# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring, invalid-name import typing import inspect from json import JSONDecodeError from urllib.parse import urlparse from httpx import HTTPError, HTTPStatusError import logging from searx.exceptions import ( SearxXPathSyntaxException, SearxEngineXPathException, SearxEngineAPIException, SearxEngineAccessDeniedException, ) from searx import searx_parent_dir, settings from searx.engines import engines errors_per_engines = {} class ErrorContext: # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring __slots__ = ( 'filename', 'function', 'line_no', 'code', 'exception_classname', 'log_message', 'log_parameters', 'secondary', 'log_level', ) def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self, filename, function, line_no, code, exception_classname, log_message, log_parameters, secondary, log_level=logging.WARN, ): self.filename = filename self.function = function self.line_no = line_no self.code = code self.exception_classname = exception_classname self.log_message = log_message self.log_parameters = log_parameters self.secondary = secondary self.log_level: int = log_level def __eq__(self, o) -> bool: # pylint: disable=invalid-name if not isinstance(o, ErrorContext): return False return ( self.filename == o.filename and self.function == o.function and self.line_no == o.line_no and self.code == o.code and self.exception_classname == o.exception_classname and self.log_message == o.log_message and self.log_parameters == o.log_parameters and self.secondary == o.secondary and self.log_level == o.log_level ) def __hash__(self): return hash( ( self.filename, self.function, self.line_no, self.code, self.exception_classname, self.log_message, self.log_parameters, self.secondary, self.log_level, ) ) def __repr__(self): return "ErrorContext({!r}, {!r}, {!r}, {!r}, {!r}, {!r}), {!r}, {!r}".format( self.filename, self.line_no, self.code, self.exception_classname, self.log_message, self.log_parameters, self.secondary, self.log_level, ) def add_error_context(engine_name: str, error_context: ErrorContext) -> None: errors_for_engine = errors_per_engines.setdefault(engine_name, {}) errors_for_engine[error_context] = errors_for_engine.get(error_context, 0) + 1 engines[engine_name].logger.log(error_context.log_level, '%s', str(error_context)) def get_trace(traces): for trace in reversed(traces): split_filename = trace.filename.split('/') if '/'.join(split_filename[-3:-1]) == 'searx/engines': return trace if '/'.join(split_filename[-4:-1]) == 'searx/search/processors': return trace return traces[-1] def get_hostname(exc: HTTPError) -> typing.Optional[None]: url = exc.request.url if url is None and exc.response is not None: url = exc.response.url return urlparse(url).netloc def get_request_exception_messages( exc: HTTPError, ) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[str], typing.Optional[str], typing.Optional[str]]: url = None status_code = None reason = None hostname = None if hasattr(exc, '_request') and exc._request is not None: # pylint: disable=protected-access # exc.request is property that raise an RuntimeException # if exc._request is not defined. url = exc.request.url if url is None and hasattr(exc, 'response') and exc.response is not None: url = exc.response.url if url is not None: hostname = url.host if isinstance(exc, HTTPStatusError): status_code = str(exc.response.status_code) reason = exc.response.reason_phrase return (status_code, reason, hostname) def get_messages(exc, filename) -> typing.Tuple: # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements if isinstance(exc, JSONDecodeError): return (exc.msg,) if isinstance(exc, TypeError): return (str(exc),) if isinstance(exc, ValueError) and 'lxml' in filename: return (str(exc),) if isinstance(exc, HTTPError): return get_request_exception_messages(exc) if isinstance(exc, SearxXPathSyntaxException): return (exc.xpath_str, exc.message) if isinstance(exc, SearxEngineXPathException): return (exc.xpath_str, exc.message) if isinstance(exc, SearxEngineAPIException): return (str(exc.args[0]),) if isinstance(exc, SearxEngineAccessDeniedException): return (exc.message,) return () def get_exception_classname(exc: Exception) -> str: exc_class = exc.__class__ exc_name = exc_class.__qualname__ exc_module = exc_class.__module__ if exc_module is None or exc_module == str.__class__.__module__: return exc_name return exc_module + '.' + exc_name def get_error_context( framerecords, exception_classname, log_message, log_parameters, secondary, log_level: int ) -> ErrorContext: searx_frame = get_trace(framerecords) filename = searx_frame.filename if filename.startswith(searx_parent_dir): filename = filename[len(searx_parent_dir) + 1 :] function = searx_frame.function line_no = searx_frame.lineno code = searx_frame.code_context[0].strip() del framerecords return ErrorContext( filename, function, line_no, code, exception_classname, log_message, log_parameters, secondary, log_level ) def count_exception(engine_name: str, exc: Exception, secondary: bool = False, log_level=logging.WARN) -> None: if not settings['general']['enable_metrics']: return framerecords = inspect.trace() try: exception_classname = get_exception_classname(exc) log_parameters = get_messages(exc, framerecords[-1][1]) error_context = get_error_context(framerecords, exception_classname, None, log_parameters, secondary, log_level) add_error_context(engine_name, error_context) finally: del framerecords def count_error( engine_name: str, log_message: str, log_parameters: typing.Optional[typing.Tuple] = None, secondary: bool = False, log_level: int = logging.WARN, ) -> None: if not settings['general']['enable_metrics']: return framerecords = list(reversed(inspect.stack()[1:])) try: error_context = get_error_context(framerecords, None, log_message, log_parameters or (), secondary, log_level) add_error_context(engine_name, error_context) finally: del framerecords