make reports an issue that has been added in [PR-500]::
In ./manage line 80:
yamllint : lint YAML files: $YAMLLINT_FILES
SC2128: Expanding an array without an
index only gives the first element.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
new bash function convert_if_newer() / usage::
convert_if_newer <origfile> <outfile> [<options>, ...]
convert_if_newer "path/to/origin.svg" "path/to/converted.png" -transparent white -resize 64x64
Run's ImageMagik' convert comand to generate <outfile> from <origfile>, if
<origfile> is newer than <outfile>. The command line is to convert is::
convert <origfile> [<options>, ...] <outfile>
PNG 'searx/static/themes/simple/img/favicon.png' has been created by::
$ make themes.simple
CONVERT searx/static/themes/simple/src/svg/searxng-wordmark.svg -transparent white -resize 64x64 searx/static/themes/simple/img/favicon.png
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
In commit 97355672c the functions named babel.* has been renamed to weblate.*
but it was forgotten to change it also in the help().
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Functions implemented to run *Weblate* workflows should use prefix 'weblate.':
- babel.setup.translations.worktree --> weblate.translations.worktree
Create git worktree ${TRANSLATIONS_WORKTREE} and checkout branch
'translations' from Weblate's counterpart (weblate) of the SearXNG
remote weblate
- -->
Update 'translations' branch of SearXNG (origin) with last additions from
- --> weblate.translations.commit
Update 'translations' branch of SearXNG (origin) with last additions from
Weblate. Copy the changes to the master branch, compile translations and
create a commit in the local branch (master)
- --> weblate.push.translations
Push *translation changes* from SearXNG (origin) to Weblate's
counterpart (weblate).
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
In ./manage implement babel.*:
- extract : extract messages from source files and generate POT file
- update : update existing message catalogs from POT file
- compile : compile translation catalogs into binary MO files
Replace searx_extra/update/ by command:
- ci.babel.update
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
This commit remove the need to update the brand for GIT_URL and GIT_BRANCH:
there are read from the git repository.
It is possible to call python -m searx.version freeze to freeze the current version.
Useful when the code is installed outside git (distro package, docker, etc...)
Some defaults in the settings.yml are taken from the environment.
By example;
The manage scripts sources the ./utils/brand.env and sets SEARX_PORT
environment. This enviroment *wins over* any settings in a YAML file.
Whe we run a::
make test.robot
The searx/settings_robot.yml is used, in this file the server settings are::
port: 11111
To get in use of the 'port: 11111' we have to unset the SEARX_PORT environment
which was sourced before.
The function buildenv.unset_env() can be called in all use cases where the
enviroment from ./utils/brand.env is not wanted. ATM it unset the enviroment
unset GIT_URL
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
modified docs/admin/engines/settings.rst
- Fix documentation and add section 'brand'.
- Add remarks about **buildenv** variables.
- Add remarks about settings from environment variables $SEARX_DEBUG,
modified docs/admin/installation-searx.rst & docs/build-templates/searx.rst
Fix template location /templates/etc/searx/settings.yml
modified docs/dev/makefile.rst
Add description of the 'make buildenv' target and describe
- we have all SearXNG setups are centralized in the settings.yml file
- why some tasks need a utils/brand.env (aka instance's buildenv)
modified manage
Settings file from repository's working tree are used by default and
ask user if a /etc/searx/settings.yml file exists.
modified searx/settings.yml
Add comments about when it is needed to run 'make buildenv'
modified searx/
Default for server:port is taken from enviroment variable SEARX_PORT.
modified utils/
- Some defaults in the settings.yml are taken from the environment,
e.g. SEARX_BIND_ADDRESS (searx.settings_defaults.SHEMA). When the
'brand.env' file is created these enviroment variables should be
unset first.
- The CONTACT_URL enviroment is not needed in the utils/brand.env
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
The environment variables ..
are local to the docker.buildx() function, other variables like GIT_URL are
comming from the utils/brand.env file (rebuild by: make buildenv).
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
The functions:
are imported into the ./manage script. To avoid name collisions some variables
and fucntions has been renamed by adding the prefix *static_*.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
The node.env build environment require npm, ttfautohint and fontforge installed
in the OS. These tools can be installed by::
sudo -H ./utils/ install buildhost
If one of the tools is not installed, the script node.env stops with a
appropriate message.
BTW: We ignore CentOS-7 as developer & build platform
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Before this commit, there are 3 node_modules directory:
* one in .
* two others in ./searx/statics/themes/*
This is no desirable:
* it declares the npm depdenencies in the shell script.
* dependabot can't updates theses dependencies.
* this is a not standard way to build a package (two different locations for the dependencies).
With this commit and the PR #150 there is one unique node_modules directory per theme.
This file is generated by webfont.
* It is now generated as searx/static/themes/simple/ion.less
* It is generated before the .less compilation.
* .gitignore includes this file
Add two new package depedencies: fontforge ttfautohint
See utils/
make test.yamllint
./manage test.yamllint
test.yamllint is also added to the `test` makefile target.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
make docker.buildx : build and push multiarch build.
(it can't be only build)
use buildx with the --cache-from and --cache-to options to cache the layers
(only the last built is cached)
The philosophy of set -e is typically that it only exits upon uncaught
errors. Here, the presence of || outside the subshell seems to tell the shell
that the error inside the subshell is 'caught' and therefore set -e does not
cause an exit after false [1].
The shell does not exit if the command that fails is ... part of any command
executed in a && or || list except the command following the final && or ||, any
command in a pipeline but the last, or if the command’s return status is being
inverted with ! [2]
BTW: fix error reported by 'make'
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>