[$i] }
fn -reach [cb l]{
-reverse $l | each [v]{ $cb $v }
fn -empty [l]{ eq (count $l) 0 }
fn -filter [cb l]{
each [v]{
if ($cb $v) {
put $v
} $l
fn -first [&from=$false &reverse=$false cb l]{
local:f = [v]{
if ($cb $v) {
put $v
if $reverse {
if $from {
local:end = (-i $from (count $l))
-reach $f $l[:(+ $end 1)]
} else {
-reach $f $l
} else {
if $from {
from = (-i $from (count $l))
drop $from $l | each $f
} else {
each $f $l
fn -filter-index [cb l]{
-loop [i v]{
if ($cb $v) {
put $i
} $l
fn -first-index [&from=$false &reverse=$false cb l]{
local:idx = -1
-loop &from=$from &step=(condition:set $reverse -1 1) [i v]{
if ($cb $v) {
idx = $i
} $l
put $idx
fn -search [cb l]{
-loop [i v]{
if ($cb $i $v) {
put $v
} $l
fn -search-first [&from=$false &reverse=$false cb l]{
-loop &from=$from &step=(condition:set $reverse -1 1) [i v]{
if ($cb $i $v) {
put $v
} $l
fn -search-index [cb l]{
-loop [i v]{
if ($cb $i $v) {
put $i
} $l
fn -search-first-index [&from=$false &reverse=$false cb l]{
local:idx = -1
-loop &from=$from &step=(condition:set $reverse -1 1) [i v]{
if ($cb $i $v) {
idx = $i
put $idx
fn -contains [cb l]{
local:e = $false
each [v]{
if ($cb $v) {
e = $true
} $l
put $e
fn -exists [cb l]{
local:e = $false
-loop [i v]{
if ($cb $i $v) {
e = $true
} $l
put $e
fn -remove-duplicate [l]{
local:done = [&]
each [v]{
put [&v=$v &e=(has-key $done $v)]
done[$v] = $nil
} $l | each [v]{
assoc $v k (not $v[e])
} | each [v]{
if $v[k] {
put $v[v]
fn -premove-duplicate [l]{
local:done= [&]
peach [v]{
local:v = $v
done[$v] = $nil
keys $done
fn -swap [i j l]{
local:c = (count $l)
i j = (-i $i $c) (-i $j $c)
if (or (eq $i $c) (eq $j $c)) {
fail 'Index out of range'
if (eq $i $j) {
all $l
} else {
i j = (condition:mset (< $i $j) [$i $j] [$j $i])
take $i $l
put $l[j]
all $l[(+ $i 1):$j]
put $l[$i]
drop (+ $j 1) $l
use builtin
use str
fn -p [@argv]{
local:c = (count $argv)
if (eq $c 0) {
put [(all)]
} elif (eq $c 1) {
if (== $c 0) {
put [ (all) ]
} elif (== $c 1) {
put $argv[0]
} else {
fail '0 or 1 argument needed'
fail '0 or 1 argument needed given '$c' arguments: ['(each [e]{ put '"'$e'"' } $argv | str:join ', ')']'
fn -r [step begin end]{
if (> $step 0) {
builtin:range &step=$step $begin (+ $end 1)
} else {
local:d = (+ $begin $end)
builtin:range &step=(* $step -1) $end (+ $begin 1) | each [e]{ - $d $e }
@ -236,38 +29,214 @@ fn to-list [@argv]{
fn indexes [&from=$false &step=1 @argv]{ -indexes &from=$from &step=1 (-p $@argv) }
fn range [&step=1 b @r]{
if (== $step 0) {
fail 'bad value: step must be positive, but is 0'
local:c = (count $r)
if (> $c 1) {
fail 'usage: list:range &step=1 begin? end'
local:e = 0
if (== $c 0) {
if (> $step 0) {
b e = $e $b
} else {
e = $r[0]
-r $step $b $e
fn loop [&from=$false &step=1 &end=$false cb @argv]{ -loop &from=$from &step=$step &end=$end $cb (-p $@argv) }
fn rloop [&end=$false cb @argv]{ loop &step=-1 &end=$end $cb $@argv }
fn ploop [&from=$false &step=1 cb @argv]{ -ploop &from=$from &step=$step $cb (-p $@argv) }
fn indexes [&from=$false &step=1 @argv]{
if (== $step 0) {
fail 'bad value: step must be positive, but is 0'
local:l = (-p $@argv)
local:c = (count $l)
if (not $from) {
range &step=$step (- $c 1)
} else {
if (< $from 0) {
from = (+ $c $from)
if (> $step 0) {
if (< $from 0) {
from = 0
range &step=$step $from (- $c 1)
} else {
if (>= $from $c) {
from = (- $c 1)
range &step=$step $from 0
fn reverse [@argv]{ -reverse (-p $@argv) }
fn reach [cb @argv]{ -reach $cb (-p $@argv) }
fn -for [&from=$false &step=1 @argv]{
local:l = (-p $@argv)
indexes &from=$from &step=$step $l | each [i]{ put [ $i $l[$i] ] }
fn empty [@argv]{ -empty (-p $@argv) }
fn loop [&from=$false &step=1 &end=$false cb @argv]{
if (not $end) {
-for &from=$from &step=$step $@argv | each [e]{ $cb $@e }
} else {
-for &from=$from &step=$step $@argv | each [e]{
local:i local:v = $@e
if ($end $i $v) {
$cb $i $v
fn ploop [&from=$false &step=1 cb @argv]{
-for &from=$from &step=$step $@argv | peach [e]{ $cb $@e }
fn reverse [@argv]{ loop &step=-1 [_ e]{ put $e } $@argv }
fn reach [cb @argv]{ reverse $@argv | each [e]{ cb $e } }
fn empty [@argv]{ == (count (-p $@argv)) 0 }
fn not-empty [@argv]{ not (empty $@argv) }
fn filter [cb @argv]{ -filter $cb (-p $@argv) }
fn filter [cb @argv]{
each [v]{
if ($cb $v) {
put $v
} (-p $@argv)
fn filter-not [cb @argv]{ filter [v]{ not ($cb $v) } $@argv }
fn first [&from=$false &reverse=$false cb @argv]{ -first &from=$from &reverse=$reverse $cb (-p $@argv) }
fn first [&from=$false &reverse=$false cb @argv]{
local:f = [v]{
if ($cb $v) {
put $v
local:l = (-p $@argv)
if (not $from) {
if $reverse {
reach $f $l
} else {
each $f $l
} else {
local:c = (count $l)
if (< $from 0) {
from = (+ $c $from)
if $reverse {
local:e = (+ $from 1)
if (> $e $c) {
e = $c
} elif (< $e 0) {
e = 0
reach $f $l[..$e]
} else {
local:b = $from
if (> $b $c) {
b = $c
} elif (< $b 0) {
b = 0
each $f $l[$b..]
fn filter-index [cb @argv]{ -filter-index $cb (-p $@argv) }
fn filter-index [cb @argv]{
loop [i v]{
if ($cb $v) {
put $i
} $@argv
fn filter-index-not [cb @argv]{ filter-index [v]{ not ($cb $v) } $@argv }
fn first-index [&from=$false &reverse=$false cb @argv]{ -first-index &from=$from &reverse=$reverse $cb (-p $@argv) }
fn first-index [&from=$false &reverse=$false cb @argv]{
local:idx = -1
local:step = 1
if $reverse {
step = -1
loop &from=$from &step=$step [i v]{
if ($cb $v) {
idx = $i
} $@argv
put $idx
fn search [cb @argv]{ -search $cb (-p $@argv) }
fn search [cb @argv]{
loop [i v]{
if ($cb $i $v) {
put $v
} $@argv
fn search-not [cb @argv]{ search [i v]{ not ($cb $i $v) } $@argv }
fn search-first [&from=$false &reverse=$false cb @argv]{ -search-first &from=$from &reverse=$reverse $cb (-p $@argv) }
fn search-first [&from=$false &reverse=$false cb @argv]{
local:step = 1
if $reverse {
step = -1
loop &from=$from &step=$step [i v]{
if ($cb $i $v) {
put $v
} $@argv
fn search-index [cb @argv]{ -search-index $cb (-p $@argv) }
fn search-index [cb @argv]{
loop [i v]{
if ($cb $i $v) {
put $i
} $@argv
fn search-index-not [cb @argv]{ search-index [i v]{ not ($cb $i $v) } $@argv }
fn search-first-index [&from=$false &reverse=$false cb @argv]{ -search-first-index &from=$from &reverse=$reverse $cb (-p $@argv) }
fn search-first-index [&from=$false &reverse=$false cb @argv]{
local:idx = -1
local:step = 1
if $reverse {
step = -1
loop &from=$from &step=$step [i v]{
if ($cb $i $v) {
idx = $i
} $@argv
put $idx
fn contains [cb @argv]{ -contains $cb (-p $@argv) }
fn contains [cb @argv]{
local:e = $false
each [v]{
if ($cb $v) {
e = $true
} (-p $@argv)
put $e
fn contains-not [cb @argv]{ contains [v]{ not ($cb $v) } $@argv }
fn exists [cb @argv]{ -exists $cb (-p $@argv) }
fn exists [cb @argv]{
local:e = $false
loop [i v]{
if ($cb $i $v) {
e = $true
} $@argv
put $e
fn exists-not [cb @argv]{ exists [i v]{ $cb $i $v } $@argv }
fn includes [v @argv]{ contains [e]{ is $v $e } $@argv }
@ -278,24 +247,46 @@ fn reduce [v cb @argv]{
put $v
fn remove-duplicate [@argv]{ -remove-duplicate (-p $@argv) }
fn premove-duplicate [@argv]{ -premove-duplicate (-p $@argv) }
fn remove-duplicate [@argv]{
local:done = [&]
each [v]{
put [&v=$v &e=(has-key $done $v)]
done[$v] = $nil
} (-p $@argv) | each [v]{
assoc $v k (not $v[e])
} | each [v]{
if $v[k] {
put $v[v]
fn premove-duplicate [@argv]{
local:done= [&]
peach [v]{
local:v = $v
done[$v] = $nil
} (-p $@argv)
keys $done
fn swap [i j @argv]{ -swap $i $j (-p $@argv) }
fn -s1 [cb l e]{
fn swap [i j @argv]{
local:l = (-p $@argv)
local:c = (count $l)
local:i = (first-index [v]{ $cb $e $v } $l)
if (eq $i 0) {
put $e
i j = (-i $i $c) (-i $j $c)
if (or (== $i $c) (== $j $c)) {
fail 'Index out of range'
if (== $i $j) {
all $l
} elif (< $i 0) {
all $l
put $e
} else {
all $l[:$i]
put $e
all $l[{$i}:]
if (> $i $j) {
i j = $j $i
take $i $l
put $l[j]
all $l[(+ $i 1)..$j]
put $l[$i]
drop (+ $j 1) $l
@ -303,9 +294,4 @@ fn less [cb]{
local:l = [a b]{ < ($cb $a $b) 0 }
put $l
fn -sort [cb l]{
order &less-than=(less $cb) $l
fn sort [cb @argv]{ -sort $cb (-p $@argv) }
fn sort [cb @argv]{ order &less-than=(less $cb) (-p $@argv) }
@ -21,9 +21,11 @@ fn unzip [container]{
fn zip [lkeys lvalues]{
use ./condition
local:ck local:cv = (count $lkeys) (count $lvalues)
local:c = (condition:set (> $ck $cv) $cv $ck)
local:c = $ck
if (> $ck $cv) {
c = $cv
local:result = [&]
range $c | peach [i]{
put [&k=$lkeys[$i] &i=$i]
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
fn sign [n]{
if (> $n 0) {
put 1
} elif (< $n 0) {
put -1
} else {
put 0
fn negative [n]{ < $n 0 }
fn positive [n]{ >= $n 0 }
fn ++ [n]{ to-string (+ $n 1) }
fn -- [n]{ to-string (+ $n 1) }
fn neg [n]{ to-string (* $n -1) }
fn abs [n]{
use ./condition
condition:call (negative $n) $neg~ $put~ $n
fn sum [@numbers]{
use ./list
to-string (list:reduce 0 $+~ $numbers)
fn -minmax [t numbers]{
if (== (count $numbers) 0) {
use ./list
use ./condition
f = [c v]{ condition:set ($t $v $c) $v $c }
list:reduce $numbers[0] $f $numbers[1:]
fn min [@numbers]{ -minmax $<~ $numbers }
fn max [@numbers]{ -minmax $>~ $numbers }
@ -1,63 +1,31 @@
powerline:prompt-pwd-dir-length = 0
powerline:timestamp-format = "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M"
set-env BAT_PAGER 'less -RF'
set-env EDITOR vim
set-env VIEW 'vim -R'
set-env CURRENT_SHELL 'elvish'
paths = [$@paths /home/benjamin/bin /home/benjamin/Go/bin ]
# put "┌─"(styled "["(date "+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M")"]" yellow bold); put " --- "(styled "["(pwd)"]" blue bold)
# #echo "\n"
# put "\n└─"(styled "["(whoami)"@"(hostname) green bold);put ' > '
# #put "┌─";edit:styled "["(date "+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M")"]" [yellow bold]; put " --- ";edit:styled "["(pwd)"]" [blue bold]
# ##echo "\n"
# #put "\n└─";edit:styled "["(whoami)"@"(hostname) [green bold];put ' > '
#-exports- = (alias:export)
fn whichall [@a]{
each [p]{
each [f]{
try {
ll $p/$f 2>/dev/null
} except e {
} $a
} $paths
use moi/util/list
if (list:includes-not /usr/local/bin $paths) {
paths = [ $@paths /usr/local/bin ]
fn ++ [n]{ to-string (+ $n 1) }
fn -- [n]{ to-string (- $n 1) }
notify-bg-job-success = $false
use moi/aliases
edit:insert:binding[Tab] = { edit:completion:smart-start; edit:navigation:trigger-filter }
edit:insert:binding[Ctrl-H] = $edit:histlist:start~
git:git-command = hub
edit:prompt = { go-prompt }
edit:rprompt = { nop }
use moi/completion
-source ~/.elvish/lib/moi/util.elv
use moi/alias
use moi/util/common
edit:insert:binding[Tab] = { edit:completion:smart-start } #; edit:navigation:trigger-filter }
set-env GOPATH ~/Go
set-env PAGER 'bat -p'
set-env EDITOR vim
set-env VIEW 'vim -R'
paths = [$@paths ~/bin $E:GOPATH/bin ]
-exports- = (aliases:export)
fn dcd [@_args]{
use str
cmd = (aliases:export); $cmd[br~] --only-folders --cmd (str:join ' ' $_args)' :cd'
use ./aliases/get-uid uid
if (not (uid:-is-root)) {
tache search -d 2w not del
tache search -d 2w not del
Reference in New Issue
Block a user