462 lines
14 KiB
462 lines
14 KiB
edit:add-var pdf~ {|action @args|
use math
use path
use re
use str
use framagit.org/benjamin.vaudour/elv-lib/mods/common
use framagit.org/benjamin.vaudour/elv-lib/mods/format
use framagit.org/benjamin.vaudour/elv-lib/mods/map
use framagit.org/benjamin.vaudour/elv-lib/mods/pdf
var -c~ = $common:cexec~
var -cc~ = {|c f1| -c $c $f1 $nop~}
fn must-pdf {|file| -cc (not (pdf:is-pdf $file)) { fail (printf '%s n’est pas un fichier pdf' $file) }}
fn must-exist {|file| -cc (pdf:not-exist $file) { fail (printf '%s n’existe pas' $file) }}
fn must-not-exist {|file| -cc (pdf:exist $file) { fail (printf '%s existe déjà' $file) }}
fn must-pdf-exist {|file|
must-pdf $file
must-exist $file
fn must-pdf-not-exist {|file|
must-pdf $file
must-not-exist $file
fn must-valid {|v cond| -cc (not ($cond $v)) { fail (printf '%s: paramètre invalide' $v) }}
fn out {|in suffix|
var out = (str:trim-suffix $in .pdf)
str:join '' [ $out $suffix ]
fn help {|@args| cat $E:HOME/.config/elvish/aliases/pdf.help}
fn decrypt {|@args|
var l = (count $args)
-cc (or (< $l 1) (> $l 3)) { fail 'decrypt doit contenir entre 1 et 3 paramètres' }
var in = $args[0]
var out = (out $in _decrypted.pdf)
var passwd = []
must-pdf-exist $in
if (> $l 1) {
set @passwd = $args[1]
if (> $l 2) {
set out = $args[2]
must-pdf-not-exist $out
pdf:decrypt &out=$out $in $@passwd
fn rotate {|@args|
var l = (- (count $args) 1)
-cc (< $l 1) { fail 'rotate doit contenir au moins 1 paramètres' }
var in = $args[0]
var out = (out $in _rotated.pdf)
if (pdf:is-pdf $args[$l]) {
set @args out = (all $args[1..])
must-pdf-exist $in
must-pdf-not-exist $out
each {|e|
must-valid $e $pdf:is-rotate-selection~
} $args
pdf:rotate &keep=$true &out=$out $in $@args
fn merge {|@args|
var l = (- (count $args) 1)
-cc (< $l 1) { fail 'merge doit contenir au moins 2 paramètres' }
var @selection out = $@args
must-pdf-not-exist $out
var has-in = $false
each {|e|
if (pdf:is-pdf $e) {
must-exist $e
set has-in = $true
} else {
-cc (not $has-in) { fail 'Une sélection doit être précédée d’un fichier d’entrée' }
must-valid $e $pdf:is-selection~
} $selection
pdf:cat &out=$out $@selection
fn unmerge {|@args|
var l = (- (count $args) 1)
-cc (< $l 1) { fail 'unmerge doit contenir au moins 2 paramètres' }
var in = $args[0]
var out = (out $in _unmerged)
if (not (pdf:is-selection $args[$l])) {
set @args out = (all $args[1..])
must-pdf-exist $in
must-not-exist $out
each {|e|
must-valid $e $pdf:is-selection~
} $args
pdf:uncat $in $out $@args
fn split {|@args|
var l = (- (count $args) 1)
-cc (< $l 1) { fail 'split doit contenir au moins 2 paramètres' }
var out = $args[$l]
set args = $args[..$l]
must-not-exist $out
var s = 1
if (pdf:is-number $args[0]) {
set s @args = $@args
var t = (pdf:-t)
try {
pdf:cat &out=$t $@args
pdf:split &size=$s $t $out
} finally {
rm -f $t
fn split-at {|@args|
var l = (count $args)
-cc (!= $l 3) { fail 'split-at doit contenir 3 paramètres' }
var rg in out = $@args
must-pdf-exist $in
must-not-exist $out
must-valid $rg {|e| re:match '^\d+(,\d+)*$' $e }
var b sel = 1 []
str:split ',' $rg | order | each {|s|
var e = (- $s 1)
if (== $b $e) {
set @sel = $@sel $b
set b = $s
} elif (< $b $e) {
set @sel = $@sel (printf '%d-%d' $b $e)
set b = $s
set @sel = $@sel (printf '%d-z' $b)
unmerge $in $@sel $out
fn zip {|@args|
var l = (- (count $args) 1)
-cc (< $l 1) { fail 'zip doit contenir au moins 2 paramètres' }
var @selection out = $@args
must-pdf-not-exist $out
var has-in = $false
each {|e|
if (pdf:is-pdf $e) {
must-exist $e
set has-in = $true
} else {
-cc (not $has-in) { fail 'Une sélection doit être précédée d’un fichier d’entrée' }
must-valid $e $pdf:is-selection~
} $selection
pdf:cat &collate=$true &out=$out $@selection
fn unzip {|@args|
var l = (- (count $args) 1)
-cc (< $l 1) { fail 'unzip doit contenir au moins 2 paramètres' }
var in @sel out = $@args
var mod = 2
if (pdf:is-number $in) {
set mod = $in
-cc (eq (count $sel) 0) { fail 'unzip doit contenir au moins 3 paramètres' }
set in @sel = $@sel
must-not-exist $out
var t = (pdf:-t)
try {
pdf:cat &out=$t $in $@sel
var n = (pdf:nb-pages $t)
mkdir $out
range 1 (+ 1 $mod) | each {|m|
var sel = (range 1 (+ $n 1) | each {|i|
var s = (% $i $mod)
-cc (== $s 0) { set s = $mod }
-cc (== $s $m) $i
} | each $to-string~ | str:join ',')
pdf:cat &out=(printf '%s/%d.pdf' $out $m) $t $sel
} finally {
rm -f $t
fn pts2cm {|v| / (math:round (* $v 3.52778)) 100}
fn -date {|raw|
var y m d = $raw[2..6] $raw[6..8] $raw[8..10]
var h n s = $raw[10..12] $raw[12..14] $raw[14..16]
var rest = []
-cc (> (count $raw[16..]) 0) { set @rest = (str:split "'" $raw[16..]) }
var tz = '+00:00'
if (> (count $rest) 0) {
var tz = $rest[0]
-cc (eq $tz[0] 'Z') { set tz = $tz[1..] }
-cc (eq $tz '') { set tz = '00' }
-cc (and (not-eq $tz[0] '+') (not-eq $tz[0] '-')) { set tz = (printf '+%s' $tz) }
var mm = '00'
-cc (and (> (count $rest) 1) (pdf:is-number $rest[1])) { set mm = $rest[1] }
set tz = (printf '%s:%s' $tz $mm)
var date = (printf ^
'%s-%s-%sT%s:%s:%sZ%s' ^
$y $m $d ^
$h $n $s ^
date --date $date
fn info {|@args|
-cc (!= (count $args) 1) { fail 'info doit contenir un paramètre' }
var in @_ = $@args
must-pdf-exist $in
var json = (pdf:json $in)
var objects = $json[objects]
var trailer = $objects[trailer]
var infos = $objects[$trailer[/Info]]
var pages = $json[pages]
var p1 = $objects[$pages[0][object]]
var w h = (all $p1[/MediaBox][2..] | each $pts2cm~)
var layout = (-c (> $w $h) 'Paysage' 'Portrait')
var title = (map:value-of $infos '/Title')
var subject = (map:value-of $infos '/Subject')
var author = (map:value-of $infos '/Author')
var creator = (map:value-of $infos '/Creator')
var producer = (map:value-of $infos '/Producer')
var mdate = (-c (has-key $infos '/ModDate') { -date $infos[/ModDate] } '')
var crypted = (-c (pdf:encryption $in)[encrypted] 'Oui' 'Non')
var hasform = ( -c (pdf:form $in)[hasacroform] 'Oui' 'Non')
var data = [
[&k='Chemin' &v=(path:abs $in)]
[&k='Taille' &v=(format:size (stat -c '%s' $in))]
[&k='Version PDF' &v=(pdf:version $in)]
[&k='Nombre de pages' &v=(count $pages)]
[&k='Format des pages' &v=(printf '%sx%s cm (%s)' $w $h $layout)]
[&k='Titre' &v=$title]
[&k='Subjet' &v=$subject]
[&k='Auteur' &v=$author]
[&k='Créateur' &v=$creator]
[&k='producteur' &v=$producer]
[&k='Date de création' &v=(-date $infos[/CreationDate])]
[&k='Date de modification' &v=$mdate]
[&k='Chiffré' &v=$crypted]
[&k='Acroform' &v=$hasform]
var label = (format:repeat 21 ' ')
var @props = (format:column &align=right k $label) (format:column v $label)
set props = (format:update-props $props $data)
var sep = (format:repeat (+ $props[0][size] $props[1][size] 3) '.')
var @part = $data[..5] $data[5..12] $data[12..]
each {|d|
format:list &with-header=$false &csep=' : ' &recompute=$false $props $@d
echo $sep
} $part
fn list-attachments {|in| all (pdf:attachments $in)}
fn display-attachments {|in|
var @data = (list-attachments $in)
printf "%d pièce(s)-jointe(s) trouvée(s):\n\n" (count $data)
each $echo~ $data
fn extract-attachments {|in out| list-attachments $in | each {|f| pdf:attachment $in $out/$f $f }}
fn list-fonts {|in|
pdf:fonts $in | each {|f|
-cc (has-key $f /FontDescriptor) { put [&font=$f &fd=$f[/FontDescriptor]] }
} | each {|f|
-cc (has-key $f[fd] /FontName) { assoc $f name $f[fd][/FontName] }
} | each {|f|
var @_ n = (str:split '+' $f[name])
var font = $f[font]
var fd = $f[fd]
var embed = (has-key $fd /FontFile2)
var file = (-c $embed $fd[/FontFile2] '')
set n = (str:trim-prefix $n '/')
put [
&type=(str:trim-prefix $font[/Subtype] '/')
&encoding=(str:trim-prefix $font[/Encoding] '/')
fn display-fonts {|in|
var @data = (list-fonts $in)
printf "%d police(s) trouvée(s):\n\n" (count $data)
var props = [
(format:column &align=center id ID)
(format:column name Nom)
(format:column type Type)
(format:column encoding Encodage)
(format:column &align=center embed Téléchargeable)
(format:column &align=center file Fichier)
format:list $props $@data
fn extract-fonts {|in out|
list-fonts $in | each {|f|
-cc $f[embed] { pdf:filtered-stream $in (printf '%s/%s.ttf' $out $f[name]) $f[file] }
fn list-images {|in|
pdf:images $in | each {|i|
var w = (format:int $i[/Width])
var h = (format:int $i[/Height])
var c = (-c (has-key $i /ColorSpace) { put $i[/ColorSpace][0] } '')
put [
&page=(format:int $i[page])
&name=(str:trim-prefix $i[name] '/')
&dim=(printf '%dx%d' $w $h)
&filter=(str:trim-prefix $i[/Filter] '/')
&size=(format:size $i[/Length])
&bpc=(format:int $i[/BitsPerComponent])
&color=(str:trim-prefix $c '/')
var objects = (pdf:objects $in)
all (pdf:pages $in) | each {|p|
var pn = (format:int $p[pageposfrom1])
all $p[images] | each {|img|
var id = $img[object]
var o = (pdf:-object &extend=$true $objects $id)
var s = $o[/Length]
var c = (-c (has-key $o /ColorSpace) { put $o[/ColorSpace][0] } '')
var w = (format:int $o[/Width])
var h = (format:int $o[/Height])
put [
&name=(str:trim-prefix $img[name] '/')
&dim=(printf '%dx%d' $w $h)
&filter=(str:trim-prefix $o[/Filter] '/')
&size=(format:size $s)
&bpc=(format:int $o[/BitsPerComponent])
&color=(str:trim-prefix $c '/')
fn display-images {|in|
var @data = (list-images $in)
printf "%d image(s) trouvée(s):\n\n" (count $data)
var props = [
(format:column &align=right page Page)
(format:column &align=center id ID)
(format:column name Nom)
(format:column &align=right size Taille)
(format:column &align=right dim Dimensions)
(format:column color Couleur)
(format:column &align=right bpc BPC)
(format:column &align=center filter Filtre)
format:list $props $@data
fn extract-images {|in out|
# En attendant de savoir décoder correctement les images, on utilise poppler
pdfimages -all $in $out/Im
fn list {|@args|
-cc (!= (count $args) 2) { fail 'list doit comporter 2 paramètres' }
var types in = $@args
must-pdf-exist $in
var display = [
str:split ',' $types | each {|t|
set t = (str:to-lower $t)
must-valid $t {|e| and (> (count $e) 0) (has-key $display $e[0])}
$display[$t[0]] $in
fn extract {|@args|
-cc (!= (count $args) 3) { fail 'extract doit comporter 3 paramètres' }
var types in out = $@args
must-pdf-exist $in
must-not-exist $out
var extr = [
try {
mkdir $out
str:split ',' $types | each {|t|
set t = (str:to-lower $t)
must-valid $t {|e| and (> (count $e) 0) (has-key $extr $e[0])}
$extr[$t[0]] $in $out
} catch e {
rm -rf $out
fail $e
fn gray {|@args|
-cc (!= (count $args) 2) { fail 'gray doit comporter 2 paramètres' }
var in out = $@args
must-pdf-exist $in
must-pdf-not-exist $out
convert -colorspace gray $in $out
fn mono {|@args|
var c = (count $args)
-cc (or (< $c 2) (> $c 3)) { fail 'mono doit comporter entre 2 et 3 paramètres' }
var t = $nil
if (pdf:is-number $args[0]) {
set t @args = $@args
-cc (or (< $t 0) (> $t 100)) { fail le taux doit être compris entre 0 et 100 }
-cc (< $c 2) { fail 'mono doit comporter 3 paramètres' }
var in out = $@args
must-pdf-exist $in
must-pdf-not-exist $out
if $t {
convert -colorspace gray -threshold $t'%' $in $out
} else {
convert -monochrome $in $out
var actions = [
-cc (not (has-key $actions $action)) { fail (printf '%s: action inconnue' $action) }
$actions[$action] $@args