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ZX0 compressor for Python
ZX0 compressor for Python is an implementation of the ZX0 compression algorithm in Python.
I needed a Python implementation of ZX0 for simplicity reasons on the build chain I use for a project. Also as an exersice.
The code is heavily based on the original ZX0 C code. It is also not optimized for speed at all, contrary to the original ZX0 C code.
> python3 pyzx0.py -h
usage: pyzx0.py [-h] [-f] [-c] [-b] [-q] [-s SKIP] input_name [output_name]
pyZX0 v2.2: Python port of ZX0 compressor by Einar Saukas for the same version.
positional arguments:
input_name Input file
output_name Output file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f Force overwrite of output file
-c Classic file format (v1.*)
-b Compress backwards
-q Quick non-optimal compression
-s SKIP Skip first N bytes of input file