Add event listener to query selector::
'#urls img.image'
From the user point of view, I think it is better to hide the image:
img_load_error.svg is helplful in the image category because it still allows to
select the image. IMO, in the news category, the fact there is a missing image
won't help to choose the links. From a developer point of view, the place holder
is signal that may be the engine needs to be updated (at least give a look). The
browser console should show the same information too, but it requires some
additional steps. [1]
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Images should include dimension attributes. Without `width` and `height`
specified, image dimensions are 0×0 pixels at first. ... In this case the
browser determines that all of them are visible to the user and decides to load
everything [1].
In CSS the `width` is set to a value and the `height` is unsed to scale the image
proportional in both dimensions.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
automatically fix some of the problems reported by eslint rules::
$ ./manage nvm.bash
nvm-env$ npm --prefix searx/static/themes/simple run eslint-fix
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
All three filters (`language`, `time_range` and `safesearch`) are rendered in
one line. A size of 45% for `language` and `time_range` left only 10% for the
`safesearch` filter. Solution: drop with from `language` and `time_range`.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
The CSP issue is, that the `_Position` function in the autocomplete-js set the
style attributes by `setAttribute("style", ...)`. Using `setAttribute` to set
the style attribute invokes the HTML parser and CSP is triggered [1].
This patch overwrite the `_Position` function of autocomplete-js.
BTW: remove trailing whitespace
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
In window.searxng.theme the theme data can be passed through to JS
Initial the window.searxng.theme namespace starts with a value for
// image that is displayed if load of <img src='...'> failed
img_load_error: 'img/img_load_error.svg'
The searx/static/themes/__common__/js/image_layout.js is patched to uses the
value, if the theme defines a value for img_load_error in this namespace.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
The *background color* of an transparent image is the color of the color of
wallpaper on which all images are shown on.
Set variable `--color-result-image-background` and `--color-base-background` to
the same value.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Support for the prefixed version (-moz-border-radius) was removed in Gecko
13.0 (Firefox 13.0 / Thunderbird 13.0 / SeaMonkey 2.10) [1].
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
* rework selection UI in pref (fix based on: 78643e9f43)
* moved search filters underneath categories
* cut params from url and replace / with ›
* make h3 and url in article bigger
* add safe search select to search filter (this will not override settings and only be valid while on result page in a session)
* make search form button not overlap each other when js is disabled
* 1rem padding around preview image and thumbnail in default article template
Folder src/brand is intended to place logo, wordmark and more in. This commit
moves the origin (source) of searxng-wordmark.svg from the simple theme into
this folder
About the new created src/ folder:
On the long term we can move all the files from static/themes/<name>/src/* into
a src/themes/<name>/* folder.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
when on the top of the page, the image is just below the search fields.
this commit slightly aligh the top of the image detail with the bottom
of the search fields.
the width of #main_results #results.image-detail-open.only_template_images
was set to 59.25rem. On mobile, the images overflowed on right side of
the viewport, which creates a horizontal scroll.
This commit set the value to min(98%, 59.25rem) whatever the max-width is.
* update from ionicons-npm to ionicons ver.5
* drop the webfont built by grunt for icons
* built icons.html template for inlining icons with jinja2 into html
* update icon to use mostly the outline version
* add icons to categories and do not display them on mobile to save space
* remove all legacy ion icon font files from simple theme
* icons.html is added in this commit since make requires git to know the file already
* cleanup error-dialog
* remove hover effect from vim help modal
* remove bold font weight from active item in prefenreces tab bar
* remove margin from answer box to unify with rest of result page
Before this commit, the default click event on an image result is prevented,
this include clicks inside the detail.
This commit makes sure the click happends outside the detail to prevent the default event.
* previous & next in the result page
* save, restore, & back in the preferences
* back to top
<select> input in Chrom* browsers:
* fix the white text with a white background issue
It is not possible to use CSS variable in a SVG when this is in a background.
This commit adds two .svg files, less converts them into data URL.
The two files are indentical except the fill color.
* remove vim arrow
* add 1rem padding to results
* add 0.2rem left border to vim selected article
* set column gap to 1.2rem and make search bar in line with results
* put 10px border-radius selected article
* result article: 0.125rem margin on tablet and esktop; 1rem margin on phone
* index page: margin top is 24% of the view port.
avoid to scroll a small screen,
center the content in the middle of the screen
* link to preferences at the same height same the input fields
* increase the category tab heighs
* increase the margin bottom of the query field
* in the results, change the h3 margin top and bottom to 0.4rem (6px)
* move the back to top button slightly on the right when the results are only images
When an image is selected, the detail with the full size image is displayed
on the right side of the screen (or full screen on tablet and phone).
When Javascript is disabled, the thumbnail is a linked to the full size image,
as it was before.
When the image proxy is enabled, the full size image is also proxied,
in consequence this commit increases the bandwidth usage of instances.
The detail can be closed by the close button or the Esc key.
It is possible to go to the next and previous images using the j and k keys
or the button on the top right of the screen.