.. _translation: =========== Translation =========== .. _translate.codeberg.org: https://translate.codeberg.org/projects/searxng/ .. _Weblate: https://docs.weblate.org .. _translations branch: https://github.com/searxng/searxng/tree/translations .. _orphan branch: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-checkout#Documentation/git-checkout.txt---orphanltnewbranchgt .. _Weblate repository: https://translate.codeberg.org/projects/searxng/searxng/#repository .. _wlc: https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/wlc.html .. |translated| image:: https://translate.codeberg.org/widgets/searxng/-/searxng/svg-badge.svg :target: https://translate.codeberg.org/projects/searxng/ .. sidebar:: |translated| - :ref:`searx.babel_extract` - Weblate_ - SearXNG `translations branch`_ - SearXNG `Weblate repository`_ - Weblate Client: wlc_ - Babel Command-Line: `pybabel <http://babel.pocoo.org/en/latest/cmdline.html>`_ - `weblate workflow <https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/workflows.html>`_ Translation takes place on translate.codeberg.org_. Translations which has been added by translators on the translate.codeberg.org_ UI are committed to Weblate's counterpart of the SearXNG *origin* repository which is located at ``https://translate.codeberg.org/git/searxng/searxng``. There is no need to clone this repository, :ref:`SearXNG Weblate workflow` take care of the synchronization with the *origin*. To avoid merging commits from the counterpart directly on the ``master`` branch of *SearXNG origin*, a *pull request* (PR) is created by this workflow. Weblate monitors the `translations branch`_, not the ``master`` branch. This branch is an `orphan branch`_, decoupled from the master branch (we already know orphan branches from the ``gh-pages``). The `translations branch`_ contains only the - ``translation/messages.pot`` and the - ``translation/*/messages.po`` files, nothing else. .. _SearXNG Weblate workflow: .. figure:: translation.svg SearXNG's PR workflow to be in sync with Weblate Sync from *origin* to *weblate*: using ``make weblate.push.translations`` For each commit on the ``master`` branch of SearXNG *origin* the GitHub job :origin:`babel / Update translations branch <.github/workflows/integration.yml>` checks for updated translations. Sync from *weblate* to *origin*: using ``make weblate.translations.commit`` Every Friday, the GitHub workflow :origin:`babel / create PR for additons from weblate <.github/workflows/translations-update.yml>` creates a PR with the updated translation files: - ``translation/messages.pot``, - ``translation/*/messages.po`` and - ``translation/*/messages.mo`` wlc === .. _wlc configuration: https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/wlc.html#wlc-config .. _API key: https://translate.codeberg.org/accounts/profile/#api All weblate integration is done by GitHub workflows, but if you want to use wlc_, copy this content into `wlc configuration`_ in your HOME ``~/.config/weblate`` .. code-block:: ini [keys] https://translate.codeberg.org/api/ = APIKEY Replace ``APIKEY`` by your `API key`_.