# szl translations for PROJECT.
# Copyright (C) 2022 ORGANIZATION
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
# gkkulik <gregorykkulik@gmail.com>, 2022.
# return42 <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>, 2023.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-02 18:34+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-06-02 07:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: return42 <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n"
"Language: szl\n"
"Language-Team: Silesian "
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.12.1\n"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "without further subgrouping"
msgstr ""

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "other"
msgstr "inksze"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "files"
msgstr "zbiory"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "general"
msgstr "ôgōlne"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "music"
msgstr "muzyka"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "social media"
msgstr "społeczności"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "images"
msgstr "ôbrazy"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "videos"
msgstr "wideo"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "it"
msgstr "informatyka"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "news"
msgstr "wiadōmości"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "map"
msgstr "karta"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "onions"
msgstr "cebule"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "science"
msgstr "nauka"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "apps"
msgstr "apki"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "dictionaries"
msgstr "słowniki"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "lyrics"
msgstr "teksty śpiywek"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "packages"
msgstr "pakety"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "q&a"
msgstr "pyt. i ôdp."

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "repos"
msgstr "repozytoryja"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "software wikis"
msgstr "wiki ôprogramowanio"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "web"
msgstr "nec"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "scientific publications"
msgstr "naukowe publikacyje"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "auto"
msgstr "autōmatyczny"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "light"
msgstr "jasny"

#: searx/searxng.msg
msgid "dark"
msgstr "ciymny"

#: searx/webapp.py:167
msgid "timeout"
msgstr "kōniec czasu"

#: searx/webapp.py:168
msgid "parsing error"
msgstr "feler przetworzanio"

#: searx/webapp.py:169
msgid "HTTP protocol error"
msgstr "Feler protokołu HTTP"

#: searx/webapp.py:170
msgid "network error"
msgstr "feler necu"

#: searx/webapp.py:171
msgid "SSL error: certificate validation has failed"
msgstr "Feler SSL: niy podarziło sie poświadczynie certyfikatu"

#: searx/webapp.py:173
msgid "unexpected crash"
msgstr "niyspodziano awaryjo"

#: searx/webapp.py:180
msgid "HTTP error"
msgstr "Feler HTTP"

#: searx/webapp.py:181
msgid "HTTP connection error"
msgstr "Feler połōnczynio HTTP"

#: searx/webapp.py:187
msgid "proxy error"
msgstr "feler proxy"

#: searx/webapp.py:188
msgid "CAPTCHA"
msgstr "CAPTCHA"

#: searx/webapp.py:189
msgid "too many requests"
msgstr "za moc żōndań"

#: searx/webapp.py:190
msgid "access denied"
msgstr "dostymp ôdkozany"

#: searx/webapp.py:191
msgid "server API error"
msgstr "feler serwera API"

#: searx/webapp.py:363
msgid "No item found"
msgstr "Żodyn elymynt niy znojdziōny"

#: searx/engines/qwant.py:218
#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/images.html:20 searx/webapp.py:365
msgid "Source"
msgstr "Zdrzōdło"

#: searx/webapp.py:367
msgid "Error loading the next page"
msgstr "Feler ladowanio nastympnyj strōny"

#: searx/webapp.py:520 searx/webapp.py:953
msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences"
msgstr "Niynoleżne sztalōnki, zmiyń swoje preferyncyje"

#: searx/webapp.py:536
msgid "Invalid settings"
msgstr "Niynoleżne sztalōnki"

#: searx/webapp.py:613 searx/webapp.py:691
msgid "search error"
msgstr "błōnd wyszukowanio"

#: searx/webapp.py:857
msgid "Suspended"
msgstr "Strzimane"

#: searx/webutils.py:205
msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago"
msgstr "{minutes} minut(y) tymu"

#: searx/webutils.py:206
msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago"
msgstr "{hours} godzin(y), {minutes} minut(y) tymu"

#: searx/answerers/random/answerer.py:67
msgid "Random value generator"
msgstr "Gyneratōr losowych wert"

#: searx/answerers/random/answerer.py:68
msgid "Generate different random values"
msgstr "Wygyneruj insze werty losowe"

#: searx/answerers/statistics/answerer.py:47
msgid "Statistics functions"
msgstr "Funkcyje statystyczne"

#: searx/answerers/statistics/answerer.py:48
msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments"
msgstr "Porachuj {functions} ôd argumyntōw"

#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160
msgid "Get directions"
msgstr "Znojdź skazōwki"

#: searx/engines/pdbe.py:96
msgid "{title} (OBSOLETE)"
msgstr "{title} (ZASTARZAŁE)"

#: searx/engines/pdbe.py:103
msgid "This entry has been superseded by"
msgstr "Tyn wpis bōł zastōmpiōny ôd"

#: searx/engines/qwant.py:220
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kanał"

#: searx/engines/semantic_scholar.py:81
msgid ""
"{numCitations} citations from the year {firstCitationVelocityYear} to "
msgstr ""
"{numCitations} cytowań ôd roku {firstCitationVelocityYear} do "

#: searx/engines/tineye.py:40
msgid ""
"Could not read that image url. This may be due to an unsupported file "
"format. TinEye only supports images that are JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF or"
" WebP."
msgstr ""
"Niy szło przeczytać adresy ôd tego ôbrozka. To może wynikać ze "
"niyspiyranego formatu zbioru. TinEye spiyro ino ôbrazy JPEG, PNG, GIF, "
"BMP, TIFF i WebP."

#: searx/engines/tineye.py:46
msgid ""
"The image is too simple to find matches. TinEye requires a basic level of"
" visual detail to successfully identify matches."
msgstr ""
"Tyn ôbroz je za mały, żeby znojś coś, co pasuje. TinEye potrzebuje "
"podstawowego poziōmu wizualnyj akuratności, żeby akuratnie idyntyfikować "
"pasowne ôbrazy."

#: searx/engines/tineye.py:52
msgid "The image could not be downloaded."
msgstr "Tego ôbrazu niy szło ściōngnōńć."

#: searx/engines/wttr.py:101
msgid "Morning"
msgstr "Rano"

#: searx/engines/wttr.py:101
msgid "Noon"
msgstr "Połednie"

#: searx/engines/wttr.py:101
msgid "Evening"
msgstr "Wieczōr"

#: searx/engines/wttr.py:101
msgid "Night"
msgstr "Noc"

#: searx/plugins/hash_plugin.py:24
msgid "Converts strings to different hash digests."
msgstr "Kōnwertuje frazy na rozmajte skrōty hash."

#: searx/plugins/hash_plugin.py:52
msgid "hash digest"
msgstr "skrōt hash"

#: searx/plugins/hostname_replace.py:9
msgid "Hostname replace"
msgstr "Zastōmpiynie miana ôd hosta"

#: searx/plugins/hostname_replace.py:10
msgid "Rewrite result hostnames or remove results based on the hostname"
msgstr ""
"Przerōb miana ôd hostōw we wynikach abo ôdciep wyniki na podstawie miana "
"ôd hosta"

#: searx/plugins/oa_doi_rewrite.py:9
msgid "Open Access DOI rewrite"
msgstr "Nadpisowanie DOI z ôtwartym dostympym"

#: searx/plugins/oa_doi_rewrite.py:10
msgid ""
"Avoid paywalls by redirecting to open-access versions of publications "
"when available"
msgstr ""
"Unikej płacynio za dostymp bez przekerowowanie do ôtwartych wersyji "
"publikacyji, kej sōm dostympne"

#: searx/plugins/search_on_category_select.py:19
msgid "Search on category select"
msgstr "Szukej po ôbraniu kategoryje"

#: searx/plugins/search_on_category_select.py:20
msgid ""
"Perform search immediately if a category selected. Disable to select "
"multiple categories. (JavaScript required)"
msgstr ""
"Wykōnej wyszukowanie zaroz po ôbraniu kategoryje. Zastow, coby ôbrać "
"wiyncyj kategoryji. (Potrzebny Javascript)"

#: searx/plugins/self_info.py:20
msgid "Self Information"
msgstr "Włosne informacyje"

#: searx/plugins/self_info.py:21
msgid ""
"Displays your IP if the query is \"ip\" and your user agent if the query "
"contains \"user agent\"."
msgstr ""
"Pokazuje twoja adresa IP, jeźli zapytanie to „ip”, i twojigo agynta "
"używocza, jeźli zapytanie zawiyro „user agent”."

#: searx/plugins/tor_check.py:25
msgid "Tor check plugin"
msgstr "Przidowek sprawdzanio necu Tor"

#: searx/plugins/tor_check.py:28
msgid ""
"This plugin checks if the address of the request is a Tor exit-node, and "
"informs the user if it is; like check.torproject.org, but from SearXNG."
msgstr ""
"Tyn przidowek sprawdzo, jeźli adresa ôd żōndanio to je wynzoł wyjścio TOR"
" i informuje używocza, jeźli tak je. To jak check.torproject.org ino ôd "

#: searx/plugins/tor_check.py:62
msgid ""
"Could not download the list of Tor exit-nodes from: "
msgstr ""

#: searx/plugins/tor_check.py:78
msgid ""
"You are using Tor and it looks like you have this external IP address: "
msgstr ""

#: searx/plugins/tor_check.py:86
msgid "You are not using Tor and you have this external IP address: {ip_address}"
msgstr ""

#: searx/plugins/tracker_url_remover.py:29
msgid "Tracker URL remover"
msgstr "Wymazowanie trackrōw z URL-ōw"

#: searx/plugins/tracker_url_remover.py:30
msgid "Remove trackers arguments from the returned URL"
msgstr "Wymaż argumynta trackrōw ze swrōcōnyj adresy URL"

#: searx/plugins/vim_hotkeys.py:3
msgid "Vim-like hotkeys"
msgstr "Skrōty jak we Vinie"

#: searx/plugins/vim_hotkeys.py:4
msgid ""
"Navigate search results with Vim-like hotkeys (JavaScript required). "
"Press \"h\" key on main or result page to get help."
msgstr ""
"Ruszej sie po wynikach wyszukowanio ze skrōtami jak we Vimie (potrzebny "
"Javascript). Naciś knefel „h” na strōnie głōwnyj abo wynikōw, coby dostać"
" pōmoc."

#: searx/templates/simple/404.html:4
msgid "Page not found"
msgstr "Strōna niy znojdziōno"

#: searx/templates/simple/404.html:6
#, python-format
msgid "Go to %(search_page)s."
msgstr "Idź do %(search_page)s."

#: searx/templates/simple/404.html:6
msgid "search page"
msgstr "strōny wyszukowanio"

#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:46
msgid "About"
msgstr "Informacyje"

#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50
msgid "Donate"
msgstr "Spōmōż"

#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:156
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Preferyncyje"

#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64
msgid "Powered by"
msgstr "Spiyrane ôd"

#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64
msgid "a privacy-respecting, open metasearch engine"
msgstr "ôtwarto metawyszukowarka, co szanuje prywatność"

#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65
msgid "Source code"
msgstr "Kod zdrzōdłowy"

#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66
msgid "Issue tracker"
msgstr "Dziynnik problymōw"

#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18
msgid "Engine stats"
msgstr "Statystyki wyszukowarki"

#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69
msgid "Public instances"
msgstr "Publiczne instancyje"

#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72
msgid "Privacy policy"
msgstr "Polityka prywatności"

#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75
msgid "Contact instance maintainer"
msgstr "Skōntaktuj sie ze administratorym instancyje"

#: searx/templates/simple/categories.html:24
msgid "Click on the magnifier to perform search"
msgstr "Kliknij na lupa, coby wykōnać wyszukowanie"

#: searx/templates/simple/macros.html:36
msgid "Length"
msgstr "Dugość"

#: searx/templates/simple/macros.html:37
#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/images.html:18
#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/paper.html:6
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autōr"

#: searx/templates/simple/macros.html:45
msgid "cached"
msgstr "buforowane"

#: searx/templates/simple/macros.html:45
msgid "proxied"
msgstr "ze proxy"

#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64
msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub"
msgstr "Zacznij ôtwiyrać nowy problym na GitHubie"

#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66
msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub"
msgstr "Sprawdź teroźne felery ôd tego motoru na GitHubie"

#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69
msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter"
msgstr "Potwiyrdzōm, że niy ma teroźnego feleru, co by sie tykoł mojigo problymu"

#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71
msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report"
msgstr "Jeźli to je publiczno instancyjo, to podej URL we reporcie ô felerze"

#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72
msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information"
msgstr "Wyślij nowe zgłoszynie problymu na Github ze informacyjōm wyżyj"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:65
msgid "No HTTPS"
msgstr "Brak HTTPS"

#: searx/templates/simple/elements/engines_msg.html:14
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:69
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:70
msgid "View error logs and submit a bug report"
msgstr "Pokoż dziynniki felerōw i wyślij report ô felerze"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:74
msgid "!bang for this engine"
msgstr ""

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:80
msgid "!bang for its categories"
msgstr ""

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:102
#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:64
msgid "Median"
msgstr "Mediana"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:103
#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:70
msgid "P80"
msgstr "P80"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:104
#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:76
msgid "P95"
msgstr "P95"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:136
msgid "Failed checker test(s): "
msgstr "Niypodarzōne testy weryfikacyjne: "

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:138
msgid "Errors:"
msgstr "Felery:"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:162
msgid "General"
msgstr "Ôgōlne"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:165
msgid "Default categories"
msgstr "Wychodne kategoryje"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:187
msgid "User interface"
msgstr "Interfejs używocza"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:204
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Prywatność"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:217
msgid "Engines"
msgstr "Wyszukowarki"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:219
msgid "Currently used search engines"
msgstr "Teroźnie używane wyszukowarki"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:227
msgid "Special Queries"
msgstr "Ekstra zapytania"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:233
msgid "Cookies"
msgstr "Cookies"

#: searx/templates/simple/results.html:23
msgid "Answers"
msgstr "Ôdpowiedzi"

#: searx/templates/simple/results.html:39
msgid "Number of results"
msgstr "Liczba wynikōw"

#: searx/templates/simple/results.html:45
msgid "Info"
msgstr ""

#: searx/templates/simple/results.html:74
msgid "Try searching for:"
msgstr "Sprōbuj wyszukać:"

#: searx/templates/simple/results.html:106
msgid "Back to top"
msgstr "Nazod do wiyrchu"

#: searx/templates/simple/results.html:124
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr "Piyrwyjszo strōna"

#: searx/templates/simple/results.html:141
msgid "Next page"
msgstr "Dalszo strōna"

#: searx/templates/simple/search.html:3
msgid "Display the front page"
msgstr "Pokoż przodnio strōna"

#: searx/templates/simple/search.html:9
#: searx/templates/simple/simple_search.html:5
msgid "Search for..."
msgstr "Szukej..."

#: searx/templates/simple/search.html:10
#: searx/templates/simple/simple_search.html:6
msgid "clear"
msgstr "wysnoż"

#: searx/templates/simple/search.html:11
#: searx/templates/simple/simple_search.html:7
msgid "search"
msgstr "szukanie"

#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:21
msgid "There is currently no data available. "
msgstr "Teroz niy ma dostympnych danych. "

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/engines.html:18
#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:25
msgid "Engine name"
msgstr "Miano ôd wyszukowarki"

#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:26
msgid "Scores"
msgstr "Wyniki"

#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:27
msgid "Result count"
msgstr "Wielość wynikōw"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/engines.html:24
#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:28
msgid "Response time"
msgstr "Czas ôdpowiedzi"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/engines.html:28
#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:29
msgid "Reliability"
msgstr "Wiarogodność"

#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:59
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Społym"

#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:60
msgid "HTTP"
msgstr "HTTP"

#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:61
msgid "Processing"
msgstr "Przetworzanie"

#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:99
msgid "Warnings"
msgstr "Ôstrzeżynia"

#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:99
msgid "Errors and exceptions"
msgstr "Felery i wyjōntki"

#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:105
msgid "Exception"
msgstr "Wyjōntek"

#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:107
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Kōmunikat"

#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:109
msgid "Percentage"
msgstr "Procynt"

#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:111
msgid "Parameter"
msgstr "Parameter"

#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:119
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "Miano zbioru"

#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:120
msgid "Function"
msgstr "Funkcyjo"

#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:121
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Kod"

#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:128
msgid "Checker"
msgstr "Weryfikacyjo"

#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:131
msgid "Failed test"
msgstr "Niypodarzōny test"

#: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:132
msgid "Comment(s)"
msgstr "Kōmyntorz(e)"

#: searx/templates/simple/elements/apis.html:3
msgid "Download results"
msgstr "Ściōng wyniki"

#: searx/templates/simple/elements/engines_msg.html:3
msgid "Messages from the search engines"
msgstr ""

#: searx/templates/simple/elements/engines_msg.html:8
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Feler!"

#: searx/templates/simple/elements/engines_msg.html:9
msgid "Engines cannot retrieve results"
msgstr "Wyszukowarki niy mogōm pobrać wynikōw"

#: searx/templates/simple/elements/search_url.html:3
msgid "Search URL"
msgstr "URL wyszukowanio"

#: searx/templates/simple/elements/suggestions.html:3
msgid "Suggestions"
msgstr "Dorady"

#: searx/templates/simple/filters/languages.html:1
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/language.html:2
msgid "Search language"
msgstr "Jynzyk wyszukowanio"

#: searx/templates/simple/filters/languages.html:2
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/language.html:7
msgid "Default language"
msgstr "Wychodny jynzyk"

#: searx/templates/simple/filters/languages.html:4
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/language.html:11
msgid "Auto-detect"
msgstr ""

#: searx/templates/simple/filters/safesearch.html:1
#: searx/templates/simple/filters/safesearch.html:2
#: searx/templates/simple/filters/safesearch.html:3
#: searx/templates/simple/filters/safesearch.html:4
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/engines.html:21
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/safesearch.html:2
msgid "SafeSearch"
msgstr "Bezpieczne szukanie"

#: searx/templates/simple/filters/safesearch.html:2
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/safesearch.html:7
msgid "Strict"
msgstr "Ścisłe"

#: searx/templates/simple/filters/safesearch.html:3
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/safesearch.html:11
msgid "Moderate"
msgstr "Postrzednie"

#: searx/templates/simple/filters/safesearch.html:4
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/safesearch.html:15
msgid "None"
msgstr "Brak"

#: searx/templates/simple/filters/time_range.html:1
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/engines.html:22
msgid "Time range"
msgstr "Zakres czasu"

#: searx/templates/simple/filters/time_range.html:3
msgid "Anytime"
msgstr "Z leda kedy"

#: searx/templates/simple/filters/time_range.html:6
msgid "Last day"
msgstr "Z ôstatnigo dnia"

#: searx/templates/simple/filters/time_range.html:9
msgid "Last week"
msgstr "Z ôstatnigo tydnia"

#: searx/templates/simple/filters/time_range.html:12
msgid "Last month"
msgstr "Z ôstatnigo miesiōnca"

#: searx/templates/simple/filters/time_range.html:15
msgid "Last year"
msgstr "Z ôstatnigo roku"

#: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_cookies.html:3
msgid "Information!"
msgstr "Informacyjo!"

#: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_cookies.html:4
msgid "currently, there are no cookies defined."
msgstr "teroźnie niy ma zdefiniowanych żodnych cookies."

#: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:3
msgid "Sorry!"
msgstr "Niystety!"

#: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:4
msgid ""
"we didn't find any results. Please use another query or search in more "
msgstr ""
"niy szło znojś wynikōw. Użyj inkszego zapytanio abo poszukej tyż we "
"inkszych kategoryjach."

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/answerers.html:4
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/engines.html:17
msgid "Allow"
msgstr "Zwōl"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/answerers.html:5
msgid "Keywords"
msgstr "Słowa kluczowe"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/answerers.html:6
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Miano"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/answerers.html:7
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Ôpis"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/answerers.html:8
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Przikłady"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/answerers.html:13
msgid "This is the list of SearXNG's instant answering modules."
msgstr "To je wykoz modułōw wartkij ôdpowiedzi we SearXNG."

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/answerers.html:28
msgid "This is the list of plugins."
msgstr "To je wykoz przidowkōw."

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/autocomplete.html:2
msgid "Autocomplete"
msgstr "Autodopołnianie"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/autocomplete.html:15
msgid "Find stuff as you type"
msgstr "Szukej w czasie pisanio"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/center_alignment.html:2
msgid "Center Alignment"
msgstr "Wypostrzodkowanie"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/center_alignment.html:5
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/infinite_scroll.html:5
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/results_on_new_tab.html:5
msgid "On"
msgstr "Włōnczōny"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/center_alignment.html:6
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/infinite_scroll.html:6
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/results_on_new_tab.html:6
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Zastawiōne"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/center_alignment.html:10
msgid "Displays results in the center of the page (Oscar layout)."
msgstr "Pokoż wyniki we postrzodku strōny (ukłod Oscar)."

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/cookies.html:2
msgid ""
"This is the list of cookies and their values SearXNG is storing on your "
msgstr ""
"To je wykoz cookies i jejich werty, co SearXNG zapisuje na twojim "

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/cookies.html:3
msgid "With that list, you can assess SearXNG transparency."
msgstr "Ze pōmocōm tego wykazu możesz ôcynić przejzdrzistość SearXNG."

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/cookies.html:9
msgid "Cookie name"
msgstr "Miano ôd cookie"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/cookies.html:10
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Wert"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/cookies.html:23
msgid "Search URL of the currently saved preferences"
msgstr "Wyszukej adresy URL aktualnie spamiyntanych preferyncyji"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/cookies.html:32
msgid ""
"Note: specifying custom settings in the search URL can reduce privacy by "
"leaking data to the clicked result sites."
msgstr ""
"Pozōr: ôkryślanie sztalōnkōw niysztandardowych w adresie URL wyszukowanio"
" może zmyńszyć prywatność bez przenoszynie danych do klikniyntych strōn z"
" wynikōw."

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/cookies.html:35
msgid "URL to restore your preferences in another browser"
msgstr "URL to prziwrōcynio twojich sztalōnkōw na inkszyj przeglōndarce"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/cookies.html:44
msgid ""
"Specifying custom settings in the preferences URL can be used to sync "
"preferences across devices."
msgstr ""
"Skazowanie włosnych parametrōw we adresie sztalōnkōw może być używane do "
"synchrōnizowanio sztalōnkōw miyndzy maszinami."

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/doi_resolver.html:2
msgid "Open Access DOI resolver"
msgstr "Podsystym DOI z ôtwartym dostympym"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/doi_resolver.html:14
msgid "Select service used by DOI rewrite"
msgstr ""

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/engines.html:9
msgid ""
"This tab does not exists in the user interface, but you can search in "
"these engines by its !bangs."
msgstr ""

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/engines.html:19
msgid "!bang"
msgstr ""

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/engines.html:20
msgid "Supports selected language"
msgstr "Spiyro ôbrany jynzyk"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/engines.html:26
msgid "Max time"
msgstr "Maks. czas"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/footer.html:2
msgid ""
"These settings are stored in your cookies, this allows us not to store "
"this data about you."
msgstr ""
"Te sztalōnki sōm trzimane we zbiorach cookies, tōż mogymy niy trzimać "
"tych danych ô ciebie."

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/footer.html:3
msgid ""
"These cookies serve your sole convenience, we don't use these cookies to "
"track you."
msgstr ""
"Te zbiory cookies sużōm ino twojimu kōmfortowi, niy używōmy ich do "
"śledzynio cie."

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/footer.html:6
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Spamiyntej"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/footer.html:9
msgid "Reset defaults"
msgstr "Prziwrōć wychodne"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/footer.html:13
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Nazod"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/image_proxy.html:2
msgid "Image proxy"
msgstr "Proxy ôbrazōw"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/image_proxy.html:5
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/query_in_title.html:5
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Włōnczōne"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/image_proxy.html:6
#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/query_in_title.html:6
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Zastawiōne"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/image_proxy.html:10
msgid "Proxying image results through SearXNG"
msgstr "Przesyłanie wynikōw ôbrazōw bez proxy SearXNG"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/infinite_scroll.html:2
msgid "Infinite scroll"
msgstr "Niyskōńczōne przewijanie"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/infinite_scroll.html:10
msgid "Automatically load next page when scrolling to bottom of current page"
msgstr ""
"Autōmatycznie laduj nastympno strōna przi przewijaniu do spodka teroźnyj "

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/language.html:24
msgid "What language do you prefer for search?"
msgstr "W jakim jynzyku wolisz wyszukować?"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/language.html:25
msgid "Choose Auto-detect to let SearXNG detect the language of your query."
msgstr ""

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/method.html:2
msgid "HTTP Method"
msgstr "Metoda HTTP"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/method.html:14
msgid "Change how forms are submitted"
msgstr ""

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/query_in_title.html:2
msgid "Query in the page's title"
msgstr "Zapytanie we tytule ôd strōny"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/query_in_title.html:10
msgid ""
"When enabled, the result page's title contains your query. Your browser "
"can record this title"
msgstr ""
"Jak włōnczōne, to twoje zapytanie je we tytule ôd strōny wynikōw. Twoja "
"przeglōndarka może spamiyntać tyn tytuł"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/results_on_new_tab.html:2
msgid "Results on new tabs"
msgstr "Wyniki na nowych kartach"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/results_on_new_tab.html:10
msgid "Open result links on new browser tabs"
msgstr "Ôtwōrz linki wynikōw we nowych kartach przeglōndarki"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/safesearch.html:20
msgid "Filter content"
msgstr "Filtruj treści"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/theme.html:2
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Tymat"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/theme.html:14
msgid "Change SearXNG layout"
msgstr "Zmiyń ukłod ôd SearXNG"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/theme.html:19
msgid "Theme style"
msgstr "Styl ôd tymatu"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/theme.html:31
msgid "Choose auto to follow your browser settings"
msgstr "Wybier autōmatyczny, żeby sie szaltrowoł podug sztalōnkōw przeglōndarki"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/tokens.html:2
msgid "Engine tokens"
msgstr "Tokyny ôd motora"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/tokens.html:9
msgid "Access tokens for private engines"
msgstr "Tokyny dostympu do prywatnych motorōw"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/ui_locale.html:2
msgid "Interface language"
msgstr "Jynzyk interfejsu"

#: searx/templates/simple/preferences/ui_locale.html:14
msgid "Change the language of the layout"
msgstr "Zmiyń jynzyk układu"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/default.html:6
msgid "show media"
msgstr "pokoż media"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/default.html:6
msgid "hide media"
msgstr "skryj mydia"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/default.html:14
#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/videos.html:14
msgid "This site did not provide any description."
msgstr "Ta strōna niy podała żodnego ôpisu."

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/images.html:19
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Format"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/images.html:21
msgid "Engine"
msgstr "Motōr"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/images.html:22
msgid "View source"
msgstr "Pokoż zdrzōdło"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/map.html:12
msgid "address"
msgstr "adresa"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/map.html:43
msgid "show map"
msgstr "pokoż karta"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/map.html:43
msgid "hide map"
msgstr "skryj karta"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/paper.html:5
msgid "Published date"
msgstr "Data publikacyje"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/paper.html:9
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "Cajtōng"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/paper.html:22
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Redachtōr"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/paper.html:23
msgid "Publisher"
msgstr "Wydowca"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/paper.html:24
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/paper.html:25
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Etykety"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/paper.html:26
msgid "DOI"
msgstr "DOI"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/paper.html:27
msgid "ISSN"
msgstr "ISSN"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/paper.html:28
msgid "ISBN"
msgstr "ISBN"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/paper.html:33
msgid "PDF"
msgstr "PDF"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/paper.html:34
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/torrent.html:6
msgid "magnet link"
msgstr "link magnet"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/torrent.html:7
msgid "torrent file"
msgstr "zbiōr torrent"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/torrent.html:9
msgid "Seeder"
msgstr "Wysyłocz"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/torrent.html:9
msgid "Leecher"
msgstr "Ściōngocz"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/torrent.html:11
msgid "Filesize"
msgstr "Miara zbioru"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/torrent.html:12
msgid "Bytes"
msgstr "Bajty"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/torrent.html:13
msgid "kiB"
msgstr "kiB"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/torrent.html:14
msgid "MiB"
msgstr "MiB"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/torrent.html:15
msgid "GiB"
msgstr "GiB"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/torrent.html:16
msgid "TiB"
msgstr "TiB"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/torrent.html:20
msgid "Number of Files"
msgstr "Wielość zbiorōw"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/videos.html:6
msgid "show video"
msgstr "pokoż wideo"

#: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/videos.html:6
msgid "hide video"
msgstr "skryj wideo"

#~ msgid "Center Alignment"
#~ msgstr ""

#~ msgid "Displays results in the center of the page (Oscar layout)."
#~ msgstr ""

#~ msgid "preferences"
#~ msgstr "preferyncyje"

#~ msgid "Scores per result"
#~ msgstr "Wyniki na rezultat"

#~ msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine"
#~ msgstr "hakowalno metawyszukowarka, co szanuje prywatność"

#~ msgid "No abstract is available for this publication."
#~ msgstr "Skrōcynie niy ma dostympne dlo tyj publikacyje."

#~ msgid "Self Informations"
#~ msgstr "Informacyje ô siebie"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Change how forms are submited, <a "
#~ "href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol#Request_methods\""
#~ " rel=\"external\">learn more about request "
#~ "methods</a>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Zmiyń metoda przesyłanio formularōw, <a "
#~ "href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol#Request_methods\""
#~ " rel=\"external\">przewiydz sie wiyncyj ô "
#~ "metodach HTTP</a>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "This plugin checks if the address "
#~ "of the request is a TOR exit "
#~ "node, and informs the user if it"
#~ " is, like check.torproject.org but from "
#~ "searxng."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tyn przidowek sprawdzo, jeźli adresa ôd"
#~ " żōndanio to je wynzoł wyjścio TOR"
#~ " i informuje używocza, jeźli tak je."
#~ " To jak check.torproject.org ino ôd "
#~ "searxng."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The TOR exit node list "
#~ "(https://check.torproject.org/exit-addresses) is "
#~ "unreachable."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Wykoz wynzłōw wyjścio TOR "
#~ "(https://check.torproject.org/exit-addresses) niy "
#~ "ôdpowiado."

#~ msgid "You are using TOR. Your IP address seems to be: {ip_address}."
#~ msgstr "Używosz TOR. Twoja adresa IP wyglōndo na: {ip_address}."

#~ msgid "You are not using TOR. Your IP address seems to be: {ip_address}."
#~ msgstr "Niy używosz TOR. Twoja adresa IP wyglōndo na: {ip_address}."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The could not download the list of"
#~ " Tor exit-nodes from "
#~ "https://check.torproject.org/exit-addresses."
#~ msgstr ""

#~ msgid ""
#~ "You are using Tor. It looks like"
#~ " you have this external IP address:"
#~ " {ip_address}."
#~ msgstr ""

#~ msgid "You are not using Tor. You have this external IP address: {ip_address}."
#~ msgstr ""

#~ msgid "Autodetect search language"
#~ msgstr "Autowykrywanie jynzyka wyszukowanio"

#~ msgid "Automatically detect the query search language and switch to it."
#~ msgstr "Autōmatycznie wykrywo jynzyk zapytanio i szaltruje na niego."

#~ msgid "others"
#~ msgstr "inksze"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "This tab does not show up for "
#~ "search results, but you can search "
#~ "the engines listed here via bangs."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Wyszukowarki z tyj zokłodki niy "
#~ "pokazujōm sie we wynikach wyszukowanio, "
#~ "ale możesz ich używać bez bangs."

#~ msgid "Shortcut"
#~ msgstr "Skrōt"

#~ msgid "!bang"
#~ msgstr ""

#~ msgid ""
#~ "This tab dues not exists in the"
#~ " user interface, but you can search"
#~ " in these engines by its !bangs."
#~ msgstr ""

#~ msgid "Engines cannot retrieve results."
#~ msgstr "Wyszukowarki niy mogōm pobrać wynikōw."

#~ msgid "Please, try again later or find another SearXNG instance."
#~ msgstr "Sprōbuj zaś niyskorzij abo znojdź inkszo instancyjo SearXNG."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Redirect to open-access versions of "
#~ "publications when available (plugin required)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Przekeruj do ôtwartych wersyji publikacyji,"
#~ " kej sōm dostympne (potrzebne rozszyrzynie)"

#~ msgid "Bang"
#~ msgstr ""

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Change how forms are submitted, <a "
#~ "href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol#Request_methods\""
#~ " rel=\"external\">learn more about request "
#~ "methods</a>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Zmiyń to, jak sōm wysyłane formulary,"
#~ " <a "
#~ "href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol#Request_methods\""
#~ " rel=\"external\">przewiydz sie wiyncyj ô "
#~ "metodach żōndań</a>"