# Search syntax

SearXNG comes with a search syntax by with you can modify the categories,
engines, languages and more.  See the {{link('preferences', 'preferences')}} for
the list of engines, categories and languages.

## `!` select engine and category

To set category and/or engine names use a `!` prefix.  To give a few examples:

- search in Wikipedia for **paris**

  - {{search('!wp paris')}}
  - {{search('!wikipedia paris')}}

- search in category **map** for **paris**

  - {{search('!map paris')}}

- image search

  - {{search('!images Wau Holland')}}

Abbreviations of the engines and languages are also accepted.  Engine/category
modifiers are chain able and inclusive.  E.g. with {{search('!map !ddg !wp
paris')}} search in map category and DuckDuckGo and Wikipedia for **paris**.

## `:` select language

To select language filter use a `:` prefix.  To give an example:

- search Wikipedia by a custom language

  - {{search(':fr !wp Wau Holland')}}

## `!!` external bangs

SearXNG supports the external bangs from [DuckDuckGo].  To directly jump to a
external search page use the `!!` prefix.  To give an example:

- search Wikipedia by a custom language

  - {{search('!!wfr Wau Holland')}}

Please note, your search will be performed directly in the external search
engine, SearXNG cannot protect your privacy on this.

[DuckDuckGo]: https://duckduckgo.com/bang

## Special Queries

In the {{link('preferences', 'preferences')}} page you find keywords for
_special queries_.  To give a few examples:

- generate a random UUID

  - {{search('random uuid')}}

- find the average

  - {{search('avg 123 548 2.04 24.2')}}

- show _user agent_ of your browser (needs to be activated)

  - {{search('user-agent')}}

- convert strings to different hash digests (needs to be activated)

  - {{search('md5 lorem ipsum')}}
  - {{search('sha512 lorem ipsum')}}