Markus Heiser f117f969d8 [mod] in the preference page, show !bang of subgrouping categories
The names of the subgrouping categories in the preference page are translated,
to use this categories the user needs to know by which !bang the category can be
selected.  Related to "Make 'non tab category' bangs discoverable" in [].


- []

Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
2023-04-08 11:10:14 +02:00

2.6 KiB

Configured Engines

Further reading ..

  • settings categories_as_tabs
  • engines-dev
  • settings engine
  • general engine configuration


SearXNG supports {{engines | length}} search engines of which {{enabled_engine_count}} are enabled by default.

Engines can be assigned to multiple categories <engine categories>. The UI displays the tabs that are configured in categories_as_tabs <settings categories_as_tabs>. In addition to these UI categories (also called tabs), engines can be queried by their name or the categories they belong to, by using a \!bing syntax <search-syntax>.



{% for category, engines in categories_as_tabs.items() %}

tab !{{category.replace(' ', '_')}}

{% for group, group_bang, engines in engines | group_engines_in_tab %}

{% if loop.length > 1 %} {% if group_bang %}group {{group_bang}}{% else %}{{group}}{% endif %} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {% endif %}

    • 5 Engines configured by default (in settings.yml <engine settings>)
    • 3 Supported features <engine file>
    • Name
    • !bang
    • Module
    • Disabled
    • Timeout
    • Weight
    • Paging
    • Locale
    • Safe search
    • Time range

{% for mod in engines %}

    • {{}} {%- if mod.about and mod.about.language %} ({{mod.about.language | upper}}) {%- endif %}
    • !{{mod.shortcut}}
    • {%- if 'searx.engines.' + mod.__name__ in documented_modules %} :py~searx.engines.{{mod.__name__}} {%- else %} {{mod.__name__}} <searx/engines/{{mod.__name__}}.py> {%- endif %}
    • {{(mod.disabled and "y") or ""}}
    • {{mod.timeout}}
    - {{mod.weight or 1 }} {% if mod.engine_type == 'online' %}
    • {{(mod.paging and "y") or ""}}
    • {{(mod.language_support and "y") or ""}}
    • {{(mod.safesearch and "y") or ""}}
    - {{(mod.time_range_support and "y") or ""}} {% else %} - 3 not applicable ({{mod.engine_type}}) {% endif %}

{% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}