#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # shellcheck disable=SC2001 # shellcheck source=utils/lib.sh source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/lib.sh" # shellcheck source=utils/lib_install.sh source "${REPO_ROOT}/utils/lib_install.sh" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # config # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP="${SEARXNG_BIND_ADDRESS}:${SEARXNG_PORT}" SEARXNG_URL_PATH="${SEARXNG_URL_PATH:-$(echo "${PUBLIC_URL}" \ | sed -e 's,^.*://[^/]*\(/.*\),\1,g')}" [[ "${SEARXNG_URL_PATH}" == "${PUBLIC_URL}" ]] && SEARXNG_URL_PATH=/ SERVICE_NAME="searx" SERVICE_USER="${SERVICE_USER:-${SERVICE_NAME}}" SERVICE_HOME_BASE="${SERVICE_HOME_BASE:-/usr/local}" SERVICE_HOME="${SERVICE_HOME_BASE}/${SERVICE_USER}" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 SERVICE_GROUP="${SERVICE_USER}" GIT_BRANCH="${GIT_BRANCH:-master}" SEARX_PYENV="${SERVICE_HOME}/searx-pyenv" SEARX_SRC="${SERVICE_HOME}/searx-src" SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH="/etc/searxng/settings.yml" SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP="searxng.ini" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 SEARX_UWSGI_SOCKET="/run/uwsgi/app/searx/socket" # apt packages SEARX_PACKAGES_debian="\ python3-dev python3-babel python3-venv uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3 git build-essential libxslt-dev zlib1g-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev shellcheck" BUILD_PACKAGES_debian="\ firefox graphviz imagemagick texlive-xetex librsvg2-bin texlive-latex-recommended texlive-extra-utils fonts-dejavu latexmk" # pacman packages SEARX_PACKAGES_arch="\ python python-pip python-lxml python-babel uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python git base-devel libxml2 shellcheck" BUILD_PACKAGES_arch="\ firefox graphviz imagemagick texlive-bin extra/librsvg texlive-core texlive-latexextra ttf-dejavu" # dnf packages SEARX_PACKAGES_fedora="\ python python-pip python-lxml python-babel uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3 git @development-tools libxml2 ShellCheck" BUILD_PACKAGES_fedora="\ firefox graphviz graphviz-gd ImageMagick librsvg2-tools texlive-xetex-bin texlive-collection-fontsrecommended texlive-collection-latex dejavu-sans-fonts dejavu-serif-fonts dejavu-sans-mono-fonts" # yum packages # # hint: We do no longer support yum packages, it is to complex to maintain # automate installation of packages like npm. In the firts step we ignore # CentOS-7 as developer & build platform (the inital patch which brought # CentOS-7 supports was not intended to be a developer platform). SEARX_PACKAGES_centos="\ python36 python36-pip python36-lxml python-babel uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3 git @development-tools libxml2 ShellCheck" BUILD_PACKAGES_centos="\ firefox graphviz graphviz-gd ImageMagick librsvg2-tools texlive-xetex-bin texlive-collection-fontsrecommended texlive-collection-latex dejavu-sans-fonts dejavu-serif-fonts dejavu-sans-mono-fonts" case $DIST_ID-$DIST_VERS in ubuntu-16.04|ubuntu-18.04) SEARX_PACKAGES="${SEARX_PACKAGES_debian}" BUILD_PACKAGES="${BUILD_PACKAGES_debian}" APACHE_PACKAGES="$APACHE_PACKAGES libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi" ;; ubuntu-20.04) # https://askubuntu.com/a/1224710 SEARX_PACKAGES="${SEARX_PACKAGES_debian} python-is-python3" BUILD_PACKAGES="${BUILD_PACKAGES_debian}" ;; ubuntu-*|debian-*) SEARX_PACKAGES="${SEARX_PACKAGES_debian}" BUILD_PACKAGES="${BUILD_PACKAGES_debian}" ;; arch-*) SEARX_PACKAGES="${SEARX_PACKAGES_arch}" BUILD_PACKAGES="${BUILD_PACKAGES_arch}" ;; fedora-*) SEARX_PACKAGES="${SEARX_PACKAGES_fedora}" BUILD_PACKAGES="${BUILD_PACKAGES_fedora}" ;; centos-7) SEARX_PACKAGES="${SEARX_PACKAGES_centos}" BUILD_PACKAGES="${BUILD_PACKAGES_centos}" ;; esac # Apache Settings APACHE_SEARX_SITE="searx.conf" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 CONFIG_FILES=( "${uWSGI_APPS_AVAILABLE}/${SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP}" ) # shellcheck disable=SC2034 CONFIG_BACKUP_ENCRYPTED=( "${SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH}" ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- usage() { # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # shellcheck disable=SC1117 cat <<EOF usage:: $(basename "$0") shell $(basename "$0") install [all|check|init-src|dot-config|user|searx-src|pyenv|uwsgi|packages|settings|buildhost] $(basename "$0") reinstall all $(basename "$0") update [searx] $(basename "$0") remove [all|user|pyenv|searx-src] $(basename "$0") activate [service] $(basename "$0") deactivate [service] $(basename "$0") inspect [service|settings <key>] $(basename "$0") option [debug-[on|off]|image-proxy-[on|off]|result-proxy <url> <key>] $(basename "$0") apache [install|remove] shell start interactive shell from user ${SERVICE_USER} install / remove :all: complete (de-) installation of SearXNG service :user: add/remove service user '$SERVICE_USER' ($SERVICE_HOME) :dot-config: copy ./config.sh to ${SEARX_SRC} :searx-src: clone $GIT_URL :init-src: copy files (SEARX_SRC_INIT_FILES) to ${SEARX_SRC} :pyenv: create/remove virtualenv (python) in $SEARX_PYENV :uwsgi: install SearXNG uWSGI application :settings: reinstall settings from ${SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH} :packages: install needed packages from OS package manager :buildhost: install packages from OS package manager needed by buildhosts install :check: check the SearXNG installation reinstall: :all: runs 'install/remove all' update searx Update SearXNG installation ($SERVICE_HOME) activate service activate and start service daemon (systemd unit) deactivate service stop and deactivate service daemon (systemd unit) inspect :service: run some small tests and inspect service's status and log :settings: inspect YAML setting <key> from SearXNG instance (${SEARX_SRC}) option set one of the available options apache :install: apache site with the SearXNG uwsgi app :remove: apache site ${APACHE_FILTRON_SITE} ---- sourced ${DOT_CONFIG} SERVICE_USER : ${SERVICE_USER} SERVICE_HOME : ${SERVICE_HOME} EOF install_log_searx_instance [[ -n ${1} ]] && err_msg "$1" } main() { required_commands \ sudo systemctl install git wget curl \ || exit local _usage="unknown or missing $1 command $2" case $1 in --getenv) var="$2"; echo "${!var}"; exit 0;; -h|--help) usage; exit 0;; shell) sudo_or_exit interactive_shell "${SERVICE_USER}" ;; inspect) case $2 in service) sudo_or_exit inspect_service ;; settings) prompt_installation_setting "$3" dump_return $? ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; reinstall) rst_title "re-install $SERVICE_NAME" part sudo_or_exit case $2 in all) remove_all install_all ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; install) sudo_or_exit case $2 in all) rst_title "SearXNG (install)" part install_all ;; check) rst_title "SearXNG (check installation)" part verify_continue_install install_check ;; user) rst_title "SearXNG (install user)" verify_continue_install assert_user ;; pyenv) rst_title "SearXNG (install pyenv)" verify_continue_install create_pyenv ;; searx-src) rst_title "SearXNG (install searx-src)" verify_continue_install assert_user clone_searx install_DOT_CONFIG init_SEARX_SRC ;; init-src) init_SEARX_SRC ;; dot-config) install_DOT_CONFIG ;; settings) install_settings ;; uwsgi) rst_title "SearXNG (install uwsgi)" verify_continue_install install_searx_uwsgi if ! service_is_available "http://${SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP}"; then err_msg "URL http://${SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP} not available, check SearXNG & uwsgi setup!" fi ;; packages) rst_title "SearXNG (install packages)" pkg_install "$SEARX_PACKAGES" ;; buildhost) rst_title "SearXNG (install buildhost)" pkg_install "$SEARX_PACKAGES" pkg_install "$BUILD_PACKAGES" ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; update) sudo_or_exit case $2 in searx) update_searx;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; remove) rst_title "SearXNG (remove)" part sudo_or_exit case $2 in all) remove_all;; user) drop_service_account "${SERVICE_USER}";; pyenv) remove_pyenv ;; searx-src) remove_searx ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; activate) sudo_or_exit case $2 in service) activate_service ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; deactivate) sudo_or_exit case $2 in service) deactivate_service ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; option) sudo_or_exit case $2 in debug-on) echo; enable_debug ;; debug-off) echo; disable_debug ;; result-proxy) set_result_proxy "$3" "$4" ;; image-proxy-on) enable_image_proxy ;; image-proxy-off) disable_image_proxy ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; apache) sudo_or_exit case $2 in install) install_apache_site ;; remove) remove_apache_site ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; doc) rst-doc;; *) usage "unknown or missing command $1"; exit 42;; esac } _service_prefix=" ${_Yellow}|$SERVICE_USER|${_creset} " install_all() { rst_title "Install SearXNG (service)" verify_continue_install pkg_install "$SEARX_PACKAGES" wait_key assert_user wait_key clone_searx wait_key install_DOT_CONFIG wait_key init_SEARX_SRC wait_key create_pyenv wait_key install_settings wait_key test_local_searx wait_key install_searx_uwsgi if ! service_is_available "http://${SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP}"; then err_msg "URL http://${SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP} not available, check SearXNG & uwsgi setup!" fi if ask_yn "Do you want to inspect the installation?" Ny; then inspect_service fi } install_check() { if service_account_is_available "$SERVICE_USER"; then info_msg "Service account $SERVICE_USER exists." else err_msg "Service account $SERVICE_USER does not exists!" fi if pyenv_is_available; then info_msg "~$SERVICE_USER: python environment is available." else err_msg "~$SERVICE_USER: python environment is not available!" fi if clone_is_available; then info_msg "~$SERVICE_USER: SearXNG software is installed." else err_msg "~$SERVICE_USER: Missing SearXNG software!" fi if uWSGI_app_enabled "$SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP"; then info_msg "uWSGI app $SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP is enabled." else err_msg "uWSGI app $SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP not enabled!" fi uWSGI_app_available "$SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP" \ || err_msg "uWSGI app $SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP not available!" sudo -H -u "${SERVICE_USER}" "${SEARX_PYENV}/bin/python" "utils/searxng_check.py" if uWSGI_app_available 'searx.ini'; then warn_msg "old searx.ini uWSGI app exists" warn_msg "you need to reinstall $SERVICE_USER --> $0 reinstall all" fi } update_searx() { rst_title "Update SearXNG instance" echo tee_stderr 0.3 <<EOF | sudo -H -u "${SERVICE_USER}" -i 2>&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" cd ${SEARX_SRC} git checkout -B "$GIT_BRANCH" git pull pip install -U pip pip install -U setuptools pip install -U wheel pip install -U pyyaml pip install -U -e . EOF install_settings uWSGI_restart "$SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP" } remove_all() { rst_title "De-Install SearXNG (service)" rst_para "\ It goes without saying that this script can only be used to remove installations that were installed with this script." if ! ask_yn "Do you really want to deinstall SearXNG?"; then return fi remove_searx_uwsgi drop_service_account "${SERVICE_USER}" remove_settings wait_key if service_is_available "${PUBLIC_URL}"; then MSG="** Don't forgett to remove your public site! (${PUBLIC_URL}) **" wait_key 10 fi } assert_user() { rst_title "user $SERVICE_USER" section echo if getent passwd "$SERVICE_USER" > /dev/null; then echo "user exists" return 0 fi tee_stderr 1 <<EOF | bash | prefix_stdout useradd --shell /bin/bash --system \ --home-dir "$SERVICE_HOME" \ --comment 'Privacy-respecting metasearch engine' $SERVICE_USER mkdir "$SERVICE_HOME" chown -R "$SERVICE_GROUP:$SERVICE_GROUP" "$SERVICE_HOME" groups $SERVICE_USER EOF #SERVICE_HOME="$(sudo -i -u "$SERVICE_USER" echo \$HOME)" #export SERVICE_HOME #echo "export SERVICE_HOME=$SERVICE_HOME" } clone_is_available() { [[ -f "$SEARX_SRC/.git/config" ]] } # shellcheck disable=SC2164 clone_searx() { rst_title "Clone SearXNG sources" section echo if ! sudo -i -u "$SERVICE_USER" ls -d "$REPO_ROOT" > /dev/null; then die 42 "user '$SERVICE_USER' missed read permission: $REPO_ROOT" fi SERVICE_HOME="$(sudo -i -u "$SERVICE_USER" echo \$HOME 2>/dev/null)" if [[ ! "${SERVICE_HOME}" ]]; then err_msg "to clone SearXNG sources, user $SERVICE_USER hast to be created first" return 42 fi if [[ ! $(git show-ref "refs/heads/${GIT_BRANCH}") ]]; then warn_msg "missing local branch ${GIT_BRANCH}" info_msg "create local branch ${GIT_BRANCH} from start point: origin/${GIT_BRANCH}" git branch "${GIT_BRANCH}" "origin/${GIT_BRANCH}" fi if [[ ! $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) == "${GIT_BRANCH}" ]]; then warn_msg "take into account, installing branch $GIT_BRANCH while current branch is $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" fi export SERVICE_HOME git_clone "$REPO_ROOT" "$SEARX_SRC" \ "$GIT_BRANCH" "$SERVICE_USER" pushd "${SEARX_SRC}" > /dev/null tee_stderr 0.1 <<EOF | sudo -H -u "${SERVICE_USER}" -i 2>&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" cd "${SEARX_SRC}" git remote set-url origin ${GIT_URL} git config user.email "$ADMIN_EMAIL" git config user.name "$ADMIN_NAME" git config --list EOF popd > /dev/null } prompt_installation_status(){ # shellcheck disable=SC2034 local GIT_URL GIT_BRANCH VERSION_STRING VERSION_TAG local ret_val state branch remote remote_url state="$(install_searx_get_state)" case $state in missing-searx-clone|missing-searx-pyenv) info_msg "${_BBlue}(status: $(install_searx_get_state))${_creset}" return 0 ;; *) info_msg "SearXNG instance already installed at: $SEARX_SRC" info_msg "status: ${_BBlue}$(install_searx_get_state)${_creset} " branch="$(git name-rev --name-only HEAD)" remote="$(git config branch."${branch}".remote)" remote_url="$(git config remote."${remote}".url)" eval "$(get_installed_version_variables)" ret_val=0 if ! [ "$GIT_URL" = "$remote_url" ]; then warn_msg "instance's git URL: '${GIT_URL}'" \ "differs from local clone's remote URL: ${remote_url}" ret_val=42 fi if ! [ "$GIT_BRANCH" = "$branch" ]; then warn_msg "instance git branch: ${GIT_BRANCH}" \ "differs from local clone's branch: ${branch}" ret_val=42 fi return $ret_val ;; esac } verify_continue_install(){ if ! prompt_installation_status; then MSG="[${_BCyan}KEY${_creset}] to continue installation / [${_BCyan}CTRL-C${_creset}] to exit" \ wait_key fi } prompt_installation_setting(){ # usage: prompt_installation_setting brand.docs_url # # Prompts the value of the (YAML) setting in the SearXNG instance. local _state _state="$(install_searx_get_state)" case $_state in python-installed|installer-modified) sudo -H -u "${SERVICE_USER}" "${SEARX_PYENV}/bin/python" <<EOF import sys from searx import get_setting name = "${1}" unset = object() value = get_setting(name, unset) if value is unset: sys.stderr.write("error: setting '%s' does not exists\n" % name) sys.exit(42) print(value) sys.exit(0) EOF ;; *) return 42 ;; esac } get_installed_version_variables() { # usage: eval "$(get_installed_version_variables)" # # Set variables VERSION_STRING, VERSION_TAG, GIT_URL, GIT_BRANCH local _state _state="$(install_searx_get_state)" case $_state in python-installed|installer-modified) sudo -H -u "${SERVICE_USER}" "${SEARX_PYENV}/bin/python" -m searx.version;; *) return 42 ;; esac } init_SEARX_SRC(){ rst_title "Update instance: ${SEARX_SRC}/" section if ! clone_is_available; then err_msg "you have to install SearXNG first" return 1 fi init_SEARX_SRC_INIT_FILES if [ ${#SEARX_SRC_INIT_FILES[*]} -eq 0 ]; then info_msg "no files registered in SEARX_SRC_INIT_FILES" return 2 fi echo echo "Update instance with file(s) from: ${REPO_ROOT}" echo for i in "${SEARX_SRC_INIT_FILES[@]}"; do echo "- $i" done echo echo "Be careful when modifying an existing installation." if ! ask_yn "Do you really want to update these files in the instance?" Yn; then return 42 fi for fname in "${SEARX_SRC_INIT_FILES[@]}"; do while true; do choose_one _reply "choose next step with file ${fname}" \ "replace file" \ "leave file unchanged" \ "diff files" \ "interactive shell" case $_reply in "leave file unchanged") break ;; "replace file") info_msg "copy: ${REPO_ROOT}/${fname} --> ${SEARX_SRC}/${fname}" cp "${REPO_ROOT}/${fname}" "${SEARX_SRC}/${fname}" break ;; "diff files") $DIFF_CMD "${SEARX_SRC}/${fname}" "${REPO_ROOT}/${fname}" ;; "interactive shell") backup_file "${SEARX_SRC}/${fname}" echo -e "// edit ${_Red}${dst}${_creset} to your needs" echo -e "// exit with [${_BCyan}CTRL-D${_creset}]" sudo -H -u "${SERVICE_USER}" -i $DIFF_CMD "${SEARX_SRC}/${fname}" "${REPO_ROOT}/${fname}" echo echo -e "// ${_BBlack}did you edit file ...${_creset}" echo -en "// ${_Red}${dst}${_creset}" if ask_yn "//${_BBlack}... to your needs?${_creset}"; then break fi ;; esac done done } install_DOT_CONFIG(){ rst_title "Update instance: ${SEARX_SRC}/.config.sh" section if cmp --silent "${REPO_ROOT}/.config.sh" "${SEARX_SRC}/.config.sh"; then info_msg "${SEARX_SRC}/.config.sh is up to date" return 0 fi diff "${REPO_ROOT}/.config.sh" "${SEARX_SRC}/.config.sh" if ! ask_yn "Do you want to copy file .config.sh into instance?" Yn; then return 42 fi backup_file "${SEARX_SRC}/.config.sh" cp "${REPO_ROOT}/.config.sh" "${SEARX_SRC}/.config.sh" } install_settings() { rst_title "${SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH}" section if ! clone_is_available; then err_msg "you have to install SearXNG first" exit 42 fi mkdir -p "$(dirname "${SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH}")" install_template --no-eval \ "${SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH}" \ "${SERVICE_USER}" "${SERVICE_GROUP}" configure_searx } remove_settings() { rst_title "remove SearXNG settings" section echo info_msg "delete ${SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH}" rm -f "${SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH}" } remove_searx() { rst_title "Drop SearXNG sources" section if ask_yn "Do you really want to drop SearXNG sources ($SEARX_SRC)?"; then rm -rf "$SEARX_SRC" else rst_para "Leave SearXNG sources unchanged." fi } pyenv_is_available() { [[ -f "${SEARX_PYENV}/bin/activate" ]] } create_pyenv() { rst_title "Create virtualenv (python)" section echo if [[ ! -f "${SEARX_SRC}/manage" ]]; then err_msg "to create pyenv for SearXNG, SearXNG has to be cloned first" return 42 fi info_msg "create pyenv in ${SEARX_PYENV}" tee_stderr 0.1 <<EOF | sudo -H -u "${SERVICE_USER}" -i 2>&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" rm -rf "${SEARX_PYENV}" python3 -m venv "${SEARX_PYENV}" grep -qFs -- 'source ${SEARX_PYENV}/bin/activate' ~/.profile \ || echo 'source ${SEARX_PYENV}/bin/activate' >> ~/.profile EOF info_msg "inspect python's virtual environment" tee_stderr 0.1 <<EOF | sudo -H -u "${SERVICE_USER}" -i 2>&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" command -v python && python --version EOF wait_key info_msg "install needed python packages" tee_stderr 0.1 <<EOF | sudo -H -u "${SERVICE_USER}" -i 2>&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" pip install -U pip pip install -U setuptools pip install -U wheel pip install -U pyyaml cd ${SEARX_SRC} pip install -e . EOF } remove_pyenv() { rst_title "Remove virtualenv (python)" section if ! ask_yn "Do you really want to drop ${SEARX_PYENV} ?"; then return fi info_msg "remove pyenv activation from ~/.profile" tee_stderr 0.1 <<EOF | sudo -H -u "${SERVICE_USER}" -i 2>&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" grep -v 'source ${SEARX_PYENV}/bin/activate' ~/.profile > ~/.profile.## mv ~/.profile.## ~/.profile EOF rm -rf "${SEARX_PYENV}" } configure_searx() { rst_title "Configure SearXNG" section rst_para "Setup SearXNG config located at $SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH" echo tee_stderr 0.1 <<EOF | sudo -H -i 2>&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" cd ${SEARX_SRC} sed -i -e "s/ultrasecretkey/$(openssl rand -hex 16)/g" "$SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH" EOF } test_local_searx() { rst_title "Testing SearXNG instance localy" section echo if service_is_available "http://${SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP}" &>/dev/null; then err_msg "URL/port http://${SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP} is already in use, you" err_msg "should stop that service before starting local tests!" if ! ask_yn "Continue with local tests?"; then return fi fi sed -i -e "s/debug: false/debug: true/g" "$SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH" tee_stderr 0.1 <<EOF | sudo -H -u "${SERVICE_USER}" -i 2>&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" export SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH="${SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH}" cd ${SEARX_SRC} timeout 10 python searx/webapp.py & sleep 3 curl --location --verbose --head --insecure $SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP EOF sed -i -e "s/debug: true/debug: false/g" "$SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH" } install_searx_uwsgi() { rst_title "Install SearXNG's uWSGI app (searxng.ini)" section echo install_uwsgi uWSGI_install_app "$SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP" } remove_searx_uwsgi() { rst_title "Remove SearXNG's uWSGI app (searxng.ini)" section echo uWSGI_remove_app "$SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP" } activate_service() { rst_title "Activate SearXNG (service)" section echo uWSGI_enable_app "$SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP" uWSGI_restart "$SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP" } deactivate_service() { rst_title "De-Activate SearXNG (service)" section echo uWSGI_disable_app "$SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP" uWSGI_restart "$SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP" } enable_image_proxy() { info_msg "try to enable image_proxy ..." tee_stderr 0.1 <<EOF | sudo -H -i 2>&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" cd ${SEARX_SRC} sed -i -e "s/image_proxy: false/image_proxy: true/g" "$SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH" EOF uWSGI_restart "$SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP" } disable_image_proxy() { info_msg "try to enable image_proxy ..." tee_stderr 0.1 <<EOF | sudo -H -i 2>&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" cd ${SEARX_SRC} sed -i -e "s/image_proxy: true/image_proxy: false/g" "$SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH" EOF uWSGI_restart "$SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP" } enable_debug() { warn_msg "Do not enable debug in production environments!!" info_msg "try to enable debug mode ..." tee_stderr 0.1 <<EOF | sudo -H -i 2>&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" cd ${SEARX_SRC} sed -i -e "s/debug: false/debug: true/g" "$SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH" EOF uWSGI_restart "$SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP" } disable_debug() { info_msg "try to disable debug mode ..." tee_stderr 0.1 <<EOF | sudo -H -i 2>&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" cd ${SEARX_SRC} sed -i -e "s/debug: true/debug: false/g" "$SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH" EOF uWSGI_restart "$SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP" } set_result_proxy() { # usage: set_result_proxy <URL> [<key>] info_msg "try to set result proxy: '$1' ($2)" cp "${SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH}" "${SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH}.bak" _set_result_proxy "$1" "$2" > "${SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH}" } _set_result_proxy() { local line local stage=0 local url=" url: $1" local key=" key: !!binary \"$2\"" if [[ -z $2 ]]; then key= fi while IFS= read -r line do if [[ $stage = 0 ]] || [[ $stage = 2 ]] ; then if [[ $line =~ ^[[:space:]]*#*[[:space:]]*result_proxy[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*$ ]]; then if [[ $stage = 0 ]]; then stage=1 echo "result_proxy:" continue elif [[ $stage = 2 ]]; then continue fi fi fi if [[ $stage = 1 ]] || [[ $stage = 2 ]] ; then if [[ $line =~ ^[[:space:]]*#*[[:space:]]*url[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]] ]]; then [[ $stage = 1 ]] && echo "$url" continue elif [[ $line =~ ^[[:space:]]*#*[[:space:]]*key[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]] ]]; then [[ $stage = 1 ]] && [[ -n $key ]] && echo "$key" continue elif [[ $line =~ ^[[:space:]]*$ ]]; then stage=2 fi fi echo "$line" done < "${SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH}.bak" } function has_substring() { [[ "$1" != "${2/$1/}" ]] } inspect_service() { rst_title "service status & log" cat <<EOF sourced ${DOT_CONFIG} : SERVICE_USER : ${SERVICE_USER} SERVICE_HOME : ${SERVICE_HOME} EOF install_log_searx_instance install_check if in_container; then lxc_suite_info else info_msg "public URL --> ${PUBLIC_URL}" info_msg "internal URL --> http://${SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP}" fi if ! service_is_available "http://${SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP}"; then err_msg "uWSGI app (service) at http://${SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP} is not available!" MSG="${_Green}[${_BCyan}CTRL-C${_Green}] to stop or [${_BCyan}KEY${_Green}] to continue"\ wait_key fi if ! service_is_available "${PUBLIC_URL}"; then warn_msg "Public service at ${PUBLIC_URL} is not available!" if ! in_container; then warn_msg "Check if public name is correct and routed or use the public IP from above." fi fi local _debug_on if ask_yn "Enable SearXNG debug mode?"; then enable_debug _debug_on=1 fi echo case $DIST_ID-$DIST_VERS in ubuntu-*|debian-*) systemctl --no-pager -l status "${SERVICE_NAME}" ;; arch-*) systemctl --no-pager -l status "uwsgi@${SERVICE_NAME%.*}" ;; fedora-*|centos-7) systemctl --no-pager -l status uwsgi ;; esac # shellcheck disable=SC2059 printf "// use ${_BCyan}CTRL-C${_creset} to stop monitoring the log" read -r -s -n1 -t 5 echo while true; do trap break 2 case $DIST_ID-$DIST_VERS in ubuntu-*|debian-*) tail -f /var/log/uwsgi/app/searx.log ;; arch-*) journalctl -f -u "uwsgi@${SERVICE_NAME%.*}" ;; fedora-*|centos-7) journalctl -f -u uwsgi ;; esac done if [[ $_debug_on == 1 ]]; then disable_debug fi return 0 } install_apache_site() { rst_title "Install Apache site $APACHE_SEARX_SITE" rst_para "\ This installs the SearXNG uwsgi app as apache site. If your server is public to the internet, you should instead use a reverse proxy (filtron) to block excessively bot queries." ! apache_is_installed && err_msg "Apache is not installed." if ! ask_yn "Do you really want to continue?" Yn; then return else install_apache fi apache_install_site --variant=uwsgi "${APACHE_SEARX_SITE}" rst_title "Install SearXNG's uWSGI app (searxng.ini)" section echo uWSGI_install_app --variant=socket "$SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP" if ! service_is_available "${PUBLIC_URL}"; then err_msg "Public service at ${PUBLIC_URL} is not available!" fi } remove_apache_site() { rst_title "Remove Apache site ${APACHE_SEARX_SITE}" rst_para "\ This removes apache site ${APACHE_SEARX_SITE}." ! apache_is_installed && err_msg "Apache is not installed." if ! ask_yn "Do you really want to continue?" Yn; then return fi apache_remove_site "${APACHE_SEARX_SITE}" rst_title "Remove SearXNG's uWSGI app (searxng.ini)" section echo uWSGI_remove_app "$SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP" } rst-doc() { local debian="${SEARX_PACKAGES_debian}" local arch="${SEARX_PACKAGES_arch}" local fedora="${SEARX_PACKAGES_fedora}" local centos="${SEARX_PACKAGES_centos}" local debian_build="${BUILD_PACKAGES_debian}" local arch_build="${BUILD_PACKAGES_arch}" local fedora_build="${BUILD_PACKAGES_fedora}" local centos_build="${SEARX_PACKAGES_centos}" debian="$(echo "${debian}" | sed 's/.*/ & \\/' | sed '$ s/.$//')" arch="$(echo "${arch}" | sed 's/.*/ & \\/' | sed '$ s/.$//')" fedora="$(echo "${fedora}" | sed 's/.*/ & \\/' | sed '$ s/.$//')" centos="$(echo "${centos}" | sed 's/.*/ & \\/' | sed '$ s/.$//')" debian_build="$(echo "${debian_build}" | sed 's/.*/ & \\/' | sed '$ s/.$//')" arch_build="$(echo "${arch_build}" | sed 's/.*/ & \\/' | sed '$ s/.$//')" fedora_build="$(echo "${fedora_build}" | sed 's/.*/ & \\/' | sed '$ s/.$//')" centos_build="$(echo "${centos_build}" | sed 's/.*/ & \\/' | sed '$ s/.$//')" eval "echo \"$(< "${REPO_ROOT}/docs/build-templates/searx.rst")\"" # I use ubuntu-20.04 here to demonstrate that versions are also suported, # normaly debian-* and ubuntu-* are most the same. for DIST_NAME in ubuntu-20.04 arch fedora; do ( DIST_ID=${DIST_NAME%-*} DIST_VERS=${DIST_NAME#*-} [[ $DIST_VERS =~ $DIST_ID ]] && DIST_VERS= uWSGI_distro_setup echo -e "\n.. START searxng uwsgi-description $DIST_NAME" case $DIST_ID-$DIST_VERS in ubuntu-*|debian-*) cat <<EOF .. code:: bash # init.d --> /usr/share/doc/uwsgi/README.Debian.gz # For uWSGI debian uses the LSB init process, this might be changed # one day, see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=833067 create ${uWSGI_APPS_AVAILABLE}/${SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP} enable: sudo -H ln -s ${uWSGI_APPS_AVAILABLE}/${SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP} ${uWSGI_APPS_ENABLED}/ start: sudo -H service uwsgi start ${SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP%.*} restart: sudo -H service uwsgi restart ${SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP%.*} stop: sudo -H service uwsgi stop ${SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP%.*} disable: sudo -H rm ${uWSGI_APPS_ENABLED}/${SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP} EOF ;; arch-*) cat <<EOF .. code:: bash # systemd --> /usr/lib/systemd/system/uwsgi@.service # For uWSGI archlinux uses systemd template units, see # - http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/instances.html # - https://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Systemd.html#one-service-per-app-in-systemd create: ${uWSGI_APPS_ENABLED}/${SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP} enable: sudo -H systemctl enable uwsgi@${SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP%.*} start: sudo -H systemctl start uwsgi@${SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP%.*} restart: sudo -H systemctl restart uwsgi@${SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP%.*} stop: sudo -H systemctl stop uwsgi@${SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP%.*} disable: sudo -H systemctl disable uwsgi@${SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP%.*} EOF ;; fedora-*|centos-7) cat <<EOF .. code:: bash # systemd --> /usr/lib/systemd/system/uwsgi.service # The unit file starts uWSGI in emperor mode (/etc/uwsgi.ini), see # - https://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Emperor.html create: ${uWSGI_APPS_ENABLED}/${SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP} restart: sudo -H touch ${uWSGI_APPS_ENABLED}/${SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP} disable: sudo -H rm ${uWSGI_APPS_ENABLED}/${SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP} EOF ;; esac echo -e ".. END searxng uwsgi-description $DIST_NAME" echo -e "\n.. START searxng uwsgi-appini $DIST_NAME" echo ".. code:: bash" echo eval "echo \"$(< "${TEMPLATES}/${uWSGI_APPS_AVAILABLE}/${SEARXNG_UWSGI_APP}")\"" | prefix_stdout " " echo -e "\n.. END searxng uwsgi-appini $DIST_NAME" ) done } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- main "$@" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------