mirror of
synced 2024-01-01 19:24:07 +01:00

Remove 'Autodetect search language', which is no longer valid, from settings, and add 'Unit converter plugin', which is now default enabled, to settings.
2495 lines
63 KiB
2495 lines
63 KiB
# Debug mode, only for development. Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_DEBUG}
debug: false
# displayed name
instance_name: "SearXNG"
# For example: https://example.com/privacy
privacypolicy_url: false
# use true to use your own donation page written in searx/info/en/donate.md
# use false to disable the donation link
donation_url: false
# mailto:contact@example.com
contact_url: false
# record stats
enable_metrics: true
new_issue_url: https://github.com/searxng/searxng/issues/new
docs_url: https://docs.searxng.org/
public_instances: https://searx.space
wiki_url: https://github.com/searxng/searxng/wiki
issue_url: https://github.com/searxng/searxng/issues
# custom:
# maintainer: "Jon Doe"
# # Custom entries in the footer: [title]: [link]
# links:
# Uptime: https://uptime.searxng.org/history/darmarit-org
# About: "https://searxng.org"
# Filter results. 0: None, 1: Moderate, 2: Strict
safe_search: 0
# Existing autocomplete backends: "dbpedia", "duckduckgo", "google", "yandex", "mwmbl",
# "seznam", "startpage", "stract", "swisscows", "qwant", "wikipedia" - leave blank to turn it off
# by default.
autocomplete: ""
# minimun characters to type before autocompleter starts
autocomplete_min: 4
# backend for the favicon near URL in search results.
# Available resolvers: "allesedv", "duckduckgo", "google", "yandex" - leave blank to turn it off by default.
favicon_resolver: ""
# Default search language - leave blank to detect from browser information or
# use codes from 'languages.py'
default_lang: "auto"
# max_page: 0 # if engine supports paging, 0 means unlimited numbers of pages
# Available languages
# languages:
# - all
# - en
# - en-US
# - de
# - it-IT
# - fr
# - fr-BE
# ban time in seconds after engine errors
ban_time_on_fail: 5
# max ban time in seconds after engine errors
max_ban_time_on_fail: 120
# Engine suspension time after error (in seconds; set to 0 to disable)
# For error "Access denied" and "HTTP error [402, 403]"
SearxEngineAccessDenied: 86400
# For error "CAPTCHA"
SearxEngineCaptcha: 86400
# For error "Too many request" and "HTTP error 429"
SearxEngineTooManyRequests: 3600
# Cloudflare CAPTCHA
cf_SearxEngineCaptcha: 1296000
cf_SearxEngineAccessDenied: 86400
recaptcha_SearxEngineCaptcha: 604800
# remove format to deny access, use lower case.
# formats: [html, csv, json, rss]
- html
# Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_PORT} and ${SEARXNG_BIND_ADDRESS}
port: 8888
bind_address: ""
# public URL of the instance, to ensure correct inbound links. Is overwritten
# by ${SEARXNG_URL}.
base_url: false # "http://example.com/location"
# rate limit the number of request on the instance, block some bots.
# Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_LIMITER}
limiter: false
# enable features designed only for public instances.
# Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_PUBLIC_INSTANCE}
public_instance: false
# If your instance owns a /etc/searxng/settings.yml file, then set the following
# values there.
secret_key: "ultrasecretkey" # Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_SECRET}
# Proxy image results through SearXNG. Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_IMAGE_PROXY}
image_proxy: false
# 1.0 and 1.1 are supported
http_protocol_version: "1.0"
# POST queries are more secure as they don't show up in history but may cause
# problems when using Firefox containers
method: "POST"
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Download-Options: noopen
X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow
Referrer-Policy: no-referrer
# URL to connect redis database. Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_REDIS_URL}.
# https://docs.searxng.org/admin/settings/settings_redis.html#settings-redis
url: false
# Custom static path - leave it blank if you didn't change
static_path: ""
# Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_STATIC_USE_HASH}.
static_use_hash: false
# Custom templates path - leave it blank if you didn't change
templates_path: ""
# query_in_title: When true, the result page's titles contains the query
# it decreases the privacy, since the browser can records the page titles.
query_in_title: false
# infinite_scroll: When true, automatically loads the next page when scrolling to bottom of the current page.
infinite_scroll: false
# ui theme
default_theme: simple
# center the results ?
center_alignment: false
# URL prefix of the internet archive, don't forget trailing slash (if needed).
# cache_url: "https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:"
# Default interface locale - leave blank to detect from browser information or
# use codes from the 'locales' config section
default_locale: ""
# Open result links in a new tab by default
# results_on_new_tab: false
# style of simple theme: auto, light, dark
simple_style: auto
# Perform search immediately if a category selected.
# Disable to select multiple categories at once and start the search manually.
search_on_category_select: true
# Hotkeys: default or vim
hotkeys: default
# Lock arbitrary settings on the preferences page. To find the ID of the user
# setting you want to lock, check the ID of the form on the page "preferences".
# preferences:
# lock:
# - language
# - autocomplete
# - method
# - query_in_title
# searx supports result proxification using an external service:
# https://github.com/asciimoo/morty uncomment below section if you have running
# morty proxy the key is base64 encoded (keep the !!binary notation)
# Note: since commit af77ec3, morty accepts a base64 encoded key.
# result_proxy:
# url:
# # the key is a base64 encoded string, the YAML !!binary prefix is optional
# key: !!binary "your_morty_proxy_key"
# # [true|false] enable the "proxy" button next to each result
# proxify_results: true
# communication with search engines
# default timeout in seconds, can be override by engine
request_timeout: 3.0
# the maximum timeout in seconds
# max_request_timeout: 10.0
# suffix of searx_useragent, could contain information like an email address
# to the administrator
useragent_suffix: ""
# The maximum number of concurrent connections that may be established.
pool_connections: 100
# Allow the connection pool to maintain keep-alive connections below this
# point.
pool_maxsize: 20
# See https://www.python-httpx.org/http2/
enable_http2: true
# uncomment below section if you want to use a custom server certificate
# see https://www.python-httpx.org/advanced/#changing-the-verification-defaults
# and https://www.python-httpx.org/compatibility/#ssl-configuration
# verify: ~/.mitmproxy/mitmproxy-ca-cert.cer
# uncomment below section if you want to use a proxyq see: SOCKS proxies
# https://2.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/advanced/#proxies
# are also supported: see
# https://2.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/advanced/#socks
# proxies:
# all://:
# - http://proxy1:8080
# - http://proxy2:8080
# using_tor_proxy: true
# Extra seconds to add in order to account for the time taken by the proxy
# extra_proxy_timeout: 10
# uncomment below section only if you have more than one network interface
# which can be the source of outgoing search requests
# source_ips:
# -
# -
# - fe80::/126
# External plugin configuration, for more details see
# https://docs.searxng.org/dev/plugins.html
# plugins:
# - plugin1
# - plugin2
# - ...
# Comment or un-comment plugin to activate / deactivate by default.
# enabled_plugins:
# # these plugins are enabled if nothing is configured ..
# - 'Basic Calculator'
# - 'Hash plugin'
# - 'Self Information'
# - 'Tracker URL remover'
# - 'Unit converter plugin'
# - 'Ahmia blacklist' # activation depends on outgoing.using_tor_proxy
# # these plugins are disabled if nothing is configured ..
# - 'Hostnames plugin' # see 'hostnames' configuration below
# - 'Open Access DOI rewrite'
# - 'Tor check plugin'
# Configuration of the "Hostnames plugin":
# hostnames:
# replace:
# '(.*\.)?youtube\.com$': 'invidious.example.com'
# '(.*\.)?youtu\.be$': 'invidious.example.com'
# '(.*\.)?reddit\.com$': 'teddit.example.com'
# '(.*\.)?redd\.it$': 'teddit.example.com'
# '(www\.)?twitter\.com$': 'nitter.example.com'
# remove:
# - '(.*\.)?facebook.com$'
# low_priority:
# - '(.*\.)?google(\..*)?$'
# high_priority:
# - '(.*\.)?wikipedia.org$'
# Alternatively you can use external files for configuring the "Hostnames plugin":
# hostnames:
# replace: 'rewrite-hosts.yml'
# Content of 'rewrite-hosts.yml' (place the file in the same directory as 'settings.yml'):
# '(.*\.)?youtube\.com$': 'invidious.example.com'
# '(.*\.)?youtu\.be$': 'invidious.example.com'
# disable checker when in debug mode
off_when_debug: true
# use "scheduling: false" to disable scheduling
# scheduling: interval or int
# to activate the scheduler:
# * uncomment "scheduling" section
# * add "cache2 = name=searxngcache,items=2000,blocks=2000,blocksize=4096,bitmap=1"
# to your uwsgi.ini
# scheduling:
# start_after: [300, 1800] # delay to start the first run of the checker
# every: [86400, 90000] # how often the checker runs
# additional tests: only for the YAML anchors (see the engines section)
rosebud: &test_rosebud
query: rosebud
lang: en
- not_empty
- ['one_title_contains', 'citizen kane']
- unique_results
android: &test_android
query: ['android']
lang: ['en', 'de', 'fr', 'zh-CN']
- not_empty
- ['one_title_contains', 'google']
- unique_results
# tests: only for the YAML anchors (see the engines section)
infobox: &tests_infobox
query: ["linux", "new york", "bbc"]
- has_infobox
social media:
- name: 9gag
engine: 9gag
shortcut: 9g
disabled: true
- name: alpine linux packages
engine: alpinelinux
disabled: true
shortcut: alp
- name: annas archive
engine: annas_archive
disabled: true
shortcut: aa
# - name: annas articles
# engine: annas_archive
# shortcut: aaa
# # https://docs.searxng.org/dev/engines/online/annas_archive.html
# aa_content: 'magazine' # book_fiction, book_unknown, book_nonfiction, book_comic
# aa_ext: 'pdf' # pdf, epub, ..
# aa_sort: oldest' # newest, oldest, largest, smallest
- name: apk mirror
engine: apkmirror
timeout: 4.0
shortcut: apkm
disabled: true
- name: apple app store
engine: apple_app_store
shortcut: aps
disabled: true
# Requires Tor
- name: ahmia
engine: ahmia
categories: onions
enable_http: true
shortcut: ah
- name: anaconda
engine: xpath
paging: true
first_page_num: 0
search_url: https://anaconda.org/search?q={query}&page={pageno}
results_xpath: //tbody/tr
url_xpath: ./td/h5/a[last()]/@href
title_xpath: ./td/h5
content_xpath: ./td[h5]/text()
categories: it
timeout: 6.0
shortcut: conda
disabled: true
- name: arch linux wiki
engine: archlinux
shortcut: al
- name: artic
engine: artic
shortcut: arc
timeout: 4.0
- name: arxiv
engine: arxiv
shortcut: arx
timeout: 4.0
- name: ask
engine: ask
shortcut: ask
disabled: true
# tmp suspended: dh key too small
# - name: base
# engine: base
# shortcut: bs
- name: bandcamp
engine: bandcamp
shortcut: bc
categories: music
- name: wikipedia
engine: wikipedia
shortcut: wp
# add "list" to the array to get results in the results list
display_type: ["infobox"]
base_url: 'https://{language}.wikipedia.org/'
categories: [general]
- name: bilibili
engine: bilibili
shortcut: bil
disabled: true
- name: bing
engine: bing
shortcut: bi
disabled: true
- name: bing images
engine: bing_images
shortcut: bii
- name: bing news
engine: bing_news
shortcut: bin
- name: bing videos
engine: bing_videos
shortcut: biv
- name: bitbucket
engine: xpath
paging: true
search_url: https://bitbucket.org/repo/all/{pageno}?name={query}
url_xpath: //article[@class="repo-summary"]//a[@class="repo-link"]/@href
title_xpath: //article[@class="repo-summary"]//a[@class="repo-link"]
content_xpath: //article[@class="repo-summary"]/p
categories: [it, repos]
timeout: 4.0
disabled: true
shortcut: bb
website: https://bitbucket.org/
wikidata_id: Q2493781
official_api_documentation: https://developer.atlassian.com/bitbucket
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: HTML
- name: bpb
engine: bpb
shortcut: bpb
disabled: true
- name: btdigg
engine: btdigg
shortcut: bt
disabled: true
- name: openverse
engine: openverse
categories: images
shortcut: opv
- name: media.ccc.de
engine: ccc_media
shortcut: c3tv
# We don't set language: de here because media.ccc.de is not just
# for a German audience. It contains many English videos and many
# German videos have English subtitles.
disabled: true
- name: chefkoch
engine: chefkoch
shortcut: chef
# to show premium or plus results too:
# skip_premium: false
- name: cloudflareai
engine: cloudflareai
shortcut: cfai
# get api token and accont id from https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers-ai/get-started/rest-api/
cf_account_id: 'your_cf_accout_id'
cf_ai_api: 'your_cf_api'
# create your ai gateway by https://developers.cloudflare.com/ai-gateway/get-started/creating-gateway/
cf_ai_gateway: 'your_cf_ai_gateway_name'
# find the model name from https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers-ai/models/#text-generation
cf_ai_model: 'ai_model_name'
# custom your preferences
# cf_ai_model_display_name: 'Cloudflare AI'
# cf_ai_model_assistant: 'prompts_for_assistant_role'
# cf_ai_model_system: 'prompts_for_system_role'
timeout: 30
disabled: true
# - name: core.ac.uk
# engine: core
# categories: science
# shortcut: cor
# # get your API key from: https://core.ac.uk/api-keys/register/
# api_key: 'unset'
- name: cppreference
engine: cppreference
shortcut: cpp
paging: false
disabled: true
- name: crossref
engine: crossref
shortcut: cr
timeout: 30
disabled: true
- name: crowdview
engine: json_engine
shortcut: cv
categories: general
paging: false
search_url: https://crowdview-next-js.onrender.com/api/search-v3?query={query}
results_query: results
url_query: link
title_query: title
content_query: snippet
disabled: true
website: https://crowdview.ai/
- name: yep
engine: yep
shortcut: yep
categories: general
search_type: web
timeout: 5
disabled: true
- name: yep images
engine: yep
shortcut: yepi
categories: images
search_type: images
disabled: true
- name: yep news
engine: yep
shortcut: yepn
categories: news
search_type: news
disabled: true
- name: curlie
engine: xpath
shortcut: cl
categories: general
disabled: true
paging: true
lang_all: ''
search_url: https://curlie.org/search?q={query}&lang={lang}&start={pageno}&stime=92452189
page_size: 20
results_xpath: //div[@id="site-list-content"]/div[@class="site-item"]
url_xpath: ./div[@class="title-and-desc"]/a/@href
title_xpath: ./div[@class="title-and-desc"]/a/div
content_xpath: ./div[@class="title-and-desc"]/div[@class="site-descr"]
website: https://curlie.org/
wikidata_id: Q60715723
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: HTML
- name: currency
engine: currency_convert
categories: general
shortcut: cc
- name: deezer
engine: deezer
shortcut: dz
disabled: true
- name: destatis
engine: destatis
shortcut: destat
disabled: true
- name: deviantart
engine: deviantart
shortcut: da
timeout: 3.0
- name: ddg definitions
engine: duckduckgo_definitions
shortcut: ddd
weight: 2
disabled: true
tests: *tests_infobox
# cloudflare protected
# - name: digbt
# engine: digbt
# shortcut: dbt
# timeout: 6.0
# disabled: true
- name: docker hub
engine: docker_hub
shortcut: dh
categories: [it, packages]
- name: encyclosearch
engine: json_engine
shortcut: es
categories: general
paging: true
search_url: https://encyclosearch.org/encyclosphere/search?q={query}&page={pageno}&resultsPerPage=15
results_query: Results
url_query: SourceURL
title_query: Title
content_query: Description
disabled: true
website: https://encyclosearch.org
official_api_documentation: https://encyclosearch.org/docs/#/rest-api
use_official_api: true
require_api_key: false
results: JSON
- name: erowid
engine: xpath
paging: true
first_page_num: 0
page_size: 30
search_url: https://www.erowid.org/search.php?q={query}&s={pageno}
url_xpath: //dl[@class="results-list"]/dt[@class="result-title"]/a/@href
title_xpath: //dl[@class="results-list"]/dt[@class="result-title"]/a/text()
content_xpath: //dl[@class="results-list"]/dd[@class="result-details"]
categories: []
shortcut: ew
disabled: true
website: https://www.erowid.org/
wikidata_id: Q1430691
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: HTML
# - name: elasticsearch
# shortcut: es
# engine: elasticsearch
# base_url: http://localhost:9200
# username: elastic
# password: changeme
# index: my-index
# # available options: match, simple_query_string, term, terms, custom
# query_type: match
# # if query_type is set to custom, provide your query here
# #custom_query_json: {"query":{"match_all": {}}}
# #show_metadata: false
# disabled: true
- name: wikidata
engine: wikidata
shortcut: wd
timeout: 3.0
weight: 2
# add "list" to the array to get results in the results list
display_type: ["infobox"]
tests: *tests_infobox
categories: [general]
- name: duckduckgo
engine: duckduckgo
shortcut: ddg
- name: duckduckgo images
engine: duckduckgo_extra
categories: [images, web]
ddg_category: images
shortcut: ddi
disabled: true
- name: duckduckgo videos
engine: duckduckgo_extra
categories: [videos, web]
ddg_category: videos
shortcut: ddv
disabled: true
- name: duckduckgo news
engine: duckduckgo_extra
categories: [news, web]
ddg_category: news
shortcut: ddn
disabled: true
- name: duckduckgo weather
engine: duckduckgo_weather
shortcut: ddw
disabled: true
- name: apple maps
engine: apple_maps
shortcut: apm
disabled: true
timeout: 5.0
- name: emojipedia
engine: emojipedia
timeout: 4.0
shortcut: em
disabled: true
- name: tineye
engine: tineye
shortcut: tin
timeout: 9.0
disabled: true
- name: etymonline
engine: xpath
paging: true
search_url: https://etymonline.com/search?page={pageno}&q={query}
url_xpath: //a[contains(@class, "word__name--")]/@href
title_xpath: //a[contains(@class, "word__name--")]
content_xpath: //section[contains(@class, "word__defination")]
first_page_num: 1
shortcut: et
categories: [dictionaries]
website: https://www.etymonline.com/
wikidata_id: Q1188617
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: HTML
# - name: ebay
# engine: ebay
# shortcut: eb
# base_url: 'https://www.ebay.com'
# disabled: true
# timeout: 5
- name: 1x
engine: www1x
shortcut: 1x
timeout: 3.0
disabled: true
- name: fdroid
engine: fdroid
shortcut: fd
disabled: true
- name: findthatmeme
engine: findthatmeme
shortcut: ftm
disabled: true
- name: flickr
categories: images
shortcut: fl
# You can use the engine using the official stable API, but you need an API
# key, see: https://www.flickr.com/services/apps/create/
# engine: flickr
# api_key: 'apikey' # required!
# Or you can use the html non-stable engine, activated by default
engine: flickr_noapi
- name: free software directory
engine: mediawiki
shortcut: fsd
categories: [it, software wikis]
base_url: https://directory.fsf.org/
search_type: title
timeout: 5.0
disabled: true
website: https://directory.fsf.org/
wikidata_id: Q2470288
# - name: freesound
# engine: freesound
# shortcut: fnd
# disabled: true
# timeout: 15.0
# API key required, see: https://freesound.org/docs/api/overview.html
# api_key: MyAPIkey
- name: frinkiac
engine: frinkiac
shortcut: frk
disabled: true
- name: fyyd
engine: fyyd
shortcut: fy
timeout: 8.0
disabled: true
- name: geizhals
engine: geizhals
shortcut: geiz
disabled: true
- name: genius
engine: genius
shortcut: gen
- name: gentoo
engine: mediawiki
shortcut: ge
categories: ["it", "software wikis"]
base_url: "https://wiki.gentoo.org/"
api_path: "api.php"
search_type: text
timeout: 10
- name: gitlab
engine: gitlab
base_url: https://gitlab.com
shortcut: gl
disabled: true
website: https://gitlab.com/
wikidata_id: Q16639197
# - name: gnome
# engine: gitlab
# base_url: https://gitlab.gnome.org
# shortcut: gn
# about:
# website: https://gitlab.gnome.org
# wikidata_id: Q44316
- name: github
engine: github
shortcut: gh
- name: codeberg
# https://docs.searxng.org/dev/engines/online/gitea.html
engine: gitea
base_url: https://codeberg.org
shortcut: cb
disabled: true
- name: gitea.com
engine: gitea
base_url: https://gitea.com
shortcut: gitea
disabled: true
- name: goodreads
engine: goodreads
shortcut: good
timeout: 4.0
disabled: true
- name: google
engine: google
shortcut: go
# additional_tests:
# android: *test_android
- name: google images
engine: google_images
shortcut: goi
# additional_tests:
# android: *test_android
# dali:
# matrix:
# query: ['Dali Christ']
# lang: ['en', 'de', 'fr', 'zh-CN']
# result_container:
# - ['one_title_contains', 'Salvador']
- name: google news
engine: google_news
shortcut: gon
# additional_tests:
# android: *test_android
- name: google videos
engine: google_videos
shortcut: gov
# additional_tests:
# android: *test_android
- name: google scholar
engine: google_scholar
shortcut: gos
- name: google play apps
engine: google_play
categories: [files, apps]
shortcut: gpa
play_categ: apps
disabled: true
- name: google play movies
engine: google_play
categories: videos
shortcut: gpm
play_categ: movies
disabled: true
- name: material icons
engine: material_icons
categories: images
shortcut: mi
disabled: true
- name: habrahabr
engine: xpath
paging: true
search_url: https://habr.com/en/search/page{pageno}/?q={query}
results_xpath: //article[contains(@class, "tm-articles-list__item")]
url_xpath: .//a[@class="tm-title__link"]/@href
title_xpath: .//a[@class="tm-title__link"]
content_xpath: .//div[contains(@class, "article-formatted-body")]
categories: it
timeout: 4.0
disabled: true
shortcut: habr
website: https://habr.com/
wikidata_id: Q4494434
official_api_documentation: https://habr.com/en/docs/help/api/
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: HTML
- name: hackernews
engine: hackernews
shortcut: hn
disabled: true
- name: hex
engine: hex
shortcut: hex
disabled: true
# Valid values: name inserted_at updated_at total_downloads recent_downloads
sort_criteria: "recent_downloads"
page_size: 10
- name: crates.io
engine: crates
shortcut: crates
disabled: true
timeout: 6.0
- name: hoogle
engine: xpath
search_url: https://hoogle.haskell.org/?hoogle={query}
results_xpath: '//div[@class="result"]'
title_xpath: './/div[@class="ans"]//a'
url_xpath: './/div[@class="ans"]//a/@href'
content_xpath: './/div[@class="from"]'
page_size: 20
categories: [it, packages]
shortcut: ho
website: https://hoogle.haskell.org/
wikidata_id: Q34010
official_api_documentation: https://hackage.haskell.org/api
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: JSON
- name: imdb
engine: imdb
shortcut: imdb
timeout: 6.0
disabled: true
- name: imgur
engine: imgur
shortcut: img
disabled: true
- name: ina
engine: ina
shortcut: in
timeout: 6.0
disabled: true
- name: invidious
engine: invidious
# Instanes will be selected randomly, see https://api.invidious.io/ for
# instances that are stable (good uptime) and close to you.
- https://invidious.io.lol
- https://invidious.fdn.fr
- https://yt.artemislena.eu
- https://invidious.tiekoetter.com
- https://invidious.flokinet.to
- https://vid.puffyan.us
- https://invidious.privacydev.net
- https://inv.tux.pizza
shortcut: iv
timeout: 3.0
disabled: true
- name: jisho
engine: jisho
shortcut: js
timeout: 3.0
disabled: true
- name: kickass
engine: kickass
- https://kickasstorrents.to
- https://kickasstorrents.cr
- https://kickasstorrent.cr
- https://kickass.sx
- https://kat.am
shortcut: kc
timeout: 4.0
- name: lemmy communities
engine: lemmy
lemmy_type: Communities
shortcut: leco
- name: lemmy users
engine: lemmy
network: lemmy communities
lemmy_type: Users
shortcut: leus
- name: lemmy posts
engine: lemmy
network: lemmy communities
lemmy_type: Posts
shortcut: lepo
- name: lemmy comments
engine: lemmy
network: lemmy communities
lemmy_type: Comments
shortcut: lecom
- name: library genesis
engine: xpath
# search_url: https://libgen.is/search.php?req={query}
search_url: https://libgen.rs/search.php?req={query}
url_xpath: //a[contains(@href,"book/index.php?md5")]/@href
title_xpath: //a[contains(@href,"book/")]/text()[1]
content_xpath: //td/a[1][contains(@href,"=author")]/text()
categories: files
timeout: 7.0
disabled: true
shortcut: lg
website: https://libgen.fun/
wikidata_id: Q22017206
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: HTML
- name: z-library
engine: zlibrary
shortcut: zlib
categories: files
timeout: 7.0
- name: library of congress
engine: loc
shortcut: loc
categories: images
- name: libretranslate
engine: libretranslate
# https://github.com/LibreTranslate/LibreTranslate?tab=readme-ov-file#mirrors
- https://translate.terraprint.co
- https://trans.zillyhuhn.com
# api_key: abc123
shortcut: lt
disabled: true
- name: lingva
engine: lingva
shortcut: lv
# set lingva instance in url, by default it will use the official instance
# url: https://lingva.thedaviddelta.com
- name: lobste.rs
engine: xpath
search_url: https://lobste.rs/search?q={query}&what=stories&order=relevance
results_xpath: //li[contains(@class, "story")]
url_xpath: .//a[@class="u-url"]/@href
title_xpath: .//a[@class="u-url"]
content_xpath: .//a[@class="domain"]
categories: it
shortcut: lo
timeout: 5.0
disabled: true
website: https://lobste.rs/
wikidata_id: Q60762874
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: HTML
- name: mastodon users
engine: mastodon
mastodon_type: accounts
base_url: https://mastodon.social
shortcut: mau
- name: mastodon hashtags
engine: mastodon
mastodon_type: hashtags
base_url: https://mastodon.social
shortcut: mah
# - name: matrixrooms
# engine: mrs
# # https://docs.searxng.org/dev/engines/online/mrs.html
# # base_url: https://mrs-api-host
# shortcut: mtrx
# disabled: true
- name: mdn
shortcut: mdn
engine: json_engine
categories: [it]
paging: true
search_url: https://developer.mozilla.org/api/v1/search?q={query}&page={pageno}
results_query: documents
url_query: mdn_url
url_prefix: https://developer.mozilla.org
title_query: title
content_query: summary
website: https://developer.mozilla.org
wikidata_id: Q3273508
official_api_documentation: null
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: JSON
- name: metacpan
engine: metacpan
shortcut: cpan
disabled: true
number_of_results: 20
# - name: meilisearch
# engine: meilisearch
# shortcut: mes
# enable_http: true
# base_url: http://localhost:7700
# index: my-index
- name: mixcloud
engine: mixcloud
shortcut: mc
# MongoDB engine
# Required dependency: pymongo
# - name: mymongo
# engine: mongodb
# shortcut: md
# exact_match_only: false
# host: ''
# port: 27017
# enable_http: true
# results_per_page: 20
# database: 'business'
# collection: 'reviews' # name of the db collection
# key: 'name' # key in the collection to search for
- name: mozhi
engine: mozhi
- https://mozhi.aryak.me
- https://translate.bus-hit.me
- https://nyc1.mz.ggtyler.dev
# mozhi_engine: google - see https://mozhi.aryak.me for supported engines
timeout: 4.0
shortcut: mz
disabled: true
- name: mwmbl
engine: mwmbl
# api_url: https://api.mwmbl.org
shortcut: mwm
disabled: true
- name: npm
engine: npm
shortcut: npm
timeout: 5.0
disabled: true
- name: nyaa
engine: nyaa
shortcut: nt
disabled: true
- name: mankier
engine: json_engine
search_url: https://www.mankier.com/api/v2/mans/?q={query}
results_query: results
url_query: url
title_query: name
content_query: description
categories: it
shortcut: man
website: https://www.mankier.com/
official_api_documentation: https://www.mankier.com/api
use_official_api: true
require_api_key: false
results: JSON
# read https://docs.searxng.org/dev/engines/online/mullvad_leta.html
# - name: mullvadleta
# engine: mullvad_leta
# leta_engine: google # choose one of the following: google, brave
# use_cache: true # Only 100 non-cache searches per day, suggested only for private instances
# search_url: https://leta.mullvad.net
# categories: [general, web]
# shortcut: ml
- name: odysee
engine: odysee
shortcut: od
disabled: true
- name: openairedatasets
engine: json_engine
paging: true
search_url: https://api.openaire.eu/search/datasets?format=json&page={pageno}&size=10&title={query}
results_query: response/results/result
url_query: metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/children/instance/webresource/url/$
title_query: metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/title/$
content_query: metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/description/$
content_html_to_text: true
categories: "science"
shortcut: oad
timeout: 5.0
website: https://www.openaire.eu/
wikidata_id: Q25106053
official_api_documentation: https://api.openaire.eu/
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: JSON
- name: openairepublications
engine: json_engine
paging: true
search_url: https://api.openaire.eu/search/publications?format=json&page={pageno}&size=10&title={query}
results_query: response/results/result
url_query: metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/children/instance/webresource/url/$
title_query: metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/title/$
content_query: metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/description/$
content_html_to_text: true
categories: science
shortcut: oap
timeout: 5.0
website: https://www.openaire.eu/
wikidata_id: Q25106053
official_api_documentation: https://api.openaire.eu/
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: JSON
- name: openlibrary
engine: openlibrary
shortcut: ol
timeout: 5
disabled: true
- name: openmeteo
engine: open_meteo
shortcut: om
disabled: true
# - name: opensemanticsearch
# engine: opensemantic
# shortcut: oss
# base_url: 'http://localhost:8983/solr/opensemanticsearch/'
- name: openstreetmap
engine: openstreetmap
shortcut: osm
- name: openrepos
engine: xpath
paging: true
search_url: https://openrepos.net/search/node/{query}?page={pageno}
url_xpath: //li[@class="search-result"]//h3[@class="title"]/a/@href
title_xpath: //li[@class="search-result"]//h3[@class="title"]/a
content_xpath: //li[@class="search-result"]//div[@class="search-snippet-info"]//p[@class="search-snippet"]
categories: files
timeout: 4.0
disabled: true
shortcut: or
website: https://openrepos.net/
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: HTML
- name: packagist
engine: json_engine
paging: true
search_url: https://packagist.org/search.json?q={query}&page={pageno}
results_query: results
url_query: url
title_query: name
content_query: description
categories: [it, packages]
disabled: true
timeout: 5.0
shortcut: pack
website: https://packagist.org
wikidata_id: Q108311377
official_api_documentation: https://packagist.org/apidoc
use_official_api: true
require_api_key: false
results: JSON
- name: pdbe
engine: pdbe
shortcut: pdb
# Hide obsolete PDB entries. Default is not to hide obsolete structures
# hide_obsolete: false
- name: photon
engine: photon
shortcut: ph
- name: pinterest
engine: pinterest
shortcut: pin
- name: piped
engine: piped
shortcut: ppd
categories: videos
piped_filter: videos
timeout: 3.0
# URL to use as link and for embeds
frontend_url: https://srv.piped.video
# Instance will be selected randomly, for more see https://piped-instances.kavin.rocks/
- https://pipedapi.kavin.rocks
- https://pipedapi-libre.kavin.rocks
- https://pipedapi.adminforge.de
- name: piped.music
engine: piped
network: piped
shortcut: ppdm
categories: music
piped_filter: music_songs
timeout: 3.0
- name: piratebay
engine: piratebay
shortcut: tpb
# You may need to change this URL to a proxy if piratebay is blocked in your
# country
url: https://thepiratebay.org/
timeout: 3.0
- name: pixiv
shortcut: pv
engine: pixiv
disabled: true
inactive: true
- https://pximg.example.org
# A proxy is required to load the images. Hosting an image proxy server
# for Pixiv:
# --> https://pixivfe.pages.dev/hosting-image-proxy-server/
# Proxies from public instances. Ask the public instances owners if they
# agree to receive traffic from SearXNG!
# --> https://codeberg.org/VnPower/PixivFE#instances
# --> https://github.com/searxng/searxng/pull/3192#issuecomment-1941095047
# image proxy of https://pixiv.cat
# - https://i.pixiv.cat
# image proxy of https://www.pixiv.pics
# - https://pximg.cocomi.eu.org
# image proxy of https://pixivfe.exozy.me
# - https://pximg.exozy.me
# image proxy of https://pixivfe.ducks.party
# - https://pixiv.ducks.party
# image proxy of https://pixiv.perennialte.ch
# - https://pximg.perennialte.ch
- name: podcastindex
engine: podcastindex
shortcut: podcast
# Required dependency: psychopg2
# - name: postgresql
# engine: postgresql
# database: postgres
# username: postgres
# password: postgres
# limit: 10
# query_str: 'SELECT * from my_table WHERE my_column = %(query)s'
# shortcut : psql
- name: presearch
engine: presearch
search_type: search
categories: [general, web]
shortcut: ps
timeout: 4.0
disabled: true
- name: presearch images
engine: presearch
network: presearch
search_type: images
categories: [images, web]
timeout: 4.0
shortcut: psimg
disabled: true
- name: presearch videos
engine: presearch
network: presearch
search_type: videos
categories: [general, web]
timeout: 4.0
shortcut: psvid
disabled: true
- name: presearch news
engine: presearch
network: presearch
search_type: news
categories: [news, web]
timeout: 4.0
shortcut: psnews
disabled: true
- name: pub.dev
engine: xpath
shortcut: pd
search_url: https://pub.dev/packages?q={query}&page={pageno}
paging: true
results_xpath: //div[contains(@class,"packages-item")]
url_xpath: ./div/h3/a/@href
title_xpath: ./div/h3/a
content_xpath: ./div/div/div[contains(@class,"packages-description")]/span
categories: [packages, it]
timeout: 3.0
disabled: true
first_page_num: 1
website: https://pub.dev/
official_api_documentation: https://pub.dev/help/api
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: HTML
- name: pubmed
engine: pubmed
shortcut: pub
timeout: 3.0
- name: pypi
shortcut: pypi
engine: pypi
- name: qwant
qwant_categ: web
engine: qwant
shortcut: qw
categories: [general, web]
rosebud: *test_rosebud
- name: qwant news
qwant_categ: news
engine: qwant
shortcut: qwn
categories: news
network: qwant
- name: qwant images
qwant_categ: images
engine: qwant
shortcut: qwi
categories: [images, web]
network: qwant
- name: qwant videos
qwant_categ: videos
engine: qwant
shortcut: qwv
categories: [videos, web]
network: qwant
# - name: library
# engine: recoll
# shortcut: lib
# base_url: 'https://recoll.example.org/'
# search_dir: ''
# mount_prefix: /export
# dl_prefix: 'https://download.example.org'
# timeout: 30.0
# categories: files
# disabled: true
# - name: recoll library reference
# engine: recoll
# base_url: 'https://recoll.example.org/'
# search_dir: reference
# mount_prefix: /export
# dl_prefix: 'https://download.example.org'
# shortcut: libr
# timeout: 30.0
# categories: files
# disabled: true
- name: radio browser
engine: radio_browser
shortcut: rb
- name: reddit
engine: reddit
shortcut: re
page_size: 25
disabled: true
- name: right dao
engine: xpath
paging: true
page_size: 12
search_url: https://rightdao.com/search?q={query}&start={pageno}
results_xpath: //div[contains(@class, "description")]
url_xpath: ../div[contains(@class, "title")]/a/@href
title_xpath: ../div[contains(@class, "title")]
content_xpath: .
categories: general
shortcut: rd
disabled: true
website: https://rightdao.com/
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: HTML
- name: rottentomatoes
engine: rottentomatoes
shortcut: rt
disabled: true
# Required dependency: redis
# - name: myredis
# shortcut : rds
# engine: redis_server
# exact_match_only: false
# host: ''
# port: 6379
# enable_http: true
# password: ''
# db: 0
# tmp suspended: bad certificate
# - name: scanr structures
# shortcut: scs
# engine: scanr_structures
# disabled: true
- name: searchmysite
engine: xpath
shortcut: sms
categories: general
paging: true
search_url: https://searchmysite.net/search/?q={query}&page={pageno}
results_xpath: //div[contains(@class,'search-result')]
url_xpath: .//a[contains(@class,'result-link')]/@href
title_xpath: .//span[contains(@class,'result-title-txt')]/text()
content_xpath: ./p[@id='result-hightlight']
disabled: true
website: https://searchmysite.net
- name: sepiasearch
engine: sepiasearch
shortcut: sep
- name: soundcloud
engine: soundcloud
shortcut: sc
- name: stackoverflow
engine: stackexchange
shortcut: st
api_site: 'stackoverflow'
categories: [it, q&a]
- name: askubuntu
engine: stackexchange
shortcut: ubuntu
api_site: 'askubuntu'
categories: [it, q&a]
- name: internetarchivescholar
engine: internet_archive_scholar
shortcut: ias
timeout: 15.0
- name: superuser
engine: stackexchange
shortcut: su
api_site: 'superuser'
categories: [it, q&a]
- name: discuss.python
engine: discourse
shortcut: dpy
base_url: 'https://discuss.python.org'
categories: [it, q&a]
disabled: true
- name: caddy.community
engine: discourse
shortcut: caddy
base_url: 'https://caddy.community'
categories: [it, q&a]
disabled: true
- name: pi-hole.community
engine: discourse
shortcut: pi
categories: [it, q&a]
base_url: 'https://discourse.pi-hole.net'
disabled: true
- name: searchcode code
engine: searchcode_code
shortcut: scc
disabled: true
# - name: searx
# engine: searx_engine
# shortcut: se
# instance_urls :
# -
# - ...
# disabled: true
- name: semantic scholar
engine: semantic_scholar
disabled: true
shortcut: se
# Spotify needs API credentials
# - name: spotify
# engine: spotify
# shortcut: stf
# api_client_id: *******
# api_client_secret: *******
# - name: solr
# engine: solr
# shortcut: slr
# base_url: http://localhost:8983
# collection: collection_name
# sort: '' # sorting: asc or desc
# field_list: '' # comma separated list of field names to display on the UI
# default_fields: '' # default field to query
# query_fields: '' # query fields
# enable_http: true
# - name: springer nature
# engine: springer
# # get your API key from: https://dev.springernature.com/signup
# # working API key, for test & debug: "a69685087d07eca9f13db62f65b8f601"
# api_key: 'unset'
# shortcut: springer
# timeout: 15.0
- name: startpage
engine: startpage
shortcut: sp
timeout: 6.0
disabled: true
rosebud: *test_rosebud
- name: tokyotoshokan
engine: tokyotoshokan
shortcut: tt
timeout: 6.0
disabled: true
- name: solidtorrents
engine: solidtorrents
shortcut: solid
timeout: 4.0
- https://solidtorrents.to
- https://bitsearch.to
# For this demo of the sqlite engine download:
# https://liste.mediathekview.de/filmliste-v2.db.bz2
# and unpack into searx/data/filmliste-v2.db
# Query to test: "!demo concert"
# - name: demo
# engine: sqlite
# shortcut: demo
# categories: general
# result_template: default.html
# database: searx/data/filmliste-v2.db
# query_str: >-
# SELECT title || ' (' || time(duration, 'unixepoch') || ')' AS title,
# COALESCE( NULLIF(url_video_hd,''), NULLIF(url_video_sd,''), url_video) AS url,
# description AS content
# FROM film
# WHERE title LIKE :wildcard OR description LIKE :wildcard
# ORDER BY duration DESC
- name: tagesschau
engine: tagesschau
# when set to false, display URLs from Tagesschau, and not the actual source
# (e.g. NDR, WDR, SWR, HR, ...)
use_source_url: true
shortcut: ts
disabled: true
- name: tmdb
engine: xpath
paging: true
categories: movies
search_url: https://www.themoviedb.org/search?page={pageno}&query={query}
results_xpath: //div[contains(@class,"movie") or contains(@class,"tv")]//div[contains(@class,"card")]
url_xpath: .//div[contains(@class,"poster")]/a/@href
thumbnail_xpath: .//img/@src
title_xpath: .//div[contains(@class,"title")]//h2
content_xpath: .//div[contains(@class,"overview")]
shortcut: tm
disabled: true
# Requires Tor
- name: torch
engine: xpath
paging: true
results_xpath: //table//tr
url_xpath: ./td[2]/a
title_xpath: ./td[2]/b
content_xpath: ./td[2]/small
categories: onions
enable_http: true
shortcut: tch
# torznab engine lets you query any torznab compatible indexer. Using this
# engine in combination with Jackett opens the possibility to query a lot of
# public and private indexers directly from SearXNG. More details at:
# https://docs.searxng.org/dev/engines/online/torznab.html
# - name: Torznab EZTV
# engine: torznab
# shortcut: eztv
# base_url: http://localhost:9117/api/v2.0/indexers/eztv/results/torznab
# enable_http: true # if using localhost
# api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# show_magnet_links: true
# show_torrent_files: false
# # https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett/wiki/Jackett-Categories
# torznab_categories: # optional
# - 2000
# - 5000
# tmp suspended - too slow, too many errors
# - name: urbandictionary
# engine : xpath
# search_url : https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term={query}
# url_xpath : //*[@class="word"]/@href
# title_xpath : //*[@class="def-header"]
# content_xpath: //*[@class="meaning"]
# shortcut: ud
- name: unsplash
engine: unsplash
shortcut: us
- name: yandex
engine: yandex
categories: general
search_type: web
shortcut: yd
disabled: true
inactive: true
- name: yandex images
engine: yandex
categories: images
search_type: images
shortcut: ydi
disabled: true
inactive: true
- name: yandex music
engine: yandex_music
shortcut: ydm
disabled: true
# https://yandex.com/support/music/access.html
inactive: true
- name: yahoo
engine: yahoo
shortcut: yh
disabled: true
- name: yahoo news
engine: yahoo_news
shortcut: yhn
- name: youtube
shortcut: yt
# You can use the engine using the official stable API, but you need an API
# key See: https://console.developers.google.com/project
# engine: youtube_api
# api_key: 'apikey' # required!
# Or you can use the html non-stable engine, activated by default
engine: youtube_noapi
- name: dailymotion
engine: dailymotion
shortcut: dm
- name: vimeo
engine: vimeo
shortcut: vm
- name: wiby
engine: json_engine
paging: true
search_url: https://wiby.me/json/?q={query}&p={pageno}
url_query: URL
title_query: Title
content_query: Snippet
categories: [general, web]
shortcut: wib
disabled: true
website: https://wiby.me/
- name: wikibooks
engine: mediawiki
weight: 0.5
shortcut: wb
categories: [general, wikimedia]
base_url: "https://{language}.wikibooks.org/"
search_type: text
disabled: true
website: https://www.wikibooks.org/
wikidata_id: Q367
- name: wikinews
engine: mediawiki
shortcut: wn
categories: [news, wikimedia]
base_url: "https://{language}.wikinews.org/"
search_type: text
srsort: create_timestamp_desc
website: https://www.wikinews.org/
wikidata_id: Q964
- name: wikiquote
engine: mediawiki
weight: 0.5
shortcut: wq
categories: [general, wikimedia]
base_url: "https://{language}.wikiquote.org/"
search_type: text
disabled: true
rosebud: *test_rosebud
website: https://www.wikiquote.org/
wikidata_id: Q369
- name: wikisource
engine: mediawiki
weight: 0.5
shortcut: ws
categories: [general, wikimedia]
base_url: "https://{language}.wikisource.org/"
search_type: text
disabled: true
website: https://www.wikisource.org/
wikidata_id: Q263
- name: wikispecies
engine: mediawiki
shortcut: wsp
categories: [general, science, wikimedia]
base_url: "https://species.wikimedia.org/"
search_type: text
disabled: true
website: https://species.wikimedia.org/
wikidata_id: Q13679
query: "Campbell, L.I. et al. 2011: MicroRNAs"
lang: en
- not_empty
- ['one_title_contains', 'Tardigrada']
- unique_results
- name: wiktionary
engine: mediawiki
shortcut: wt
categories: [dictionaries, wikimedia]
base_url: "https://{language}.wiktionary.org/"
search_type: text
website: https://www.wiktionary.org/
wikidata_id: Q151
- name: wikiversity
engine: mediawiki
weight: 0.5
shortcut: wv
categories: [general, wikimedia]
base_url: "https://{language}.wikiversity.org/"
search_type: text
disabled: true
website: https://www.wikiversity.org/
wikidata_id: Q370
- name: wikivoyage
engine: mediawiki
weight: 0.5
shortcut: wy
categories: [general, wikimedia]
base_url: "https://{language}.wikivoyage.org/"
search_type: text
disabled: true
website: https://www.wikivoyage.org/
wikidata_id: Q373
- name: wikicommons.images
engine: wikicommons
shortcut: wc
categories: images
search_type: images
number_of_results: 10
- name: wikicommons.videos
engine: wikicommons
shortcut: wcv
categories: videos
search_type: videos
number_of_results: 10
- name: wikicommons.audio
engine: wikicommons
shortcut: wca
categories: music
search_type: audio
number_of_results: 10
- name: wikicommons.files
engine: wikicommons
shortcut: wcf
categories: files
search_type: files
number_of_results: 10
- name: wolframalpha
shortcut: wa
# You can use the engine using the official stable API, but you need an API
# key. See: https://products.wolframalpha.com/api/
# engine: wolframalpha_api
# api_key: ''
# Or you can use the html non-stable engine, activated by default
engine: wolframalpha_noapi
timeout: 6.0
categories: general
disabled: true
- name: dictzone
engine: dictzone
shortcut: dc
- name: mymemory translated
engine: translated
shortcut: tl
timeout: 5.0
# You can use without an API key, but you are limited to 1000 words/day
# See: https://mymemory.translated.net/doc/usagelimits.php
# api_key: ''
# Required dependency: mysql-connector-python
# - name: mysql
# engine: mysql_server
# database: mydatabase
# username: user
# password: pass
# limit: 10
# query_str: 'SELECT * from mytable WHERE fieldname=%(query)s'
# shortcut: mysql
# Required dependency: mariadb
# - name: mariadb
# engine: mariadb_server
# database: mydatabase
# username: user
# password: pass
# limit: 10
# query_str: 'SELECT * from mytable WHERE fieldname=%(query)s'
# shortcut: mdb
- name: 1337x
engine: 1337x
shortcut: 1337x
disabled: true
- name: duden
engine: duden
shortcut: du
disabled: true
- name: seznam
shortcut: szn
engine: seznam
disabled: true
# - name: deepl
# engine: deepl
# shortcut: dpl
# # You can use the engine using the official stable API, but you need an API key
# # See: https://www.deepl.com/pro-api?cta=header-pro-api
# api_key: '' # required!
# timeout: 5.0
# disabled: true
- name: mojeek
shortcut: mjk
engine: mojeek
categories: [general, web]
disabled: true
- name: mojeek images
shortcut: mjkimg
engine: mojeek
categories: [images, web]
search_type: images
paging: false
disabled: true
- name: mojeek news
shortcut: mjknews
engine: mojeek
categories: [news, web]
search_type: news
paging: false
disabled: true
- name: moviepilot
engine: moviepilot
shortcut: mp
disabled: true
- name: naver
shortcut: nvr
categories: [general, web]
engine: xpath
paging: true
search_url: https://search.naver.com/search.naver?where=webkr&sm=osp_hty&ie=UTF-8&query={query}&start={pageno}
url_xpath: //a[@class="link_tit"]/@href
title_xpath: //a[@class="link_tit"]
content_xpath: //div[@class="total_dsc_wrap"]/a
first_page_num: 1
page_size: 10
disabled: true
website: https://www.naver.com/
wikidata_id: Q485639
official_api_documentation: https://developers.naver.com/docs/nmt/examples/
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: HTML
language: ko
- name: rubygems
shortcut: rbg
engine: xpath
paging: true
search_url: https://rubygems.org/search?page={pageno}&query={query}
results_xpath: /html/body/main/div/a[@class="gems__gem"]
url_xpath: ./@href
title_xpath: ./span/h2
content_xpath: ./span/p
suggestion_xpath: /html/body/main/div/div[@class="search__suggestions"]/p/a
first_page_num: 1
categories: [it, packages]
disabled: true
website: https://rubygems.org/
wikidata_id: Q1853420
official_api_documentation: https://guides.rubygems.org/rubygems-org-api/
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: HTML
- name: peertube
engine: peertube
shortcut: ptb
paging: true
# alternatives see: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
# base_url: https://tube.4aem.com
categories: videos
disabled: true
timeout: 6.0
- name: mediathekviewweb
engine: mediathekviewweb
shortcut: mvw
disabled: true
- name: yacy
# https://docs.searxng.org/dev/engines/online/yacy.html
engine: yacy
categories: general
search_type: text
- https://yacy.searchlab.eu
# see https://github.com/searxng/searxng/pull/3631#issuecomment-2240903027
# - https://search.kyun.li
# - https://yacy.securecomcorp.eu
# - https://yacy.myserv.ca
# - https://yacy.nsupdate.info
# - https://yacy.electroncash.de
shortcut: ya
disabled: true
# if you aren't using HTTPS for your local yacy instance disable https
# enable_http: false
search_mode: 'global'
# timeout can be reduced in 'local' search mode
timeout: 5.0
- name: yacy images
engine: yacy
network: yacy
categories: images
search_type: image
shortcut: yai
disabled: true
# timeout can be reduced in 'local' search mode
timeout: 5.0
- name: rumble
engine: rumble
shortcut: ru
base_url: https://rumble.com/
paging: true
categories: videos
disabled: true
- name: livespace
engine: livespace
shortcut: ls
categories: videos
disabled: true
timeout: 5.0
- name: wordnik
engine: wordnik
shortcut: def
base_url: https://www.wordnik.com/
categories: [dictionaries]
timeout: 5.0
- name: woxikon.de synonyme
engine: xpath
shortcut: woxi
categories: [dictionaries]
timeout: 5.0
disabled: true
search_url: https://synonyme.woxikon.de/synonyme/{query}.php
url_xpath: //div[@class="upper-synonyms"]/a/@href
content_xpath: //div[@class="synonyms-list-group"]
title_xpath: //div[@class="upper-synonyms"]/a
no_result_for_http_status: [404]
website: https://www.woxikon.de/
wikidata_id: # No Wikidata ID
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: HTML
language: de
- name: seekr news
engine: seekr
shortcut: senews
categories: news
seekr_category: news
disabled: true
- name: seekr images
engine: seekr
network: seekr news
shortcut: seimg
categories: images
seekr_category: images
disabled: true
- name: seekr videos
engine: seekr
network: seekr news
shortcut: sevid
categories: videos
seekr_category: videos
disabled: true
- name: sjp.pwn
engine: sjp
shortcut: sjp
base_url: https://sjp.pwn.pl/
timeout: 5.0
disabled: true
- name: stract
engine: stract
shortcut: str
disabled: true
- name: svgrepo
engine: svgrepo
shortcut: svg
timeout: 10.0
disabled: true
- name: tootfinder
engine: tootfinder
shortcut: toot
- name: voidlinux
engine: voidlinux
shortcut: void
disabled: true
- name: wallhaven
engine: wallhaven
# api_key: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
shortcut: wh
# wikimini: online encyclopedia for children
# The fulltext and title parameter is necessary for Wikimini because
# sometimes it will not show the results and redirect instead
- name: wikimini
engine: xpath
shortcut: wkmn
search_url: https://fr.wikimini.org/w/index.php?search={query}&title=Sp%C3%A9cial%3ASearch&fulltext=Search
url_xpath: //li/div[@class="mw-search-result-heading"]/a/@href
title_xpath: //li//div[@class="mw-search-result-heading"]/a
content_xpath: //li/div[@class="searchresult"]
categories: general
disabled: true
website: https://wikimini.org/
wikidata_id: Q3568032
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: HTML
language: fr
- name: wttr.in
engine: wttr
shortcut: wttr
timeout: 9.0
- name: yummly
engine: yummly
shortcut: yum
disabled: true
- name: brave
engine: brave
shortcut: br
time_range_support: true
paging: true
categories: [general, web]
brave_category: search
# brave_spellcheck: true
- name: brave.images
engine: brave
network: brave
shortcut: brimg
categories: [images, web]
brave_category: images
- name: brave.videos
engine: brave
network: brave
shortcut: brvid
categories: [videos, web]
brave_category: videos
- name: brave.news
engine: brave
network: brave
shortcut: brnews
categories: news
brave_category: news
# - name: brave.goggles
# engine: brave
# network: brave
# shortcut: brgog
# time_range_support: true
# paging: true
# categories: [general, web]
# brave_category: goggles
# Goggles: # required! This should be a URL ending in .goggle
- name: lib.rs
shortcut: lrs
engine: lib_rs
disabled: true
- name: sourcehut
shortcut: srht
engine: xpath
paging: true
search_url: https://sr.ht/projects?page={pageno}&search={query}
results_xpath: (//div[@class="event-list"])[1]/div[@class="event"]
url_xpath: ./h4/a[2]/@href
title_xpath: ./h4/a[2]
content_xpath: ./p
first_page_num: 1
categories: [it, repos]
disabled: true
website: https://sr.ht
wikidata_id: Q78514485
official_api_documentation: https://man.sr.ht/
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: HTML
- name: goo
shortcut: goo
engine: xpath
paging: true
search_url: https://search.goo.ne.jp/web.jsp?MT={query}&FR={pageno}0
url_xpath: //div[@class="result"]/p[@class='title fsL1']/a/@href
title_xpath: //div[@class="result"]/p[@class='title fsL1']/a
content_xpath: //p[contains(@class,'url fsM')]/following-sibling::p
first_page_num: 0
categories: [general, web]
disabled: true
timeout: 4.0
website: https://search.goo.ne.jp
wikidata_id: Q249044
use_official_api: false
require_api_key: false
results: HTML
language: ja
- name: bt4g
engine: bt4g
shortcut: bt4g
- name: pkg.go.dev
engine: pkg_go_dev
shortcut: pgo
disabled: true
# Doku engine lets you access to any Doku wiki instance:
# A public one or a privete/corporate one.
# - name: ubuntuwiki
# engine: doku
# shortcut: uw
# base_url: 'https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org'
# Be careful when enabling this engine if you are
# running a public instance. Do not expose any sensitive
# information. You can restrict access by configuring a list
# of access tokens under tokens.
# - name: git grep
# engine: command
# command: ['git', 'grep', '{{QUERY}}']
# shortcut: gg
# tokens: []
# disabled: true
# delimiter:
# chars: ':'
# keys: ['filepath', 'code']
# Be careful when enabling this engine if you are
# running a public instance. Do not expose any sensitive
# information. You can restrict access by configuring a list
# of access tokens under tokens.
# - name: locate
# engine: command
# command: ['locate', '{{QUERY}}']
# shortcut: loc
# tokens: []
# disabled: true
# delimiter:
# chars: ' '
# keys: ['line']
# Be careful when enabling this engine if you are
# running a public instance. Do not expose any sensitive
# information. You can restrict access by configuring a list
# of access tokens under tokens.
# - name: find
# engine: command
# command: ['find', '.', '-name', '{{QUERY}}']
# query_type: path
# shortcut: fnd
# tokens: []
# disabled: true
# delimiter:
# chars: ' '
# keys: ['line']
# Be careful when enabling this engine if you are
# running a public instance. Do not expose any sensitive
# information. You can restrict access by configuring a list
# of access tokens under tokens.
# - name: pattern search in files
# engine: command
# command: ['fgrep', '{{QUERY}}']
# shortcut: fgr
# tokens: []
# disabled: true
# delimiter:
# chars: ' '
# keys: ['line']
# Be careful when enabling this engine if you are
# running a public instance. Do not expose any sensitive
# information. You can restrict access by configuring a list
# of access tokens under tokens.
# - name: regex search in files
# engine: command
# command: ['grep', '{{QUERY}}']
# shortcut: gr
# tokens: []
# disabled: true
# delimiter:
# chars: ' '
# keys: ['line']
oadoi.org: 'https://oadoi.org/'
doi.org: 'https://doi.org/'
doai.io: 'https://dissem.in/'
sci-hub.se: 'https://sci-hub.se/'
sci-hub.st: 'https://sci-hub.st/'
sci-hub.ru: 'https://sci-hub.ru/'
default_doi_resolver: 'oadoi.org'