	For other Google coverage, see GoogleServices.xml.

	Nonfunctional domains:

		- hosted.gmodules.com *
		- img0.gmodules.com *
		- p.gmodules.com *

	* 404; mismatched, CN: *.googleusercontent.com

	Problematic domains:

		- gmodules.com			(503, CN: www.google.com)
		- www.gmodules.com		(503, CN: *.googleusercontent.com)
		- gstatic.com			(404, valid cert)
		- api.recaptcha.net		(works; mismatched, CN: google.com)

	Partially covered domains:

		- (www.)gmodules.com		(→ www.google.com)
		- (www.)google.com
		- chart.apis.google.com		(→ chart.googleapis.com)

	Fully covered domains:

		- api.google.com

		- *.clients.google.com:

			- linkhelp

		- ssl.google-analytics.com
		- www.google-analytics.com

		- googleapis.com subdomains:

			- ajax
			- chart
			- *.commondatastorage
			- fonts
			- *.storage
			- www

		- gstatic.com subdomains:

			- (www.)	(^ → www)
			- csi
			- encrypted-tbn\d
			- g0
			- *.metric
			- ssl
			- t\d

		- api.recaptcha.net	(→ www.google.com)
		- api-secure.recaptcha.net
		- gdata.youtube.com

	ssl.google-analytics.com/ga.js sets __utm\w wildcard
	cookies on whichever domain it is loaded from.

<ruleset name="Google APIs">

	<target host="gmodules.com" />
	<target host="www.gmodules.com" />
	<target host="google.com" />
	<target host="apis.google.com" />
	<target host="*.apis.google.com" />
	<target host="*.clients.google.com" />
	<target host="www.google.com" />
	<target host="*.google-analytics.com" />
	<target host="*.googleapis.com" />
	<target host="gstatic.com" />
	<target host="*.gstatic.com" />
	<!--	Captive portal detection redirects to this URL, and many captive
		portals break TLS, so exempt this redirect URL.
		See GitHub bug #368
		<exclusion pattern="^http://www\.gstatic\.com/generate_204" />
	<target host="*.recaptcha.net" />
	<target host="gdata.youtube.com" />
		<exclusion pattern="^http://gdata\.youtube\.com/crossdomain\.xml" />

	<securecookie host="^ssl\.google-analytics\.com$" name=".+" />

	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?gmodules\.com/ig/images/"
		to="https://www.google.com/ig/images/" />

	<!--	jsapi was causing problems on some sites that embed google maps:
		Apparently now fixed; thanks, Google!
	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/(afsonline/|chart|jsapi|recaptcha/|uds)"
		to="https://www.google.com/$1" />

	<rule from="^http://(api|[\w-]+\.client)s\.google\.com/"
		to="https://$1s.google.com/" />

	<rule from="^http://chart\.apis\.google\.com/chart"
		to="https://chart.googleapis.com/chart" />

	<rule from="^http://(ssl|www)\.google-analytics\.com/"
		to="https://$1.google-analytics.com/" />

	<rule from="^http://(ajax|chart|fonts|www)\.googleapis\.com/"
		to="https://$1.googleapis.com/" />

	<rule from="^http://([^@:\./]+\.)?(commondata)?storage\.googleapis\.com/"
		to="https://$1$2storage.googleapis.com/" />

	<!--	There is an interesting question about whether we should
		append &strip=1 to all cache URLs.  This causes them to load
		without images and styles, which is more secure but can look
			Without &strip=1, the images and styles from the cached
		pages still load from the original, typically unencrypted, page.
			With &strip=1, the cached page will be text-only and
		will come exclusively from Google's HTTPS server.
	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?gstatic\.com/"
		to="https://www.gstatic.com/" />

	<rule from="^http://(csi|encrypted-tbn\d|g0|[\w-]+\.metric|ssl|t\d)\.gstatic\.com/"
		to="https://$1.gstatic.com/" />

	<rule from="^http://api\.recaptcha\.net/"
		to="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/" />

	<rule from="^http://api-secure\.recaptcha\.net/"
		to="https://api-secure.recaptcha.net/" />

	<rule from="^http://gdata\.youtube\.com/"
		to="https://gdata.youtube.com/" />
