.. _devquickstart: ====================== Development Quickstart ====================== .. _npm: https://www.npmjs.com/ .. _Node.js: https://nodejs.org/ SearXNG loves developers, just clone and start hacking. All the rest is done for you simply by using :ref:`make <makefile>`. .. code:: bash git clone https://github.com/searxng/searxng.git searxng Here is how a minimal workflow looks like: 1. *start* hacking 2. *run* your code: :ref:`make run` 3. *test* your code: :ref:`make test` If you think at some point something fails, go back to *start*. Otherwise, choose a meaningful commit message and we are happy to receive your pull request. To not end in *wild west* we have some directives, please pay attention to our ":ref:`how to contribute`" guideline. If you implement themes, you will need to setup a :ref:`make node.env` once: .. code:: bash make node.env Before you call *make run* (2.), you need to compile the modified styles and JavaScript: .. code:: bash make themes.all Alternatively you can also compile selective the theme you have modified, e.g. the *simple* theme. .. code:: bash make themes.simple .. tip:: To get live builds while modifying CSS & JS use: ``LIVE_THEME=simple make run`` If you finished your *tests* you can start to commit your changes. To separate the modified source code from the build products first run: .. code:: bash make static.build.restore This will restore the old build products and only your changes of the code remain in the working tree which can now be added & commited. When all sources are commited, you can commit the build products simply by: .. code:: bash make static.build.commit Commiting the build products should be the last step, just before you send us your PR. There is also a make target to rewind this last build commit: .. code:: bash make static.build.drop